Above all things, Know thyself!

Thoth- 7 of Disks-Failure
#7. Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life.

The Lost Soul Tarot- 7 of Pentacles

Thoth Tarot- 7 of Disks-Failure.
7-of Disks/Pentacles: Failure-Physical failure, labor thwarted, and everything is sunk in sloth.
The 7 of Disks/Pentacles indicates a pause in the garden of financial, health, and physical relationships. These cards also caution us on fear of failure and fear of success which is generated by negative past experiences. Many know that to fear is to constrict energy and to obfuscate the direction it is being sent. Fear is a creativity gone against the motion of the mind's imagination interfering with its ability to solve problems. Also, our fear of discomfort, can be our worst enemy here.

On the Thoth 7 of Disks, Netzach is in Assiah, influencing the Material World. The planet and sign of the 7 of Disks-Failure, are Saturn in Taurus. The Angels of the Decan are Herochiel and Mitzrael.

When Saturn is in the house of Taurus in an astrological chart, it influences the individual's approach to responsibilities, structure, and limitations within the realms associated with Taurus. Here are some characteristics:
Material Stability: Saturn in Taurus emphasizes the need for material stability and financial security. Individuals with this placement are likely to be disciplined and practical when it comes to managing their resources.
Slow and Steady Growth: Taurus is an earth sign known for its slow and steady approach. Saturn reinforces this trait, indicating that achievements and personal growth may come through patient and persistent efforts over time.
Conservative Values: The combination of Saturn and Taurus tends to make individuals value tradition and conservative principles. They may be cautious and reserved, preferring the familiar and proven rather than taking unnecessary risks.
Challenges in Change: Taurus is resistant to change, and Saturn's influence can amplify this quality. People with this placement may find it challenging to adapt to new situations or embrace change, preferring the comfort of the known.
Work Ethic: Saturn in Taurus indicates a strong work ethic. Individuals may approach their tasks with a methodical and pragmatic mindset, focusing on achieving tangible results.
Financial Prudence: There is a tendency to be financially conservative and prudent. Saturn's influence may lead individuals to carefully plan and manage their finances, avoiding unnecessary risks.
Potential Challenges: While the disciplined and structured approach is an asset, individuals should be mindful not to become overly rigid or resistant to change. Learning to adapt without compromising values is a key lesson for those with Saturn in Taurus.
Remember, the interpretation of Saturn in Taurus can vary based on the entire birth chart, including aspects and placements of other planets. It's advisable to consider the broader context for a more comprehensive analysis.

The Lost Soul Tarot- 7 of Pentacles
Saturn in Taurus brings disappointment, often because of a great deal of work that brings little reward. Although not shown in the art of the Lost Soul Tarot- 7 of Pentacles card its primary meaning is that your efforts have been laborious and your short-term goals may have produced less than envisioned; However, this does indicate that patience and hard work will prove your long-term goals to be fruitful as well. Although the first crop is not as fruitful as wished, wealth and success may await the querent but not immediately.

In Traditional Tarot-such as the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot 7 of Pentacles, there is illustrated the body language of the harvester which shows consternation and a need to figure out how to make the garden more fruitful and a need for more investigation into the long-term goals. Eventually, your hard work and effort will pay off. Quitting now will result in failure that perseverance will avoid.

Thoth- 7 of Disks-Failure
Take a long look at the stark beauty of this almost Gothic Thoth card. Its astrological sign is Saturn in Taurus. The planet Saturn is symbolic of constricted, restricted and/or the feeling of limited energy; its metal is lead, hence the gray lead color. Taurus is representative of productivity, bullheadedness, and achievement. The Saturn in the house of Taurus together tell us that our productivity and achievement are being restricted and limited by our stubborn hold on the past, or fear of failure. This aspect of Saturn and Taurus can also be seen in the disk- like coins. What is also seen is the pattern of the disks that form the face of an owl, in the center of the card. Hence, the wisdom here is to understand that the process is slow but achievable.

The owl is associated with the Crone, of the Trinity Goddess of Maid-Mother-Crone fame. The Crone deconstructs the old, so that the new can be reconstructed and noted for her Wisdom.

The Crone and the Wise old owl.

- The helmet symbol is Saturn, and the Bull is Taurus. Predicting a feeling of failure that interferes with our financial situation. The Helmet is also a symbol of a conscious constriction of which fear is indicative of. The 7 of Disks card also indicates a loss of capacity to inspire ourselves or others.
- Yet there are contradictory meanings here since this is a pause in the force of our creativity, for the Bull indicates one could also be waiting for the fruition of their efforts in this time of repose and waiting for results. In the spoilage of the past, seeds of new growth are being planted here, and the querent may be waiting for a better and more rewarding path to be discovered. Patience is advised.
Fear is constricted energy focused on a point of I Am... I Am is our inherited God Voice within our Super-conscious. It declares the direction of our energy such as, "I Am sad, I Am happy, I Am poor, or I AM wealthy". In the infinite realm of possibilities, I AM the foundation of all creation, your truth, fate, and creation are a restriction of energy to form a "point in time" and an assumption which we are to be masters of! Since you have been given the God-like freedom to declare yourself any way you like...repeating concepts of failure tell your Greater Self that you demand failure as an expression of your likeness and/or fate!
Knowing this, it is recommended that for the next 7 weeks or 7 months that your repeat declarations of Wealth and success which is far beyond man-made riches. How about; "I Am the Will and the Way. I Am the Wealth and I own the Day!” Say this at least 7 times a day for 7 weeks or 7 Months. I've been doing it now for the past 10 years and my days flow in a joyous dance of discovery and a multiverse of richness beyond but also including the coin of the realm. I highly recommend that you remember yourself as a Magic Sorcerer from the Source of all Creation who has been given the power of emotional focus to create your reality. This is a great inherited power---use it gratefully!

I am the will and the Way, I Am the Wealth, I own the day!

Copper Verdigris
Netzach, the seventh Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life means Victory; However, the Victory here is the inner verdigris native to the metal of Venus, Copper, overcoming the shallow outer brightness of the metal. therefore, the outer beauty of Venus, the planet attributed to Netzach, is laid low by the victory of time; Saturn is also "Grandfather Time", whose metal is lead. A lead and copper mixture, is all about corruption. To reiterate: Feelings, instinct, and undifferentiated Group Mind, are attributed to the 7th Sphere of Netzach, therefore, the instincts are being corrupted here and one may doubt the survival of their endeavors.

There are sixteen of the geomantic figures (See AC's book, 777 or "The Handbook of Geomancy" Equinox Vol. I, No.2). The 7 of Disks is in the shape of the geomantic figure Rubeus, which represents putrefaction, a menacing symbol. However, if you are a student of Alchemy, putrefaction is noted as a necessary process of chemical transformation before purification can be produced. Thus, the atmosphere of the card implies blight, cultivation is spoiled. The suggestion is bad money; However, patience and hard labor will produce a more positive outcome.
The 7 of Disks, Failure, is also called. The Lord of Success unfulfilled and rightly so, as it is about physical failure and non-success due to exhaustion.

Rider-Waite-Smith 7 of pentacles.

The artwork of the Lost Soul Tarot hints at the Traditional art of the Rider-Waite-Smith. However, there is further information when one assigns the Astrology and numerology symbols to its small cards.
In gematria-the Qabalistic numerology, the number seven holds significant meanings and associations across various traditions, particularly in Jewish mysticism and Kabbalistic/Qabalistic teachings. Here are some key interpretations and associations:
Spiritual Perfection and Completion: The number seven is often seen as representing spiritual perfection and completion. This is rooted in the biblical creation narrative, where God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, making the seventh day (Shabbat) holy.
Divine Order and Law: Seven symbolizes divine order and law. This is evident in the seven-branched Menorah, which is a symbol of light, wisdom, and divine guidance in the Jewish tradition.
Connection to the Divine: Seven represents the connection between the divine and the earthly. In Kabbalah, the seventh sephira on the Tree of Life is Netzach (Victory), which is associated with endurance and eternity.
Completion in Cycles: Seven often signifies the completion of cycles. This can be seen in various religious and mystical contexts, such as the seven days of the week, the seven-year agricultural cycle in the Torah (Shmita), and the seven heavens in Jewish cosmology.
Mystical and Hidden Knowledge: Seven is also linked to mystical and hidden knowledge. This can be seen in the seven levels of Torah interpretation (Pardes) and the seven layers of spiritual realms or consciousness in mystical traditions.
Protection and Blessings: In Jewish tradition, seven is considered a number of protection and blessings. For example, the seven blessings recited at a Jewish wedding (Sheva Brachot) and the seven circuits made around the groom by the bride (Hakafot) symbolize divine blessings and protection.
These associations show how the number seven is deeply embedded in the symbolic and mystical frameworks of gematria and other esoteric traditions.

In numerology, the number 7 is often associated with a range of characteristics that emphasize introspection, spirituality, and wisdom. Here are some of the key attributes assigned to the number 7:
Spirituality and Mysticism: The number 7 is often considered the number of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Individuals associated with this number are thought to have a strong connection to the spiritual realm and a deep interest in metaphysical matters.
Introspection and Inner Wisdom: People influenced by the number 7 are typically introspective and seek inner wisdom. They are known for their ability to reflect deeply on life and often pursue knowledge and truth.
Analytical and Intellectual: The number 7 is linked to analytical thinking and intellectual pursuits. Those with this number often excel in fields that require critical thinking, research, and analysis.
Solitude and Independence: Individuals associated with the number 7 often value solitude and independence. They may prefer spending time alone to recharge and engage in solitary activities that allow them to explore their thoughts and ideas.
Intuition and Insight: The number 7 is connected to strong intuition and insightful thinking. People influenced by this number often possess an innate ability to understand complex situations and see beyond the surface.
Mystery and Secretive Nature: There is often an aura of mystery around those associated with the number 7. They may keep their thoughts and feelings private and can be enigmatic to others.
Perfection and Idealism: The number 7 is also linked to a sense of perfection and idealism. Individuals influenced by this number may strive for a perfect understanding of the world and seek to improve themselves and their surroundings.
Philosophical and Theoretical: People with a strong connection to the number 7 often have a philosophical outlook on life. They enjoy exploring theoretical concepts and pondering the deeper meanings of existence.
Reserved and Thoughtful: The number 7 is associated with a reserved and thoughtful demeanor. Those influenced by this number may be more introverted and prefer thoughtful conversation over small talk.
Overall, the number 7 in numerology is seen as a symbol of depth, wisdom, and a quest for higher understanding. It encourages individuals to look within, seek knowledge, and connect with their spiritual side. Tarot is linked with numerology and/or gematria due to its use of a numerical system to add yet more occult knowledge to the images of Tarot.

In numerology, a person's "number" is typically derived from their birth date or their full name. Each method has its own significance and provides different insights into a person's character and life path. Here’s how these numbers are calculated:
1. Life Path Number (Birth Date)
The Life Path Number is the most commonly referenced number in numerology. It is derived from the birth date and represents the core essence of an individual's life and purpose.
- Write down the full birth date (day, month, year).
- Reduce each component (day, month, year) to a single digit or master number (11, 22, 33) by adding the digits together.
- Add the resulting single digits or master numbers together.
- If the final sum is not a single digit or a master number, reduce it by adding the digits together again.
Birth date: July 4, 1984
- Month: July is the 7th month (7)
- Day: 4 (4)
- Year: 1984 → 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 22 (master number, so it is not reduced further)
Add the reduced numbers together: 7 + 4 + 22 = 33 (another master number, so it is not reduced further)
In this example, the Life Path Number is 33.
2. Destiny Number (Full Name)
The Destiny Number, also known as the Expression Number, is derived from the full birth name (as it appears on the birth certificate). It represents a person's natural talents, abilities, and the challenges they may face.
- Assign each letter of the name a numerical value according to its position in the alphabet (A=1, B=2, C=3, ..., Z=26).
- Reduce each name component (first name, middle name, last name) to a single digit or master number by adding the letter values together.
- Add the resulting numbers together.
- If the final sum is not a single digit or a master number, reduce it by adding the digits together again.
Name: John Doe
- J (1) + O (6) + H (8) + N (5) = 20 → 2 + 0 = 2
- D (4) + O (6) + E (5) = 15 → 1 + 5 = 6
Add the reduced numbers together: 2 + 6 = 8
In this example, the Destiny Number is 8.
3. Other Important Numbers
There are additional numbers in numerology, such as the Soul Urge Number (derived from the vowels in the full name), Personality Number (derived from the consonants in the full name), and Maturity Number (a combination of the Life Path Number and Destiny Number). Each provides further insight into different aspects of a person’s personality and life.
- Life Path Number: Derived from the birth date; represents life purpose and path.
- Destiny Number: Derived from the full birth name; represents natural talents and potential.
- Soul Urge Number: Derived from the vowels in the full name; represents inner desires.
- Personality Number: Derived from the consonants in the full name; represents outward behavior and traits.
- Maturity Number: Combination of the Life Path and Destiny numbers; represents overall life development.
These calculations form the foundation of numerological analysis, offering insights into a person's life purpose, potential, and personality traits.
When the 7 of Disks /Pentacles, is thrown during a reading, implied is:
- A fear of failure with finances, health and relationships. However, 7 in Netzach is a weak event, and deregulation of the element of earth, so soon the querent's project will be completed if determined to "keep on" and ignoring the feelings of never finishing the task.
- The Determination to release this fear of failure should go on for within 7 weeks or 7 months. However, this determination must be hard fought, for there is a tendency to abandon labor, and allowing everything to sink in a mire of sloth.
- Yet again, putrefaction is before the transformation of purification, so this is the point where the "lowest fallen becomes the highest exalted".
- The implication of this card, is that you shall succeed if you don't listen to the thoughts of failure that are tempting your brain. Push harder, you'll soon succeed.
- In the next 7 weeks or 7 months, the more rewarding path will be discovered and the period of waiting is over, or you will have to confront your fear of failure in the next 7 weeks or 7 months in order to plant anew and reap a more generous harvest in your future.
- It is time to move through old fears and self-defeating thoughts of past failures whether they have been experienced in the past 7 weeks, 7 months or when you were 7 years old.
- Assessment
- Deliberation of choices, waiting for the right time and right place.
If ill defined by the Surrounding Cards in the layout it implies:
- Deep-rooted blockages.
- Fresh start.
- No opportunities.
- No success.
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