Above all things know thyself!

Thoth-8 of Cups-Indolence
Lord of abandoned success.

sirian starseed Tarot- Eight Of Chalices
#8. I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light.

Attributed to the Thoth-8 of Cups Tarot card is Saturn in Pisces. The Angels of the Decan:
Vabaliah and Yeshivah. Here, Hod is active in Briah, the Creative World. The interpretation of the 8 of Cups, is based on the fact that Pisces, is calm and placid water that is completely deadened by the heavy influences of Saturn, whose metal is lead. We know Water, is the Element of emotion and intuitional consciousness, so what is going on within one is a deadening of interest, a complete lack of wonder.

On the Thoth 8 of Cups, the lotuses of enlightenment droop, for lack of sun or rain. The Sea of mind has become little stagnant pools in poisoned soil. All the cups are old and broken, symbolizing "an old and worn out" way of thinking. The Sun of the Soul, is a pallid yellowish light barely shining through the leaden clouds of indigo. Therefore, the 8 of cups implies that the mind and emotions are on autopilot; thought process is not conducive to expanding and liberating the Life of the person. The blood in the body is moving like molasses. This person needs stimulation!
Crowley's description of this card says it best:
"This card represents a party for which all preparations have been made; but the host has forgotten to invite the quests; or the caterers have not delivered the good cheer. There is this difference, though, that it is in some way or other the host's own fault." [Book of thoth-pg.,184]
Not my favorite card, but this dullness of mind, is often necessary to warn us that it is time to evaluate our feelings and get off of our indolent butt and do something that makes the blood move again.

Indolence, can be due to emotional overload, where everything has become too serious to even contemplate. "Serious", is just another way to say "fearful" and behooves us to use humor to declassify the "serious" and reclassify it as in the "necessary stuff" of life. Therefore, the 8 of Cups suggests that we look at the first thing needing solution, and do it. One thing at a time, preferably the time the issue is noticed, not "tomorrow", but now. This keeps things from piling up and making the brain a dromedary rather than a computer with active solutions.


sirian starseed tarot- eight of chalices
The Sirian Starseed- Eight of Chalices, shows 8 crystal chalices standing upright in the desert sand and being abandoned by their owner. Each empty, implying that he has drank his fill from each and every emotion represented by the cups, as he seeks higher ground. He appears ready to seek new challenges, to cross new thresholds into more expanded mind and/or spiritual energy processes. Yet his cloak is black, begging the question has he abandoned the necessary emotional introspections too soon? Has he taken the time to appreciate all that he has accomplished and experienced? Has he shown gratitude for his wealth of accomplishment? For one of life's greatest lessons is to be grateful for what has been, and knowing when it is time to move on.
When the 8/Eight of Cups/Chalices is thrown during a reading the querent may be experiencing:
- Exhaustion, being overly tired, drain and dull emotionally.
- There is an unconscious change taking place, on a deep inner level of feeling.
- There is a warning here to Pay attention to yourself...stop and examine your perspectives, this is the end of something and the beginning of something new!
- The emotional state of stagnation and stillness.
- This could go on for 8 weeks or 8 months, depending on the querent's actions.
- There is a need to focus and consolidate your emotions in an inspired way.
- Letting go.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards in the layout, it implies:
- Depression.
- Self-pity.
- Suicide.
- Hidden joy.
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