
Thoth- 8 of wands-swiftness
The 8th Sephiroth, Hod, is called Splendor and all language relates to Hod. All eights are attributed to Hod that as the messenger Mercury, is the patron of Names and vesicles.

The Thoth 8 of Wands, Swiftness, is also named after Mercury as, The Lord of Swiftness, and is Mercury in Sagittarius. The Angels of the Decan are Nithahiah and Haayah. The 8 of Wands, is Hod in Aziluth, the influence of Splendor in the World of Pure Spirit.

The placement of Mercury in Sagittarius, mitigates and diffuses into a rapid expansion the energy of Mercury. Therefore, the energy of Mercury in the sign of the Archer, is shown as electric arrows, going in multiple directions, both above and below. This illustration expounds on the meaning of swiftness and rapidity. A lot of energy, going nowhere and everywhere all at once.
The fiery colors invoke the concept of Fire as the element of this card, and we know that fire is the Vital Life Force, Spirit and/or Sex/Life energy. Sex energy is the Swift energy that is used to create and achieve imaginings, goals or even living beings. This sex energy is shown in the Thoth 8 of Wands, Swiftness, as electric arrows. In the Universe of Electromagnetic Energy, electric is masculine and magnetic is feminine and arrows are glyphs of penetration. Therefore, these electric arrows of energy sustain and constitute the Material World representing the subtle energy of the Fiery Father, bringing down from Chokmah (wisdom), the message of the Original Will (I Will Be) through the communion of bodies.
The Eight of Wands and 8 of Fire both illustrate the geometrical pattern of the restored Universe (constantly restored by this Electric Fire). The rainbow above the double pyramid of the Thoth 8 of Wands, depicts the division of pure light into seven color rays of the light spectrum that exhibit interplay and correlation of the electromagnetic spectrum and/or the spiritualization of fire. Energy is depicted as, electric energy, because of the principles of Hod, (making concrete that which is subjective), has created intelligible geometrical form. Crowley wrote of the 8 of Wands as, "The Wands turned into electrical rays, sustaining or even constituting Matter by their vibrating energy". The symbol for limitation, is the 2 dimensional square, what is seen on the Thoth 8 of Wands card, is the 3 dimensional octahedron, symbolizing the middle point between earthly square/cube and the divine circle/sphere.

the tarot of the spirit-eight of fire-the lighting path
The Tarot of The Spirit-Eight of Fire-The Lightning Path, illustrates a high energy period for growth and for initiating change. Here one has a sense of movement and knows this is a period of development. Energy in the form of lightning descends into the material plane from the Supernal Triangle on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. Simultaneously, fueled by the subconscious mind, and propelled by the interaction of emotions (energy-in-motion), Netzach the 7th Sephiroth and by the intellect of Hod, the 8th Sephiroth, the lightning takes off from the material plane in a dialectical movement toward the Supernal (the Above). All of which symbolizes the power of the Universal Will to Force and the Will to Form that goes into making the homo sapiens sapiens body and turning it into a HuMan Being and/or the immortal Horus (Egyptian)/Adam Khadmon (Qabalah).

The vertical axis , in the middle, symbolizes the tail of the kite as depicted on the Seven of Fire. It is the tale that holds the past, present and future, the significance of which is truly comprehended. Hence, full and accurate comprehension is the driving force of change. Hence, "Do what thou wilt, is the whole of the law; and the law is love." Here a deep understanding of the role of love in creating energy flow as a sustaining lightning path up the spine of both lovers and down as a fountain from the crown chakra back to the base chakra, up and around, up and down, for each of us is an electromagnetic dynamic creation and by union we cause a dynamic energy flow for each party. He is electric, She is magnetic.
When the 8 of Wands-Swiftness, or the Eight of Fire, is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- Haste, swift acceleration meaning that the querent's ideas will very soon be in Physical existence and/or easily expressed in words.
- This indicates a high energy period in which to initiate change, as in, a fast movement for spiritual growth.
- Time to put on Mercury's winged sandals, and move rapidly along the lightning Path towards Greater Self Awareness.
- A rapid descent of power to examine the self-identity, and thus expand its perspectives.
- An expedient creating of possibilities.
- Enthusiasm in relationship.
- Euphoria.
- Heralding the overcoming of old concepts and rigid fronts.
- Inundated with idea.
When ill defined by surrounding cards:
- Vehemence.
- Hastiness.
- Superficiality.
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