The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot- 9 of Cups-Happiness & The Lost Soul Tarot-9 of Cups.

Western Hermetic Qabalah, Tantric, Astrological, Numerical, and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Lost soul- Thoth

Above all things, know thyself!

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Thoth- 9 of Cups-Happiness

Lord of Material Happiness.


#9. In thought, word, and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the sure Foundation of Eternal Being.

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The Lost Soul Tarot- 9 of Cups

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The 9 of Cups represents Yesod in Briah, influencing the material world. In this context, the benevolence of Jupiter brings happiness and satisfaction to the Earth plane of Malkuth by operating through the waters of Pisces. The 9 of Cups, titled 'Happiness', symbolizes sensuality and pleasure—more mystical than conventionally perceived and less stable than the 10. As a result, emotion flows gravitate towards the mystical states of ecstasy.

Such sensual pleasure might even be interpreted as a religious experience given the pronounced influence of Jupiter in the passive, receptive, and psychic nature of Pisces. Furthermore, Jupiter in Pisces suggests enjoyable travels by water and portends success in occupations steered by Neptune.

The personality depicted here leans towards kindness, being quiet and unassuming, with an unambitious outlook on life. However, if the planet is well-dignified, a more ambitious approach to occupation might be present.

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When Jupiter is in the sign of Pisces, it blends the expansive and benevolent qualities of Jupiter with the compassionate and intuitive nature of Pisces. Here are some characteristics of Jupiter in Pisces:

  1. Expansive Imagination: Jupiter in Pisces enhances imagination and creativity. Individuals with this placement may have a vivid imagination and a strong connection to the world of dreams, fantasy, and spirituality.

  2. Compassion and Empathy: Pisces is a deeply compassionate and empathetic sign, and Jupiter here magnifies these qualities. People with this placement often have a genuine concern for the well-being of others and may be drawn to helping professions or charitable endeavors.

  3. Spiritual Depth: Jupiter in Pisces encourages a deep exploration of spiritual and metaphysical matters. These individuals may have a strong interest in spirituality, mysticism, and the unseen realms. They may also possess natural intuitive abilities and a heightened sensitivity to the energies around them.

  4. Idealism and Faith: Pisces is a sign associated with idealism and faith, and Jupiter amplifies these tendencies. People with this placement may have strong beliefs and convictions, and they may be inclined to see the world through a lens of hope and optimism.

  5. Sensitivity and Emotional Depth: Jupiter in Pisces can heighten emotional sensitivity and empathy. These individuals may be deeply attuned to the emotions of others and may have a natural ability to connect on an emotional level.

  6. Artistic Expression: Pisces is a sign associated with creativity and the arts, and Jupiter here can enhance artistic expression. People with this placement may excel in creative pursuits such as music, visual arts, poetry, or dance.

  7. Idealistic Pursuits: Jupiter in Pisces individuals may be drawn to idealistic pursuits and may feel a strong sense of purpose in serving a higher cause or contributing to the greater good. They may be inspired by visions of a better world and may work tirelessly to bring about positive change.

Overall, Jupiter in Pisces combines the expansive, optimistic nature of Jupiter with the compassionate, intuitive qualities of Pisces, resulting in individuals who are deeply empathetic, spiritually inclined, and committed to making the world a better place.

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The square arrangement of the cups on the 9 of Cups, with each overflowing into the other, alludes to the 4th Sephiroth, Chesed-Jupiter, signifying the perfection of the water force—a dreamy flow of consciousness. This association is further strengthened by Yesod, with 9 being the number linked to the Moon. Pisces manifests the most placid form of water, representing unconscious emotions. As such, this card embodies a wellspring of happiness that permeates our usual waking consciousness. Consequently, those experiencing this happiness don't overthink this state; it seamlessly flows from the unconscious to the conscious realm without scrutiny.

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The Lost Soul Tarot- 9 of cups

The Lost Soul Tarot- 9 of Cups illustrates a lower placement of five cups with an upper placement of 4 golden cups. Although the image doesn't purvey happiness, this card is also about happiness, joy, satisfaction, prosperity, and fulfillment. Either all are on their way or are already manifesting. Understanding this card is done by understanding the gematria and numerology characteristics of the number 9.

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Number 9 is the Sephira Yesod [foundation] on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The 9 of Cups, is Yesod in the Suit of water, and 9 being also the number of the Moon whose image suggests the Astral mindscape of dreams, strengthens Water. Thus, the stability is restored to Water. After its wobbly exclusions to Hod -8-left hand path/pillar, and Netzach-right hand path/pillar suit of Water has now returned to the Middle Pillar.

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In numerology and gematria, the number 9 holds profound significance, often symbolizing completion, wisdom, and a higher form of spiritual understanding. Here’s a breakdown of its characteristics:

Numerology of 9

  1. Completion and Fulfillment: The number 9 is the last of the single-digit numbers (1-9) in numerology and represents the end of a cycle. It signifies completion, both on a personal and universal scale, making it a number linked to the culmination of events and experiences.

  2. Humanitarianism and Service: Numerologically, 9 is often associated with humanitarianism and altruism. People influenced by this number are often driven by a desire to serve others, striving for justice and contributing to the greater good.

  3. Spiritual Enlightenment and Wisdom: The number 9 symbolizes a deep inner wisdom and understanding of the spiritual and material realms. It’s often seen as representing someone who is on the verge of spiritual completion, having accumulated significant insight and mastery over life's lessons.

  4. Symbol of Universal Love: It embodies universal love, selflessness, and compassion. This number encourages an all-encompassing love for humanity and a focus on the well-being of others.

  5. Balance Between the Physical and Spiritual: Since 9 is the highest single digit, it marks the point where the material and spiritual realms converge. It represents the bridge between these two planes, symbolizing mastery over both.

Gematria of 9

In gematria (the Hebrew and Western Hermetic Qabalah mystical system of assigning numerical values to letters and words), 9 is associated with several key ideas:

  1. Teth (ט): The 9th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Teth (ט), which has the numerical value of 9. Teth symbolizes the concept of concealed good or hidden potential. The form of the letter suggests a vessel, indicating that hidden within challenging or difficult situations, there is often a latent good waiting to be revealed.

  2. Significance in Divine Manifestation: The number 9, through its association with the letter Teth, points to the idea of divine manifestation in the world. It suggests that what appears as chaos or negativity in life is often part of a greater, more benevolent plan, hidden from immediate perception but available through deeper spiritual insight.

  3. Connection to Truth: In gematria, the word emet (אמת), meaning “truth,” has a value of 441, which reduces to 9 (4+4+1 = 9). This reinforces the idea that 9 symbolizes spiritual wisdom and ultimate truth, as well as the ability to perceive hidden realities.

  4. Nine Sephiroth Below Kether: In the Qabalistic Tree of Life, there are nine Sephiroth below Kether (Crown). These Sephiroth represent various stages of manifestation and spiritual progression from pure, formless consciousness to the material realm. The number 9, therefore, is seen as a symbolic bridge between the divine (Kether) and the manifest (Malkuth).

  5. Cycle of Completion: The number 9's inherent mathematical quality of always returning to itself in sums (e.g., 9x1=9, 9x2=18 → 1+8=9) is symbolic of completion and a self-contained cycle in gematria. It suggests an underlying cosmic order and the inevitability of returning to spiritual truths.

Symbolism in Various Traditions

  • Tarot Correspondence: In Tarot, the number 9 is connected with the Hermit card, which represents introspection, solitude, and spiritual wisdom. The Hermit carries a lantern, symbolizing the inner light that guides one toward higher knowledge and self-awareness.

  • Western Hermeticism: In Hermetic traditions, 9 is often linked to the concept of initiation and the completion of a significant stage of spiritual evolution. It represents the point where one has integrated various experiences and is ready for a new phase of consciousness.

Esoteric Insights on 9

  • Numerical Uniqueness: The number 9 has a unique characteristic in that multiplying it by any number and reducing the digits always returns to 9. This quality gives it an almost mystical consistency and reinforces its meaning as the number of completion, returning to the source, and infinite cycles.

  • Astral and Cosmic Influence: Nine is also often associated with higher realms of consciousness, astral travel, and cosmic awareness in esoteric systems. It suggests a connection between the material world and the cosmic order, indicating that 9 is a number that transcends the physical and taps into the universal.


The number 9 is a powerful symbol in numerology and gematria, representing completion, spiritual wisdom, and humanitarian service. It connects the material world with higher spiritual realms and embodies the concept of universal love, compassion, and truth. In gematria, its association with Teth and hidden good further deepens its meaning as a number of profound spiritual insight, indicating that behind all appearances lies a greater divine plan.

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When the 9 of Cups is thrown during a reading, it implies:

  • Contentment and Satisfaction.
  • Everything looks and feels "rosy".
  • The querent, is enjoying self-esteem and inner joy, flowing feelings of inspiration and joy.
  • The dull thunk in this chiming joy, is that this is temporary, as Change is the stability of the Universe; "The cat is away, so the mice can play", kind of moment.
  • Before reason takes over and finds the logical points of survival thinking that messes up "unmitigated joy".
  • The love that opens everything.
  • Optimism and trust in the future.
  • Charity.
  • Emotional breakthrough.

If ill defined by surrounding cards in the layout it implies:

  • Self-complacency.
  • Vanity.
  • Arrogance.
  • Faux happiness of materialism.
  • Stinginess.
  • Loss.

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helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010

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