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The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot-9 of Swords-Cruelty & The Mystic Palette Tarot

Western Hermetic Magick, Qabalah, Tantric, astrological, Numerical, and Alchemical Tarot Card Comparisons.

March 5, 2025

Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth- 9 of Swords-Cruelty

#9. In thought word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the sure foundation of eternal being.

Mystic Palette Tarot-9 of Swords

The Thoth 9 of Swords-Cruelty presents a ghastly image of 9 crooked, chipped swords, dripping poisoned blood. If this isn't gloomy enough, we have the celestial rule of Mars in Gemini, representing a primal raging hunger that has no restraint. If you are feeling "out of sorts" this is not a card you wish to look at, as the colors are perfectly nauseating, and the background is full of chaotic lined shapes suggesting a brain full of disjointed dysfunctional thoughts.

Here is a mind in its lowest state of self -abusive thought; thought that is indoctrinated by a media using a cacophony of banging drums and clanging cymbals and/or word hypnosis as pleasure/pain training. This process is necessary to divide and conquer your will-mind-body and begins by making you reject your own body and implanting a "slave driver" program of "I Ain't" in your brain.

Corporations tell you what food to eat, what thoughts to think, what are truths and what are lies...all of which benefit the few who wish to rule the many and making a cacophony of noise in your head. Instead of allowing your body to eat what is healthy, the advertising of major corporations say their food products will make you happy and fulfill your life using image and word hypnosis that stimulates an appetite for garbage. Look around you, obese junk-food bodies are not healthy bodies!

Assigned to the 9 of Swords is Mars in the house of Geminin. In astrology, the position of Mars in a specific house can influence various aspects of an individual's life. When Mars is in the house of Gemini, it brings a dynamic and communicative energy to the person's personality. Here are some characteristics associated with Mars in the house of Gemini:

  1. Energetic Communication: Mars in Gemini enhances verbal expression and communication skills. Individuals with this placement are often energetic speakers, quick thinkers, and may excel in debates or public speaking.

  2. Intellectual Drive: There is a strong drive towards acquiring knowledge and information. These individuals may be intellectually curious, always seeking new ideas, and enjoy engaging in mentally stimulating activities.

  3. Restlessness: Mars in Gemini can contribute to a restless and changeable nature. There may be a desire for variety and diversity, both in relationships and experiences. The person may get easily bored and seek constant mental stimulation.

  4. Active Learning: Learning through practical experiences and hands-on activities is emphasized. Mars in Gemini individuals may thrive in environments that allow them to actively participate in the learning process.

  5. Adaptability: These individuals are adaptable and flexible, able to quickly adjust to changing circumstances. They may enjoy challenges that require quick thinking and versatility.

  6. Expressive Passion: Mars represents passion and drive, and in Gemini, this passion is expressed through words and ideas. The person may be passionate about sharing their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs with others.

  7. Social Energy: Mars in Gemini individuals tend to be social and enjoy networking. They may be active in social circles, and their energy is often directed towards building connections and forming diverse relationships.

It's important to note that the overall interpretation of Mars in Gemini can vary depending on the entire birth chart, as well as other astrological factors and aspects. Individual experiences may differ, and these general characteristics provide a broad overview.

Also, in our cultural dogma and indoctrinated Christian "group soul", known in Western Hermetic Magick circles as an *egregore, a body is "bad" when naked and only valuable when clothed in the finest cloth and designs created for them at exorbitant prices by their masters, suggesting that only money, indoctrination, and fame can make you a better person than your Divine Creative can.


The term egregore (or egregor) originates from the Greek word "ἐγρήγορος" (egrégoros), meaning "watcher" or "awake." In modern esoteric traditions, particularly within Western occultism, Hermeticism, and some interpretations of mysticism, an egregore is a collective consciousness or thought form that emerges from the energy and focus of a group of people.

Key Aspects of an Egregore:

  1. Collective Entity: An egregore represents a shared psychic energy or spirit that is formed when a group of individuals focus on a common goal, ideology, or purpose. This collective energy takes on a life of its own, independent of the individual members.

  2. Self-Sustaining: Once created, an egregore can grow and maintain itself by continuously drawing power from the group’s emotional and mental focus. It can exert influence back on the individuals, reinforcing their shared beliefs or behaviors.

  3. Positive and Negative Manifestations: Egregores can be constructive or destructive depending on the intentions and energy of the group. A positive egregore might be linked to shared goals like spiritual growth, social movements, or artistic collaboration, while a negative egregore can arise from fear, hatred, or toxic group dynamics.

  4. Symbolic Representation: In occult traditions, egregores may be seen as invisible, symbolic entities or spiritual forces that serve to bind groups together—like religious congregations, political movements, or secret societies (e.g., the Freemasons).

  5. Historical and Esoteric Origins: The concept can be linked to the Nephilim, the "Watchers" from ancient Jewish mysticism, who were considered a class of angels overseeing human affairs. In the context of modern esotericism, an egregore represents a blend of collective psychological energy and metaphysical principles.

Practical Application:

In metaphysics, working with egregores may involve rituals to either construct, feed, or dispel such entities, depending on their influence. Practitioners might use group meditation, rituals, or symbols to channel the energy of an egregore for a specific outcome. For example, in Western Hermeticism, an egregore could serve as a guiding or protective force for an order or magical tradition.

Log onto to find the Military Industrial Complex egregore banishing ritual.

In summary, an egregore is a thought-form or entity created by the collective consciousness of a group, capable of influencing both the group and external reality. It is a central concept in understanding the metaphysical dynamics of group interactions and shared consciousness.

The "slave driver" program instituted by the Institutions of the Military Industrial Complex (Corporate egregore) cruelly whips you emotionally using word hypnosis and causing what we call "emotional pain" when you have gone outside the definitions installed and rules. Now you are divided, for as a whole self, you are Spirit-Mind-Body. Reject or ignore any one of the three, and you have lost all self-rule.

The cause of all your problems that occur in life are primarily the cause of the brain's cultural or environmental programs leaving you feeling powerless as your will falters in the face of assumed failure. You may even feel guilty and ashamed for your actions. For shame and embarrassment over mistakes made is part of the "slave driver" program and is often called "peer pressure". Truth is, we all make mistakes because we all must prove information by the in-form-action of it. Once it is proven to succeed in goal attainment, harm or nurture and not to succeed, we have acquired knowledge; Everything is a failure until it isn't.

The human body responds with emotional pain when the information we think what is not information and/or the proper coding for functional physical bodies. Sensation is not to blame as some would have us think. Sure the senses enclose our thinking; However, Sensation also puts us one step closer to success because we know that the information we used didn't work; this has nothing to do with self-identity, nor self-value, it has to do with unsuccessful information and/or improper coding for harmony.

One must understand that 50% of Wisdom is error, and the other 50% is correction of the error perceived. One must also understand that you are not the brain! You are an immortal Psyche called a Soul; a solar self-born of Celestial beings of great intelligence that we often call stars. Your brain does not produce your waking consciousness, it is the one we call the subconscious.

Hence, your willpower is not of the body, it is of the Spirit (The Supernal Triad of Will) and transferred to the Mind/Psyche that is the Soul. Therefore, you can willfully override the brain programs which together we call a personality, any time you realize they aren't you. Persona is the root word of personality, and it is Greek for "mask". To let the mask tell you the Truth of Self is indeed a cruel joke and smacks of insanity.

Many of us can recover from cruel treatment by others, but we flounder around in self-pity when our own programing/coding is cruelly based on a foundation of "good/bad".

The Mystic Palette Tarot- 9 of Swords

The Mystic Palette Tarot- 9 of Swords illustrates insomnia due to nightmares of negative feelings, fears, worry and concerns plaquing the individual who is trying to sleep. The Bird- Swords form a nightmare sword of Damocles around the potential sleeper; here swords represent random thoughts of worry, concern, anxiety, trauma, and assumed fears.

Hear we have an image of fear, anxiety, the mental cruelty, that keeps us from rational thought. The solution is always "Above all things, know thyself" and to consciously analyze your subconscious (the moon) nightmares/daymares from the Rauch of the Soul, so that the subconscious becomes more conscious by the paradigm of self-reflected analysis. What applies to the Thoth Card also applies to this card.

Invoking the Ruach (רוּחַ) as the rational, analytical, and consciously directive aspect of the Soul can absolutely aid in the correction, transformation, and alchemical elevation of the fearful subconscious patterns represented by the Thoth 9 of Swords.

Understanding the Soul in 5 States (Western Hermetic Qabalah)

In the Western Hermetic model, the Soul is divided into five distinct layers (sometimes aligned with the Four Worlds plus a transcendent fifth). These are:

  1. Nephesh (נפש) — the animal soul, instincts, desires, and subconscious urges.
  2. Ruach (רוּחַ) — the rational mind, intellect, and self-reflective awareness.
  3. Neshamah (נשמה) — the higher intuitive soul, divine inspiration.
  4. Chiah (חיה) — the life-force, or primal will for divine connection.
  5. Yechidah (יחידה) — the unified divine spark, total Oneness.

The 9 of Swords in the Thoth Tarot

The 9 of Swords, Cruelty, sits in Yesod in Yetzirah. This is the subconscious/emotional realm of Air, directly impacting the foundation of our psyche (Yesod). It is the realm where fearful thoughts coagulate into oppressive internal narratives — a psychological "Hell Realm" within the astral body. This card shows what happens when Nephesh dominates Ruach, and the intellect is twisted into serving fear rather than illuminating it. This creates the self-torture of distorted thinking patterns — fear feeding thought, and thought feeding fear.

Applying Ruach to Correct the Cruelty

The Ruach’s highest role is discrimination — the ability to separate truth from illusion, reality from projection. When a Magus activates Ruach to analyse and dissect the contents of subconscious fear, they are not simply thinking about fear. They are applying the Hermetic formula of Solve et Coagula — dissolving fear into its component thoughts, stripping them of emotional charge, and then reconstructing a new narrative aligned with Neshamah (the higher soul).

This is the rational mind acting as an exorcist, evoking the fearful thought-forms into consciousness and confronting them with rational, illuminated understanding. This is a Hermetic and Thelemic act of True Will, because Will is always directed by clear sight (Ruach). It transforms Nephesh’s fearful instincts into conscious self-mastery.

The Alchemical Process — Ruach as the Inner Mercury

Ruach corresponds to Air and Mercury (Kokab), meaning that language, symbol analysis, and naming are its primary weapons. This aligns beautifully with the process of interpreting the nightmares or cruel thoughts of the subconscious — through journaling, Tarot reading, dream interpretation, and verbal invocation. By naming the fear, we reframe it and remove its power. This is the classic binding of the demon in magical practice.

Tarot and Ruach as Corrective Tools

Since the Tarot itself is a symbolic language (the Alphabet of the Magi), it becomes a perfect Ruach tool to:

  • Draw the subconscious into form (card pulls from the subconscious)
  • Analyse its meaning using Hermetic correspondences (Kabbalistic, astrological, alchemical)
  • Apply corrected symbolism to reprogram the subconscious (ritual spellwork, affirmations, symbolic meditation)

This is the Mystical Marriage of Ruach and Nephesh, creating the Philosopher’s Child — the purified Tipherethic Self, capable of higher divine communion.

Hermetic Practice Example

Here’s a practical structure using Thoth Tarot and the Ruach for correcting subconscious cruelty:

  1. Divination to Unmask the Fear (Nephesh)
    • Perform a 3-card pull: Source of Fear (root), Current Impact, Higher Correction.
  2. Rational Analysis (Ruach)
    • Use Qabalistic correspondences (Sephiroth, elements, astrology) to analytically decode the symbolism.
    • Journal about the irrational beliefs shown — What stories am I telling myself? What evidence supports or refutes this?
  3. Ritual Reprogramming
    • Craft a corrective symbol, sigil, or mantra based on the Ruach insight.
    • Perform an evocation where the fear is called forth into a symbol (the 9 Swords themselves can be evoked into the circle), then transmuted with Divine Names of Mercury and Air (YHVH Elohim, Raphael).
    • Affirm the corrected narrative daily until the symbol fully anchors.

Final Note — Ruach Must Serve Neshamah

Ruach’s ultimate authority is not itself — it should take orders from Neshamah, the Higher Soul, which perceives divine truth directly. This prevents Ruach from becoming coldly analytical or trapped in rationalized fear. By invoking the Light of Tiphereth (Solar self-knowledge), Ruach acts as a beam of clarity, cutting through the fog of Nephesh and exposing the inner demon’s illusionary nature.

In short — working with Ruach to dissect and reconstruct the thought-forms behind the 9 of Swords is not only possible, it is part of the Hermetic path of Self-Initiation itself. This is the Work of Air — to clear the mists so the Sun (Higher Self) can shine through.

click on above button to find the Ritual of the Ruach: Unmasking and Transmuting the Inner Cruelty (9 of Swords)

Some people confuse a paradigm with the egregore concept. For your convivence here is a brief explanation of both: However, the Archon/Military Complex does control both the egregore and cultural paradigm so that the "group" slave builds a world of comfort for the few who rule the many.

A paradigm is a fundamental framework or model that shapes how individuals or groups understand and interpret the world. It consists of underlying assumptions, beliefs, values, and practices that govern a particular domain of knowledge, culture, or behavior. Paradigms influence how people perceive reality, approach problems, and make decisions.

Key Aspects of a Paradigm:

  1. Worldview: A paradigm defines a specific worldview—a lens through which reality is interpreted. It establishes the foundational assumptions about how the world works, what is true, and how knowledge is acquired.

  2. Guiding Principles: In any field of knowledge or society, a paradigm provides the accepted methods, theories, and standards that guide inquiry and practice. For example, in science, a paradigm dictates the methods of experimentation and interpretation of data.

  3. Shared by a Community: Paradigms are usually shared by a community of people, whether it’s within a scientific discipline, a cultural group, or a spiritual tradition. They create a consensus about how things should be understood and acted upon.

  4. Resistance to Change: Paradigms tend to be stable over time, and those who follow a particular paradigm may resist changes or challenges to its foundational beliefs. This can create intellectual or social inertia, where new ideas are dismissed if they conflict with the prevailing paradigm.

  5. Paradigm Shifts: Over time, a dominant paradigm may undergo a paradigm shift—a radical change in perspective—when new discoveries, events, or ideas make the existing framework untenable. A classic example is the shift from Newtonian physics to Einstein’s theory of relativity, which radically altered the way we understand the universe.

  6. Application Across Fields:

    • In science, a paradigm might refer to the theoretical framework that guides research, such as Darwin’s theory of evolution or the Big Bang theory in cosmology.
    • In social sciences, a paradigm may define how social structures or human behavior are understood, like Marxism or functionalism.
    • In spirituality and metaphysics, a paradigm could represent the underlying metaphysical assumptions about reality, such as materialism, dualism, or non-dualism.

Example in Daily Life:

In everyday life, a paradigm might influence how we see success or happiness. In a capitalist paradigm, success might be measured by wealth and material achievements, while in a spiritual or holistic paradigm, success might be defined by personal fulfillment, relationships, or inner peace.

In summary, a paradigm is a comprehensive and deeply rooted framework that defines how a group or individual perceives, interprets, and engages with the world. It sets the rules of understanding and action but can evolve or shift when new information or perspectives emerge.

Therefore, a paradigm and an egregore are not the same, though they are related in some ways, especially in terms of collective influence and shared perspectives within groups.

Key Differences:

  1. Nature of Existence:

    • A paradigm is primarily a conceptual framework—it is a set of beliefs, values, and assumptions that shape how individuals or groups understand and interpret reality. Paradigms influence thinking, behavior, and problem-solving, but they are not considered entities with their own independent existence.
    • An egregore, on the other hand, is understood as a metaphysical entity or thought-form that emerges from the collective focus, energy, and intention of a group. While it starts as a mental or emotional construct, an egregore is often seen as developing its own presence or influence, which can affect both the group and individuals within it.
  2. Influence Mechanism:

    • A paradigm shapes the intellectual and cultural lens through which people view the world. It operates on a cognitive and social level, influencing how knowledge is structured, what is considered "truth," and how practices are conducted.
    • An egregore operates more on a psychic or energetic level, feeding off the group’s emotional and mental energy. It exerts a subtle, often unconscious influence, guiding the group’s collective behavior, emotions, and even their spiritual or magical outcomes.
  3. Focus:

    • A paradigm is focused on intellectual and cultural constructs. It is a framework of ideas that guide thinking in areas like science, religion, economics, or social behavior.
    • An egregore is more about the energetic or spiritual presence that emerges from shared thoughts, rituals, or beliefs. It is often more tangible in esoteric traditions, acting as a living force created by the collective's focus.
  4. Change and Shifts:

    • A paradigm shifts when new evidence or ideas challenge the existing worldview (as in science or philosophy), leading to a new way of understanding reality. This change can happen gradually or suddenly.
    • An egregore can change or evolve as the group’s energy shifts or as members consciously alter their focus or dissolve the egregore through ritual. However, unlike paradigms, egregores can potentially become self-sustaining and outlive the group that created them.

Connection Between the Two:

Both paradigms and egregores can arise from collective beliefs and shared mental or emotional focus. A group operating under a specific paradigm may, consciously or unconsciously, create an egregore to embody or reinforce the energy of their shared vision. For instance, a religious group following a specific paradigm of faith might also generate an egregore that spiritually represents their beliefs and communal energy.

In short, paradigms are cognitive frameworks that shape understanding, while egregores are metaphysical entities created by collective energy and focus. They intersect in how groups share and reinforce ideas, but they operate on different planes—one intellectual and the other energetic or spiritual.

The concept of self as good and bad, is a paradigm controlled by the egregore. The divisionism caused by this 2-dimensional thinking of self, divides your own emotional power against you.

9 is considered a number that denotes completion in Tarot and is also the number of the 9th Sephira Yesod-Foundation, on the Tree of Life. Yesod is on the middle pillar of the Tree of Life and thereby offers us the necessary insight to rectified the imbalances of the past energy disorders of Air/Intellect. This, however, does not rectify the degeneration of the energy as it continues down the Tree. In this position, all-actioned Mars can't stay balanced in the house of all-talk Gemini.

In gematria, the number 9 carries several characteristics and symbolic meanings, rooted in Jewish mysticism, numerology, and biblical traditions. Here are some of the key characteristics and implications of the number 9 in gematria:

1. Completion and Finality

  • Cycle of Completion: The number 9 is often associated with the end of a cycle or a phase, representing completeness and fulfillment. It is seen as the last single-digit number, symbolizing the culmination of processes and the attainment of goals.
  • Ultimate Fulfillment: It indicates a state of reaching the fullest potential or the final stage before a new beginning, aligning with the concept of transition and transformation.

2. Truth and Wisdom

  • Embodiment of Truth: The number 9 is linked with truth and enlightenment. In Hebrew, the word for truth (אמת, "Emet") has a numerical value that reduces to 9, symbolizing the ultimate and unchanging nature of truth.
  • Pursuit of Wisdom: It is often associated with deep wisdom and the pursuit of higher knowledge, reflecting a journey towards understanding profound truths.

3. Divine Attributes

  • Spiritual Significance: In Kabbalistic/Qabalistic thought, the number 9 corresponds to the sephirah Yesod on the Tree of Life. Yesod represents the foundation and the channel through which divine energy flows into the physical world, highlighting the number's spiritual importance.
  • Connection to the Divine: Yesod serves as the intermediary between the higher and lower realms, symbolizing the flow of spiritual insights into material existence.

4. Humanitarianism and Generosity

  • Service to Others: The number 9 is often associated with humanitarianism, altruism, and a strong sense of duty towards others. Individuals influenced by this number are driven to help and uplift humanity.
  • Compassion and Empathy: It embodies qualities of compassion, empathy, and a desire to contribute positively to the world, reflecting a selfless nature.

5. Biblical and Mystical References

  • Biblical Symbolism: There are several instances in the Bible where the number 9 holds significance, such as the nine fruits of the Spirit in the New Testament and the nine beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount. These references underscore its spiritual and moral importance.
  • Mystical Interpretation: In Jewish mysticism, the number 9 is seen as a powerful and mystical number, often representing the hidden and esoteric aspects of the divine.

6. Mathematical Properties

  • Intrinsic Patterns: The number 9 exhibits unique mathematical properties. For example, any number multiplied by 9, when its digits are summed, results in 9. This property symbolizes the idea of completeness and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Self-Reflecting Nature: This characteristic of consistently reducing to itself highlights the number's self-reflecting and unchanging nature.

7. Hebrew Letters and Words

  • Teth (ט): The Hebrew letter Teth corresponds to the number 9. It symbolizes goodness, concealment, and potential, often associated with the duality of good and evil.
  • Transformation and Potential: Teth also represents the concept of transformation and the hidden potential within every individual and situation.

8. Dual Nature

  • Good and Evil: The number 9, represented by the letter Teth, is often associated with the duality of good and evil. It signifies the potential for both positive and negative outcomes, depending on how one channels their energies and actions.
  • Moral Choice: This dual nature underscores the importance of moral choices and the potential for transformation and redemption.

In summary, the number 9 in gematria is imbued with rich symbolism and profound meanings, encompassing themes of completion, truth, wisdom, spiritual significance, humanitarianism, and the intrinsic duality of existence.

Swords usually depict the pure intellect that acts like air as its energy-in-motion (thought-controlled emotion) continually heats up with passion and cools down with rationale. In the case of the 9 of Swords, consciousness has fallen into an unenlightened void of programed thought, stirring heartless animal passions of the "hell plane" that come from survival thinking; passions that are of the psychopath and the fanatic.

As Crowley has stated, this card represents, "the character of the inquisitor" ("programed slave driver cruelty"); it seems intellectual but is operating in a rage that is without restraint. All this sounds just awful and terribly gloomy, yet it is the cultural foundation of "Divide and conquer" indoctrination technique that society has become so used to that we are unknowingly dividing our trinity of consciousness into subconscious, consciousness, and unconsciousness, making each counterproductive to the other, when all are really One Consciousness of 3 aspects: one Spirit- Mind-Body collective of Self. As we all know, a consciousness divided must fail to produce viable options.

Our consumerism society is based on "fanning the flames" of that primitive raging hunger of survival thinking that hides the mind virus parasite of antilife (mind virus) that resides in our subconscious to produce the "fanatical shopper" whose world is always lacking self-fulfillment and whose survival or happiness depends on the next media induced sale or the latest gadget or toy.

Here the survival mind is an absolute servant of indoctrinated fear-based survival thinking: a false ego, while the conscious is falsely seeking freedom from fear by accumulation and trying to outrun time. In the Hindu philosophy this is the realm of the Neti-Neti (Sanskrit for, “Not This-Not That") programed consciousness, which consumes unrelentingly, hoping for happiness in a future accumulation; a futile seeking of happiness at any cost; this is futile, because happiness isn't in accumulation nor resides in glutinous bellies of greed induced consumption. Happiness is a balance of inner and outer beauty and or a harmonious melody of the 5 aspects of Psyche, and our Self Trinity of Spirit (Will)-Mind (Thought) and Body (Emotions).

So, if one is programed to exist in a Neti-Neti world, there is only one result in the completion of the patriarchal-egregore sponsored greed of such hungry poisoned thought and that is the insanity of inner self-cruelty where the slave master in our brain is running from and/or torturing our heart and body. This is called psychosomatic illness. You might want to remember that you are not the Soma (body) you are the immortal Psyche (Solar Self-Soul) who is not bound by time but binds time into forms of self-reflections. Hence you are infinite Life and build "lifetimes". Lifetimes have a measured end for they are the motion of forms for the purpose of Energy Self-Awareness. Forms are created by information. Hence your lifetime depends on the information in your brain/subconscious.

Above all things, know thyself!

I Am the Will and the way; I own the day!

Thankfully, many of us have enough strength in or character to know that happiness, is not a thing, but rather a "balance of Mind, body and soul" and have found out that by treating other people with respect, (do unto another as you would have done to you) rather than someone we have to conquer for our own false sense of security, we have a happier presence on this earth. It is best to understand the truth of Self, for "everyone I see is another way to be me", is the truth of the Oneself; the I AM-that we all are the "selves" of.

Therefore, it can be said that the 9 of Swords is the state of consciousness that is called "wanna-be", where one is not alive/happy until they achieve some future possession or goal which only leads to the next "thing".

This mind virus parasite operated person is a corpse, a zombie, who lives only in yesterday’s emotions and uncertain futures, leaving the moment of now vacant of their presence. It's best to put this false concept of self in a grave to rest in peace.

This phenomenon of “walking corpse" is not a new thing that some Hollywood director dreamt- up as the latest horror thriller. Rather, you'll find this "living dead" concept in the two-thousand-year- old Gnostic Gospel of Thomas that is part of the Nag Hammadi Library. In paragraph 56, of the Gospel of Thomas, it is written, "Whoever has come to understand the World has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world”. If you can understand this Gnostic statement, you can understand the self-abuse of indoctrinated thoughts depicted on the 9 of Swords-Cruelty. Because the practice of "Self-inflicted cruelty" and/or lack of respect for yourself, and your body is going on in most human brains right now, most of us constantly belittle ourselves, to appease our dogma or indoctrination, i.e., our inner Pavlovian- slaver programing. Thereby leaving a hole in our emotional identity, that we think we can fill by stuffing ourselves with corporate sponsored garbage food, things, and/or seeking someone else to fulfill our lives. This is not you!

As Spirit-Mind-Body, you are Whole, hence, no holes.

Again, for this can't be overstated, the Thoth 9 of Swords, is called THE LORD OF DESPAIR AND CRUELTY, or Cruelty in short. This is Mars in Gemini; this is Yesod influencing Yetzirah in the Astral-Formative World.

With a smattering of astrological data, one knows that the fiery energy of Mars (gold bracelet) does little good in a sign of dualities (golden sign of Gemini). This "little good" is shown by the 9 rusty swords, dripping blood, and poison on Crowley's card or the lady whose face is contorted in anxiety on the Mystic Palette Tarot 9 of Swords.

One may shudder at the despair, meanings of illness, suffering and cruelty these cards represent; But each of us, who are paying attention to our brain, often find this to be an "inner self cruelty" of our programed subconsciousness, as it cuts us with the emotionally poisoned blades of embarrassment, low-self-esteem, humiliation, self-condemnation, insomnia, and/or inner or outer disgust. It is the internal Slave Master software that is installed in our Personality by our cultural indoctrination supervised by "The Few Who Rule the Many" and/or the Patriarchy of "useless old men" who have designed a world to totally benefit them. Dwight D. Eisenhower called these rulers the "Military Industrial Complex".

The "useless old men" that control definition.

The very definition of ruler is "one who controls definition"; Ruler's make sure this Internal-Mental Salver indoctrinated program is installed before you even reach 7 years old. Like rusty hooks of poisonous self-futility, this is a hard one to remove as any criticism of you or your actions brings the slave master coding up in all its emotional power blinding you to the truth of you! Hence, the false concept of Peer pressure just drives this poison deeper into self-identity: "False" because we know when slaves are given a little authority, they abuse other slaves to prove their power. Hence, we have the inmates ruling the asylum!

Then there is the media that keeps slashing at your self-value...."you need this.... you need lack them, you are nothing and will not be happy!” Lack of self-worth Is at the very least implied, or blatantly rubbed in your face, daily, if not hour by hour. “Resistance is futile", blare the horns of the pusillanimous invertebrates who enforce "their master's will" on others. With such a bombardment of self-delusion, one may just want to stop the world and get off!

We have forgotten we are the Life of the body, for we are the Pure Energy of Spirit (Vital lifeforce), who makes the body breathe! We are also the Pure Mind of Existence, the I AM.... and then to add even more Divinity to this perceived duality, we are also the Supreme Body Image of the Divine Creative on Earth!

"There is a Buddhist axiom that declares, 'Life is Suffering,' but this rings true only within the confines of survival-centric thinking, where fear of pain and discomfort overshadow the joy of embracing existence as a spiritual journey: a dance of Spirit entwined with the essence of Life. Indeed, our existence is a rich tapestry of mental and sensory experiences, yet we often sabotage ourselves by succumbing to doubts about our inherent worth in a world dominated by patriarchal structures designed to diminish rather than uplift.

The 9 of Swords reminds us that viewing oneself through the lens of lack perpetuates the cycle of frantic consumerism perpetuated by multinational corporations and the military-industrial complex. However, pause and reflect! Before any human judgment, your Higher Self or Solar Psyche had already sanctioned your existence. Thus, the timeless wisdom of the Qabalistic axiom resonates: 'Above all things, Know thyself.' It's a straightforward concept: you were deemed worthy by the Divine to partake in the miracle of life as a paradigm of self-awareness. Your mere presence is testament to your inherent value, approved by the dual forces of the Divine Creative — the Goddess Creatrix and God-Creator. We embody the myriad facets of Divinity, serving as the billions of faces through which the Divine perceives Itself.

You are the Divine's response to its own question of "what am I", originating from the primordial 'I AM.' The essence of creation lies in the assumption of Self, to be realized through intentional action. Therefore, when confronted with the symbolism of the 9 of Swords, cease questioning your existence and embrace your role as the answer. Action becomes the embodiment of your fiery spirit and will, while reaction often stems from the primal fear of being consumed by a hostile universe. 'I Am' boldly queries, 'What am I?' — and you, in turn, are the resounding response: 'I AM Life!' Our self-conception is entirely subjective, so dare to envision expansively and claim your divine birthright."

Therefore, to avoid programed thinking, I run in my self-doubting brain/ego a loop of "get over yourself and get on with you for impeccability is what we do". This "we" is Spirit-Mind-Body. This mental loop just overrides the "pity pot" of self-defeating thought every time it comes online. But installing that software loop took determination, and plain old fashion "jackass” stubbornness and constant repetition as a meditation of seconds, done most minutes, until it becomes automatic daily operation. Don’t you think it’s time we programed our own atavistic Wet Ware? That is the real occult message of the 9 of Swords.


Each of us has experienced the temptations to remain chained to the bedeviling thoughts of our subjugation and/or definitions of the few who wish to rule the many. The 9 of Swords reminds us that we are not performing well mentally, when we are under the rule of self-belittlement.

Again, you are obviously good enough to be the "image of the Divine Creative'", you are good enough for you! In our God-ness (Goodness), resides the constant ability in each of us, to become More Self-Aware, rather than becoming less "self" by seeking more stuff to hide a feared self-assumption in or behind.

Spirit is Will (God name of Kether is Eheieh-meaning- I Will Be!) and the will must not be subjugated to the animal fears of survival or overly concerned with what might happen.

The Body is an "image" and therefore, a measured device: it has beginning and end. This measured device is also the one who measures via sensuality. Therefore, it has a greater purpose than just survival. It will die, but only in transformation as it goes back to the organic world it came from and therefore enriching a future.

One often forgets their Identity as Spirit when surrounded with senses, especially when those senses feel only fear, worry and desperation, all products of dysfunctional self-identity. Rather, we should celebrate our wonderful wealth of Spirit-Mind-Body and become action rather than reaction.

I am the Dancing celebration of Life!

This can't be said enough! The Spirit and Psyche (Soul-I AM) cannot die, they dream themselves into being image. They are energy in its never-ending state of One Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. So, own the body, enjoy it and dance with it. For it is the Organic spirit-based Organism of Earth that also transforms self-identity according to your observation of I AM. It is our "material image" molded by our inner thought-filled emotions.

Spirit and Mind have wish to sense Self, the I AM, (Both Spirit and Mind) has created the Body just for Sensual Presence: a presence so necessary to experience the dream of I AM: a dream that takes data into intimate experience, turning it into information that becomes in-form-action that now can be experienced as "I AM Sensation" and thereby, producing intimate knowledge.

Therefore, it behooves one to respect the body, love it and know the joy of Being Sensual, for you can't give to another what you don't have for yourself. Besides, there is no way to "know yourself", without a body. You are pure light and Spiritual will-to-be. You are the energy that makes the body breathe (Prana), the nervous system transfers that energy around the body, making it an electromagnetic operating biochemical device, and an artificial intelligence you call "ego" and a Personality both of which you create, they don't create you for you are Life and bodies are measured in Lifetimes.

You are also the Universal Constant called Transformation; never-ending change; as your knowledge grows through experiencing Self, I AM, and you transform Self- Image to the new sum of information.

There is always change, so there is always a way out of doubt, shame, fear, and embarrassment. In other words, there is always light, even in the darkest places; YOU Are the Light That makes darkness operate in your name of I AM! You create thoughts, they don't create you! You are the alchemy of creation in active sensual intimacy.

I Am the Power that analyses. The Alchemical process of analysis begins with putrefaction, then dissolution and from dissolution into solution, and solution into coagulation using the bright warm fiery intelligence of the Celestial Self!

I AM the Divine Self, above and below!

When the 9/Nine of Swords is thrown during a reading, the Querent will be or has been experiencing:

  • Illness, malice, cruelty, pain, despair, and suffering, in a period of 9 days, or 9 weeks or from self-cruelty thought processes in the past when nine years old.
  • There is burden, want, oppression, as well as subtlety and craft.
  • There is also lying to oneself or others because of an "inferiority complex".
  • All this dysfunctional thought is from "self-belittlement" that is often so subtle that we don't even acknowledge it in ourselves. But the program is clever, as you will notice whenever you try to mentally or physically, step out of "comfort zones", you will be challenged with worry and rational explanations on why you should not take that step.  
  • Fear as a guide to maturity.
  • Feeling like a victim.
  • Enslaved by their own thoughts.

If ill defined by the surrounding cards:

  • Shame.
  • Guilt.
  • Terror.
  • Infamy.
  • Misery.
  • Hate.
  • Manipulation.
  • There is no cause for concern changes for the better are coming. 

Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. Your generosity blesses you. May you live long and prosper.

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