The Tarot of Eli, LLC-Minor Arcana: Thoth Tarot- 9 of Wands-Strength & Santa Muerte Tarot- 9 of Wands

Western Hermetic Qabalah, numerical, astrological, alchemical, and Tantric Tarot Card Comparisons.

· santa muerte tarot

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Thoth- 9 of Wands-Strength

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The Thoth- 9 of Wands represents the 9th Sephiroth Yesod (foundation) in Aziluth. Crowley called the Card, The Lord of Great Strength. Its Planet is the Moon and the sign is Sagittarius.

Angels of the Decan are: Yirthiel, and Sahiah.

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The 9 of Wands-Strength, is the influence of Yesod in the World of pure spirit. The Lunar powers do acquire great strength in Sagittarius, but being the Moon, there are two sides to this "coin". Meaning, that successes are usually acquired by strife, apprehension and moments of insecurity.

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The 9 of Wands also emphasizes the influencing strength of Woman/ Moon in this card. The Thoth Deck Wand is a stylized Sun-phallus; the Womb wields the phallus as the foundation . This is not a new concept as the ancient Egyptians believed that the Moon pulled the Sun across the sky.

The good health and strength of this card is certain, but it harbors doubt about the later course it may take, as the Moon is complicated by phases. It is best to know the aphorism: "Change is Stability", when viewing this card. However, the 9's in any suit, may be considered the best that can be obtained from the type of forces involved, when regarded from a practical- material standpoint.

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The Thoth Deck 9 of Wands, shows 8 background Wands as Arrows (Sagittarius influence) and one Master Arrow in the forefront, sporting a Sun at one end as a driving force, and a Moon at the other end as its point. This implies that Sagittarius joins the Sun and the Moon, and that the Greatest Strength is the Balance of this coupling flow. The flow of Electric Male and Magnetic Female receptivity. Together, all that is Living Form, is from this flow and reception. Hence, this card is the position of Maithuna, in Sexual Tantra; a position of great mutual energy balancing and energy enhancing purpose. Opening chakras and empowering the body with vital life force. Here the Moon-the Collective Unconscious is synchronized with the Sun-Consciousness.

When we, as Magi, hermetically marry both the Male- Will to Force/electric and the Female Will to Form/Magnetic within, it is called "Oneness" and it reveals all the 4 Qabalistic Worlds in a communion of the Sun (Father) and the Moon (Mother) that never ceases. The Tenfold flames of the card, imply that the Energy of the Solar Logos, is directed downward into the "reflection of being' where 0=2. The I Am is now I AM She and I AM He.

Therefore, on an individual level the 9 symbolizes stability through transformation. This means that we achieve a constant and willful change by uniting the inner anima and animus in a communion of cooperation, without coming into conflict with external principles in the process. Here is a marriage between "heaven and earth" revealing a spiritual truth; "If it exists it is supposed to". The Divine Creative doesn't build an self-image it doesn't want to be. I AM Me, is one of the great spiritual truths of the Self.

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Santa Muerte-9 of Wands

The Advice of the Dead:

Take the situation in hand,and with patience fight for what you wish to attain while waiting for a more favorable moment.

---From the Santa Muerte- Book of the Dead- by Fabio Listrani

The Santa Muerte-9 of Wands, depicts a red dressed Santa Muerte hard a work scything wilted red plants/Wands as she is harvesting what she has sown. This image also implies that one has the strength to truncate what is clearly useless and stale, bring one to achieve success and total achievement of one's project. Even if in the phases of cleansing, complications, protracted evaluations, and adversity, due to changes, can't slow down the process of expansion. Hence, you will manage to harvest the fruits of what you have sown.

When the 9 of Wands-Strength is thrown during a reading, it implies:

  • Internal strength, recovery from illness, potency and spiritual force.
  • Yet, it is Moon in Yesod, so one may have to defend their ideas, but because of Sagittarius, will not lack the strength to do so.
  • The 9 of Wands also implies that energy is brought back into balance, thus health restored.
  • Creatively, this card implies a peek experience in ability were one sees clearly and accurately, leading to solid creations that will have the strength to endure over time.
  • Here the Energy of the Spirit is rapid, interchanging both electric and magnetic energy, taking whatever action is necessary to restore balance and thus enable the whole Mind . (Moon is ruler of the unconscious and the Sun is the ruler of the consciousness).

If ill defined by the surrounding cards:

  • Contradictions. 
  • Psychological injuries. 

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