Above all things, know thyself!

Thoth-9 of Wands-Strength
#9. In thought word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the sure Foundation of Eternal Being.

Triple Goddess Tarot- 9 of Wands

The energy of Mercury in the 9 of Wands is called, STRENGTH. Illustrated are 8 of the arrows, each of which have a crescent moon arrow head, and 8 moons for feathers, all of which are in a balanced x-crossing the Main Central Wand that is topped by the Sun and the Moon is at its bottom. Interestingly, as a Rune , X, represents a gift and/or a wild ox, appreciated for its strength and power. It stands for internal mental fortitude, will to face challenges, and new beginnings. For men, it represents manhood/balanced by the feminine and for women, it stands for femininity balanced by masculinity. It seems that Lady Frieda Harris, the artist, implied this image of strength as a union of the Sun and the Moon. Arrows symbolize the sign of the Archer, Sagittarius whose path joins Tiphareth (Sun) and to Yesod (the Moon). In astrology, a Sagittarius Moon Sign describes your instinctive or emotional energies, your innate reactions, and the things you need to feel comfortable or secure. Hence, Crowley writes, "Here the Moon, the weakest of the planets, is in Sagittarius, the most elusive of signs; yet it dares call itself Strength." [The Book of Thoth, p., 186].

The 9 of Wands represents Yesod in Aziluth; which is the source of this great strength and making it The Lord of Great Strength. Plus, the weak planet, the Moon is in its natural Sephiroth of the Moon, Yesod, so it is comfortable even in the elusive sign of Sagittarius as Yesod is also the foundation , the "seat of great crystallization of Energy"[The Book of Thoth, p. 185]. Then there is the number 9, which is the purest form of energy in its suit. Hence, here it is the purest crystallization of Energy. The Angels of the Decan are: Yirthiel, and Sahiah. Therefore, 9 of Wands-Strength, is the influence of Yesod/pure crystallization of Energy in the World of pure Spirit. The Lunar powers do acquire great strength in Sagittarius, as the Strength is in the ability of perpetual change. However, being the Moon, there are two sides to this "coin". Meaning, that successes are usually acquired by strife, apprehension and moments of insecurity for the Moon also governs the survival mind of the animal-subconscious and all its illusions of fear-based thinking.

The 9 of Wands also emphasizes the influencing strength of Woman/ Moon in this card, as her love, empathy and caring tame the "beast's" will to force. The Thoth Wand is a stylized Sun-phallus; the Womb-Moon wields the phallic "Will to Force", by its "Will to Form". This is not a new concept as the ancient Egyptians believed that the Moon pulled the Sun across the sky. This idea corresponds to the fact that the negative pole (electron-moon), attracts the energy flow from the positive pole (positron-sun). Hence, the good health and strength of this card is certain, but it harbors doubt about the later course it may take. It is best to know the axiom: "Change is Stability", when viewing this card.

The 9's may be considered the best that can be obtained from the type of forces involved, when regarded from a practical- material standpoint. As stated but not often realized, The Thoth- 9 of Wands, shows 8 background Wands as Arrows (Sagittarius influence) and one Master Arrow in the forefront, sporting a Sun at one end as a driving force, and a Moon at the other end as its point implying, foundation and that even though Sagittarius joins the Sun and the Moon, the Greatest Strength is the Balance and grounding of this coupling flow. The flow of Electric Male and Magnetic Female receptivity. Together, all that is Living Form, is from this flow and reception. When we, as Suns/Souls, hermetically marry both the Male Will to Force and the Female Will to Form within (Animus and Anima), the material world of our physical bodies, it is called "Oneness" and it reveals all the 4 Worlds in a communion of the Sun (Father) and the Moon (Mother) that never ceases. The Tenfold flames of the card, imply that the Energy of the Solar Logos, is directed downward into the "reflection of being" turning the body into the "honeymoon suite" of the Divine. .When this card shows up in a reading, it is also good to expect a change in one's life. However, this is a change for the purpose of instilling strength, either in health (recovery from illness) or in the character of the individual.

The Triple Goddess Tarot-9 of Wands, depicts the Crone, of Maid-Mother-Crone, tending her rose garden, that is growing up against a fence of 8 Wands, while she is holding one wand as if it was a staff. In modern Witchcraft (Wicca) the rose has many uses and symbolizes the vulva of the Goddess. Since I am not an expert on Wicca practices, I will leave you with links to more knowledge of these practices:
After all, roses are beautiful, smell good, and embody a natural elegance of their own. For this reason, witches use rose petals in love spells and workings that relate to relationships. However, rose petals also contain potent magickal energies that don’t specifically relate to love magick or romance charms.
Witchcraft: 5 Magickal Ways To Use Dried Rose Petals ...
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Occupation: Religion Expert
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After all, roses are beautiful, smell good, and embody a natural elegance of their own. For this reason, witches use rose petals in love spells and workings that relate to relationships. However, rose petals also contain potent magickal energies that don’t specifically relate to love magick or romance charms.
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