
The Babylonian tarot-9 of cups-contentment
The Babylonian Tarot- 9 of Cups-Contentment, depicts a fish garbed bearded man known as a apkallu, meaning wise man or sage. Before the great flood, Seven Sages in the form of fish were sent by the wise god Ea, to teach humanity, the arts, and sciences of civilization such as, language, writing, agriculture and the building of cities. Perhaps, they were the Nomo of the Dagon people who were amphibian like people form the area of the Star System Sirius, who lived in the sea and created the homo sapiens. This makes some sense, as the most famous of these Sages was Adapa and/or Onnaes, who later became Jonah to the Hebrews. According to *Berossos, Onnaes was a half-man, half-fish entity that swam up the Persian Gulf and taught the Babylonians all kinds of knowledge.
* According to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia:
Using ancient Babylonian records and texts that are now lost, Berossus published the Babyloniaca (hereafter, History of Babylonia) in three books some time around 290–278 BC, by the patronage[3] of the Macedonian/Seleucid king Antiochus I Soter (during the third year of his reign, according to Diodorus Siculus[4][not in citation given]). Certain astrological fragments recorded by Pliny the Elder, Censorinus, Flavius Josephus, and Marcus Vitruvius Pollio are also attributed to Berossus, but are of unknown provenance, or indeed are uncertain as to where they might fit into his History. Vitruvius credits him with the invention of the semi-circular sundial hollowed out of a cubical block.[5] A statue of him was erected in Athens, perhaps attesting to his fame and scholarship as historian and astronomer-astrologer.
A separate work, Procreatio, is attributed to him by the Latin commentaries on Aratus, Commentariorium in Aratum Reliquiae, but there is no proof of this connection. However, a direct citation (name and title) is rare in antiquity, and it may have referred to Book 1 of his History.
He was born during or before Alexander the Great's reign over Babylon (330–323 BC), with the earliest date suggested as 340 BC. According to Vitruvius's work de Architectura, he relocated eventually to the island of Kos off the coast of Asia Minor and established a school of astrology there[6] by the patronage of the king of Egypt. However, scholars have questioned whether it would have been possible to work under the Seleucids and then relocate to a region experiencing Ptolemaic control late in life. It is not known when he died.
The Babylonian Tarot Card, shows Adapa/Onnaes in his fish garb, carrying a bucket in one hand called a banduddu and a fir-tree cone known as the mullilu, "purifier", in the other. To the right, are 8 cups and above is the cuneiform symbols for the number 8. The ninth cup is the bucket. The meanings of this card are the same as those of the Thoth Tarot 9 of Cups-Happiness.

The 9's all refer to Yesod, the 9th Sephiroth that is the Foundation of all manifested forms and forces on Malkuth-the physical and material plane.
The 9's, generally show very great fundamental force because they rest on the Firm Foundational Base of Yesod. (9th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life).
Now this is pure-conscious- emotional power, so that means it can be used negatively or positively, depending on the perspective of the user. Discrimination is the Key here.

Thoth-9 of cups-happiness
The 9 of Cups-Happiness is a card of sensuality and pleasure, more mystical than convention allows, and less stable than the 10, but is now flowing and reaching towards the mystical states of ecstasy. Here, sensual pleasure, may be felt as a religious experience as the influence of Jupiter is strong in the passive, receptive and somewhat psychic character of Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces also indicates pleasant travel by water and brings good fortune through occupations governed by Neptune. The personality inclination here is a tendency for kindness, quiet and unassuming, with an unambitious approach to life. If the Card is well dignified, there may be a more ambitious approach to occupation.

The Square arrangement of the Cups, on the 9 of Cups, overflowing into one another, suggests the 4th Sephiroth-Chesed-Jupiter and the perfection of Water force, a dreamy current of Consciousness which is also reinforced by Yesod-9, being the number of the Moon. Pisces brings out the most Placid form of Water (consciousness), so this card is a Happiness well-spring that floods into our normal state of consciousness. The recipient of this Happiness, really doesn't ponder a reason to be happy, for their own consciousness has not reasoned it out as a logical way to be.....they "just are" and they feel "good all over. As you are this far into the book you know by now that Yesod, the 9th Sephiroth, is the Foundation of all manifested forms and forces on Malkuth-the physical plane. The 9's, generally show very great fundamental force because they rest on the Firm Foundational Base of Yesod.
Now this is pure emotive power, so that means it can be used negatively or positively, depending on the perspective of the user. Discrimination is the Key here.

THE 9 OF CUPS is -Lord of Material Happiness, is Jupiter in Pisces. The Angels of the Decan are Saliah and Asriel. The 9 of Cups is also Yesod in Briah, influencing the Material World. Here, the benevolence of Jupiter, effects happiness and satisfaction in the Earth plane (Malkuth), by functioning through the Water of Pisces.

This is a card of sensuality and pleasure, more mystical than convention allows and less stable than the 10, but is now flowing and reaching towards the mystical states of ecstasy. Here, sensual pleasure, may be felt as a religious experience as the influence of Jupiter is strong in the passive, receptive and somewhat psychic character of Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces also indicates pleasant travel by water and brings good fortune through occupations governed by Neptune. The personality inclination here is a tendency for kindness, quiet and unassuming, with an unambitious approach to life.
The perfection of Water-like force, a dreamy current of Consciousness which is also reinforced by Yesod-9, being the number of the Moon. Pisces brings out the most Placid form of Water (consciousness), so this card is a Happiness well-spring that floods into our normal state of consciousness. The recipient of this Happiness, really doesn't ponder a reason to be happy, for their own consciousness has not reasoned it out as a logical way to be.....they "just are" and they feel "good all over" as it wells up.
So when the Nine of Cups-Happiness, is thrown during a reading, it implies:
- Contentment and Satisfaction.
- Everything looks and feels "rosy".
- The querent, is enjoying self-esteem and inner joy; flowing feelings of inspiration and joy.
- The dull thunk in this chiming joy, is that this is temporary, as Change is the stability of the Universe; "the cat is away, so the mice can play", kind of moment.
- Before reason takes over, and finds the logical points of survival thinking that messes up "unmitigated joy".
- Wishes fulfilled.
- Generosity of spirit.
- Compassion and kindness for others.
- Rejection of the superficial.
- Vanity.
- Self absorbed.
- Conciet
- Fault finding.
- Disappointment and foolishness.
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