
The Babylonian Tarot-queen of disks-gestinana
The Babylonian Tarot- Queen of Disks-Gestinana, depicts the daughter of the sheep goddess-Sirtur, who was the loyal sister of Dumuzi, and the wife of the tree god, Ningiszida. The name Gestinana, comes from the word geshtin-meaning " grapevine". Hence, she is the goddess of viniculture and the "vine of heaven". In Akkadian, she was Belili or Belet-seri -"lady of the open countryside".
In the Descent of Inanna, an Sumerian story, Gestinana is known as "the wise woman who interprets dreams". Therefore, Gestinana is called upon to interpret Dumuzi's disturbing dream. She realizes that the dream is about her brother's demise, and they both flee to Gestinana's home. However, galla demons soon arrive to carry Dumuzi off to the underworld. but even under torture, Gestinana refuses to tell them where Dumuzi is hiding. Eventually the galla demons find him and carry him off to the underworld.Being desperate, Dumuzi prays to the Sun god, to change him into a gazelle, so he can escape from the demons. Which he does for a short time but again, the demons catch him.

Gestinana, weeps for Dumuzi, and becomes known as "She who weeps". She volunteers to share Dumuzi's fate. Ishtar, takes pity on her, and together they set out to the underworld. Where upon finding Dumuzi, Inanna/Ishtar, declares that Gestinana shall share Dumuzi's fate for 6 months of the year, resulting the change of the seasons. Here reappearance for the underworld in autumn, gave her divine ruler ship over the vineyards and wine. While in the underworld, Ereshkigal, the Goddess of the Underworld, had the use of Gestinana as her scribe.
Therefore, the card of the Babylonian Queen of Disks, Gestinana with vines and grapes in her hair. Beside her is a goat in a thicket, alluding to her brother the Shepard and to the zodiacal sign of Capricorn. The meaning of this card is the same as that of the Thoth Tarot Queen of Disks.

As stated before, Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth, is the "will to form" and is a force that is imposed on the Pure Fiery Energy of Chokmah., the 2nd Sephiroth. She is known as Understanding, for an idea, once understood, is now information that becomes manifestation.
Again, these are not Persons, but States of Conscious Energy, called "Beings" that are parts of the Divine Collective Unconscious as archetypes, meaning the deep Imagination, where images are forms of ideas. Images are the only way to realize these deep inner layers of Mind and that before Mind. Tarot is one of the Image languages that has evolved over time.

Thoth-queen of disks
As stated: Binah is the 3rd Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, in the upper part called the Supernal Triangle, she is the essence of Womb, and I often call this state of Mind a "Womb with a View", because she conceives by understanding.
The Queens all represent the Water in each suit. Water being Consciousness and emotion. They are enthroned in the Element of Consciousness and as emotion make it bring forth the Force of the King, by realization and understanding that which develops that force. As consciousness does to emotionally charged idea.

The Queen of Disks, often called the Queen of Pentacles, is also Queen of the Thrones of Earth; Queen of the Gnomes and Mother Erda.
Astrological attribution is last Decan of Sagittarius and the first two Decans of Capricorn. The Queen of Disks is Water of Earth, a specific consciousness in the Primal Earth element. Most of us call her "Mother Nature".
The Thoth Deck Queen of Disks is displaying her ruler ship over earth as shown in the crystal cubed scepter that has within it a three-sided Hexagram.
Her zodiacal attribute to Capricorn is shown by the image of the Goat. Her Throne is vegetation as she is the life of such. She is the Highest Aspect of passivity and this is shown as a winding passive river flowing through and fertilizing waste land. The Great Work is ultimately expressed in fertility, where the "As a Above manifests in the below'. She as Queen, is the facilitator of such manifestation.
The Disk on her left arm is curved with loops and spheres interlaced, representing the ambition of matter to take part in the Great Work. This ambition is often described as fecund motion. This is also shown by the Spiral Horns on Her helmet/crown, as Spiral force which is both Spirit and Vital Life Force. The reptilian patterned armor of the Queen represents the regenerative force in nature as serpents shed their skin to become more.

Those born under her time in the zodiac, December 13 thru January 9th, (Queen of Pentacles) have her attributes as a core to their personality.
When thrown during a reading, the Queen of Discs represents:
- A person interested in physical nutrition and health.
- A shedding of poor eating habits for those of a new diet.
- A shedding of old habits, or even the purchasing of new clothes.
- the querent does all things she can do , well and it will be fruitful
- One of a high level of compassion, nurturing abilities. Loving physical life and all it has to offer.
- One who is exceptionally pro-creative and nurturing, as in the nature of Mothering.
- Power of practical wisdom on the physical level and in the inner world, applied spiritual wisdom.
- A dark woman of great heart and serious cast of intelligence.
- Opulence
- Generosity
- Also implies presents from a rich relative or a rich and happy marriage for a young man.
- Erda, the Teutonic Mother Earth seen as a warm and nurturing deity.
- One who is slow to anger, but furious and violent of temper if pushed to extremes.
If ill defined:
- One who is materialistic, careless, negligent, complacent, lazy, unfocused, dull , depressed, and insensitive.
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