
druid craft tarot-ace of swords
The Druid Craft Tarot, Ace of Swords, depicts the artists interpretation of the "Lady of the Lake" a goddess of Arthurian legend. This is the Lady that gave the "older"Galahad the name of Lancelot (the phallic lightning god Lanceor) during an "initiation" of "rebirth", that she sponsored, in her magic Land of Women (Realm of the Tibetan- Kha Dro Ma). [Malory 1, 91]
Lanceor, also called the Golden Lance, was mated to Colombe, the Dove, a northern version of Aphrodite Columba. Much like the Hindu varja, phallus, jewel or lightning, Lanceor descended into the Goddess's abyssal womb to fertilize the world. Hence, Plutarch stated that Lightning was the impregnator of the Water's [Rawon, E.A.,151].
Therefore, like many Celtic figures of romance, Lancelot seems to have developed out of Oriental Tantric Traditions. His resemblance to the Tantric Saint, Padma-samhava, the Lake-Born Vajra,"a phallic lightning-bolt (Tibetan-Dorje) reborn from the Water-Mother as Lady of the Lake, is too much of a coincidence to ignore.
Hence, we can assume that the "Lady of the Lake", is the Great Mother Binah, Mother of the Ocean of the Universal Collective Unconscious. Hence, all is Mother who began as the Qabalistic Kether, as Mother is the action of birth.

The Unknowable Kether, is often depicted as the Point, The Crown and the Swastika, as explained in past chapters; however, these symbols only direct us into a journey of understanding that has no goal. We may say the goal, is to understand the Infinite, but the word infinite, even if understood, is a human invention. Thus inadequate to explain the "No-Thing" before Time. The point that is Kether, is the Singularity that was before the Big Bang but as the words may imply some vast understanding, this explanation is empty of experience and incomprehensible.
Yet, as inheritor's of the Imagination (Abyssal Womb) we are also potentially anything, which makes us not as comfortably understood as one would like. It Seems that the Divine Collective Unconscious, wishes us to be as vast as our forms seem to be limited. This is seen by the Imagination's ability to expand concepts so far beyond reality, that maybe, reality is just an imagined collection of “comfortable limits”; One moment we are the Human dreaming of being Spiral Energy, the next we are Spiral Energy dreaming we are a human. Much like that old Chinese tale of a man dreaming he was a butter fly, then upon awakening he wondered if he was a butterfly dreaming he is a man. Considering Kether, is much the same.
The Qabalist knows that all is Mind, and we are not talking about the human consciousness, but the Mind that the Dream of the Universe floats in.

Thoth-ace of swords
The Ace of Swords is a "seed or essence of Mind". The Root Powers of Air and symbolizes the influence of Kether in the Astral World of Yetzirah. This may be understood as the motion in the Currents of Astral Fluid, however, that is just the "elephants foot print in the Jello" (old joke) and not the Great Power itself. The Astral realms are the realms of fleeting forms...nothing solid. Thus the Ace of Swords is a potent card which can be extremely good or extremely evil. Evil, is live spelled backwards, and basically implies devolution rather than evolution. To move forward progressively, is Living, to Move backward, is "living in the past" which is a form of "living dead", since the past isn't now. Thus we have philosopher's saying. “Let the dead bury the dead...".

The Mind is called the Element of Air, for it is heated by Passions, as Air is heated by Sun, and thus it can become violent and life threatening. However, this is avoided if the Will of Spirit, is the controller of Passion, then the Mind becomes Life Expanding and Liberating.
The Ace of Wands represents a natural force, while the Ace of Swords represents that which is invoked; a force called upon.

The currents generated by Kether ("I Will Be") on the Astral are both dynamic and erratic, having the potential to be applied at will to different situations. Thus, we have the description of a "whirling force" that gains strength through trouble. To Qabalists, this is an affirmation of Divine authority and may become the Sword of Wrath, punishment and affliction. Pure mind has no conscience; it is up to us to supply discrimination to thought.
But let us not despair, for the Ace of Swords represents the Sword of the Magus crowned in the twenty-two diadem of light. To those of magic, the number 22 refers to Atu known as 22=2 x 11, the Magical manifestation of Chokmah, Wisdom, and the Logos. In Hebrew letters, that are numbers, which are embarrassed on the Ace of Swords, the Word of Law that blazes forth clearing the dark clouds of a Mind based on fear, or survival thinking. I would suggest getting the Book 777 by Aliester Crowley to further study this, as the words "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim", "Word of Law", are the numbers 777 and means in English translation, “One is Spirit of the Gods of the Living". The Ruach being Tiphareth, the Solar Logos and/or the Golden Lance known as the Soul/Psyche. "Know Ye not that thee are Stars"! There is a lot of investigative Gematria to understand here so get the book!
The Kether is the Divine Creative not living but having the potential to be. Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim, is the Spiral Energy that produces Living Creation. 777, is also the number of the Scarlet Woman. The Red Goddess, the Blood of Life. Crowley named her Babalon. She is therefore, a recent naming of the Lady of the Lake who gave Lancelot invincibility with her gift of a vaginal fetish, a red silk sleeve.
I would suggest that the perspicacious student get the Book-The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, by Barbara G. Walker, if one wishes to dig deeper into these legends of knowledge.
- The Querent is experiencing mental clarity and inventiveness.
- Problems being overcome with Original thinking.
- The dawning of a new intellectual process.
- Acting with logic and discrimination.
- Strength in adversity. Out of evil some good will come. Something that looks bleak can surprisingly turn out to be promising.
- Doom. This is the card of Morgan the Fate. Finality, Tragedy, and ultimate fate; However, it is release, freedom from past restraint and a new lightness and/or a kind of salvation.
- The beginning of an idea or information. The arising of Inner insight.
- This card depends on the surrounding cards to show whether it is fate or rebirth.
When ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Restlessness.
- Premature and subjective thinking.
- Belligerence.
- Weakness of will.
- Hardness.