
druid craft tarot- king of pentacles
The Druid Craft Tarot-King of Pentacles, is the comparable card to the Thoth Tarot- Knight of Disks. For as you may know, Crowley didn't use Pentacles nor Kings in his Tarot Deck. He felt the Kings should be "battle kings", which are Knights. For the power of a King should be that of one charging forward, armed and armored against contest.
The Druid Craft Tarot, takes the more traditional tarot approach towards kingship. Hence, he is wealthy, content, well fed and sitting upon his thrown. Next to him, in the window, is a wren. Now the Druids considered the Wren "supreme among all birds", as were the sacred bird of the Isle of Man which was the dwelling place of the Moon Goddess who cared for the dead. Then along came the Christians and their policy of Indoctrination through propaganda, incarceration and torture (sounds like Communism?) came to destroy the Moon Goddess, so she became the shape shifting Fairy Queen, who took the form of "Jenny wren".
Around the top of his throne is the Holly. In the druid alphabet, Holly was named tinne (T) . T is the form of the Tau cross and seems to be the reason that Holly represented Heroism and therefore, was dedicated to Cu Chulain, the Great Celtic Hero. The Teutonic tribes dedicated Holly to the Underworld Goddess Holle, or Hel or Hel-Aine...she had many names .
The King of Pentacles is a man of earthly wealth, hence the goat of Capricorn, an earth astrological sign and the symbols of Celtic wealth that abound in this card's art. This goat could also be interpreted as the zodiacal sign of Aries, who is Mars, god of war and fertility.

Faithful followers of my other blog (eli-lsmerchantile.com) know that Chokmah is both Wisdom and the Will to Force. He is the idea of male polarity and is the intelligence behind the Kings or Knights.
Now there are those who think that Male came first, or that Female came first; well let’s just say that they think only in linear time aided by our short-sighted physical-cultural perspective on sexuality. The startling fact to some, is that if you come up with the idea of Male, then you come up with the idea of female at the same moment. There is no male concept without the concept of female and vise verse. So the argument of whom came first, is null and void when intellectually talking about the Supernal Triangle and/or Trinity of the Divine Creative.
The Will to Force (Chokmah) and the Will to Form (Binah) united produce the Will -To –Be and/or Souls; which is the way of saying the mating of I and Am produces the idea and/or understanding of Being and that being is a - Me. Our concept of sexuality is in need of adjustment before we can understand the One Energy that made itself two so it could be many, for when the action of "birth" is involved in energy, it is called female and when the energy is radiated and/or expressed, it is masculine.
Chokmah is the second Sephiroth and thus is the force behind the four Deuces. The Personification of that force is represented in the four Knights/Kings. In other words, Chokmah's will to force, is at its most concentrated and dense elemental form on Earth.

Thoth- knight of disks
Represents the Lord of the wild and fertile land and as such is the King of the elemental spirits of earth; for instance, the Gnomes. The zodiacal attributes to this card are the last Decan of Leo and the first two Decans of Virgo.
Being that the Knight of Disks is the densest manifestation of the Elemental Yod force (God's semen), he is the force behind fruition, and growth but tends to be slow. This powerful fertility is represented in this card by the use of the Stag antlers on the Helm of the Knight. The understanding of the mythical animal images of the middle ages, comes in handy here, as the Stag is the beast that ate the serpent (received wisdom) and in so doing sheds its skin, any illness and old age, just as a serpent does. So to make a long and wonderful story short, the Stag represents the Knight's power to regenerate as does the organic matter that the snake is a symbol of.

Many of us have seen the Fire of Earth, in its volcanic upheavals; however, how often do we realized that Volcanism is Earth regenerating itself? Thus is the Fire of Earth that is the Knight; fleeting yet he is also the cycle of rebirth. The same fruition is implied by the corn or fruitful plane that his horse is grazing on. Thus he carries a flail, used in grain harvest and his disk/shield is that of solid nutrition. Hence, he is the archetypal personality of a person who is into healing, horticulture, herbs, etc.

It implies a personality that is :
- A concern for the body and good health.
- A doctor or herbalist concerned with health.
- The querent is showing the spirit of fertilization, as joyous practicality, steadfastness, reliability and is an epitome of material success.
- Generous, courageous but is not prone to seeking adventure.
- Ordinary activity, in social position, accomplishments, experiencing a success that is relaxed and enjoyed.
- A mature reliable, dependable, and wise male upon whom others may depend on and with whom they lay their burdens.
- A dark male, who is both courageous and lethargic in tendencies. However driven in matters of material success.
- A good financial provider who understands and likes work knowing it leads to financial security.
- The querent may be such a person or involved with such a person in their life. The surrounding cards or position in the reading would support this understanding.
When ill defined by the surrounding negative cards in the reading, it implies:
- Conservative.
- Dogmatic.
- Materialistic.
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