
druid craft tarot-seven of swords
This card represents the sabotaging mind where you know what you want symbolized by the central sword and then go about defining the reasons why you can't obtain it, as shown by the six swords surrounding the central one, on the Thoth Card or by the hand on the head of one who seems to have "writers block" as shown on the Druid Craft Tarot-Seven of Swords. This is the "yes-but..." mind that often keeps us from making our dreams work.
The Druid Craft Tarot- Seven of Swords, depicts the obligatory seven swords on or leaning on a bench. The old scribe, is showing signs of frustration as he is trying to write something of importance, that is just not materializing. The Crescent Moon is high in the sky, therefore, he has been at this for awhile, implying futility.

Thoth-7 of swords-futility
Astrologically the 7 of Swords is Moon and Sun in Aquarius, the circle with a dot in the center is a symbol of the Sun, the Crescent is the Moon and the wavy lines at the bottom of the Thoth Card depict Aquarius. Each of the six swords of procrastination bear a planetary sign for the 6 ways we sabotage ourselves.
1. The yes-but... aspect of Saturn is telling us there is too much red-tape or it's too complicated.
2. Another Sword has on the handle the symbol of Mercury which is about the negative communication of “I can't... I wish I'd a ...If only..." all negative reasons why "it won't work".
3. Another sword handle bares the planetary sign of Jupiter; the planet that symbolizes flexibility and expansion. The negative self-talk of Jupiter is “it’s too limiting and constricted" or” I am not lucky" or "I am not talented enough".
4. Another sword sports the planetary sign of Mars. Positively Mars is a sign of dynamic energy, vitality, and assertion but the negative side of Mars is " I don't have the energy to...I am burnt out...it's dull and boring etc."
5. Another sword handle is adorned with the sign of Venus; the planet of Love. The Venusian negatives would be," I really don't care...It doesn't mean anything to me anyway..."
6. Then there is the final sword whose handle supports the double loops which represent the Sun and the Moon the negatives of which are consciously and subconsciously you sabotage yourself out of doing what it is that you want to do. In other words, you are caught in wanna-be-ism which is a viscous cycle of mental inferiority.

Netzach is the Seventh Sephiroth, Victory, and governs Love, feelings and instincts. It is the Group Mind Sephira, influencing Nature and the Arts. As quoted from the Texts of the Golden Dawn:
"The beams of Chesed and Geburah meet in Netzach and thence in Netzach arises a green, pure, brilliant, liquid, and gleaming like an emerald. And the Sphere of its operations is that of Nogah or External Splendor, producing zeal, love, harmony, and it ruleth the Sphere of Action of the Planet Venus and the nature of the Vegetable World. And Jehovah Tzabaoth is a God of Hosts and of Armies, of Triumph and of Victory, ruling the universe in Justice and Eternity. And its Archangel Hanial, is the Prince of Love and Harmony, and the Name of the Order of Angels is Elohim, or Gods who are also called the Order of Principalities."
The Thoth Deck Seven of Swords, is called Futility or Lord of Unstable Effort. Here, the Moon is in Aquarius which indicates sociability, and religious inclinations; However, the fact that the Moon is less fluid and less changeable here than in other positions, doesn't keep the balance from being precarious and easily upset.
This is Netzach in Yetzirah, influencing the Astral World. Netzach, is that green Sephiroth on the lower illustrated Tree of Life Green is the color attributed to Venus, the planet of Netzach. Love, feelings and instinct, the Group Mind, Nature, and the Arts, all radiate from this Sephiroth. The Symbols for Netzach are The Girdle, The Rose, and the Lamp.
Netzach is the first Sephiroth of the astral triangle and is the first energy intelligence to make up the personality of the individual.
You may remember that I stated that the Personality is made up of the Four Alchemical Elements, each of which are represented by the lower Sephira, in the familiar sequence of Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Netzach is Fire, Hod is Water, Yesod is Air and Malkuth is Earth.
Netzach is the lower form of the fiery Yod of Chokmah that is reflected from Geburah through Tiphareth. This is the formula for Yod Heh Vau Heh, Malkuth being the final Heh, because of the "fall" which is really a condensing or "downsizing" of self.

In Netzach, normal waking consciousness of the student, must deal with the Astral Triangle and the ambivalent component parts of the Personality, after all, we are not "of" the Personality for it is a creation of Our Spiritual Nature! Personalities are software programs that are created to operate hardware/wetware, and are supplanted in the brain to manipulate the physical body properly. However, if your personality was made for you out of the illusions, delusions, and ambitions of "Authority” and its meida, you don't know the individual code and language that went into making the software your body is operating from; therefore, you haven't a clue who is operating the body. Yet again the axiom of Qaballah: "Above all things, know thyself!" rings true!

The most important part of Qabalistic initiation is to observe the layers of lies, that your personality is constructed from, removing layer after layer of false you, until the real you, the "Sun of the Divine" and/or Soul shines true. We are raised by being told that a child "knows nothing" and they must be programed to be an adult, this "Garbage in" is called man-made personality and the "Garbage out" is the dysfunctional action of "seeking yourself" in the eyes of your peers,and/or of authority. You are already divinely approved---you exist, and your Software for operating the Hardware, was already created by the Higher or Greater- Self, out of its collective library of living experience which many call "the Soul" and/or Psyche. In Latin this is the Animus.

Often, Mystery schools, such as The Golden Dawn, use a set of Tattva exercises as a type of "controlled day dream" (guided meditations), intended to bring the student into direct contact with the subtle Elemental realms immediately underlying the material sphere of sensation. Often, I, when teaching Qabalistic Tarot, bring those Elemental realms into sensual manifestation for my students, all of which is necessary to prepare the student for more advance techniques of skrying with Tarot Cards.

It should be understood, that the astral realm beginning with Yesod and including Netzach and Hod, is a fluidized, non-solid realm where everything begins in illusion/dream and/or theory. It is the place, where our Formative consciousness can experiment with image, such as children role-playing, in order to comprehend in a later stage of growth, the actual manifestation of being "that". If done with controlled will, and emotion focused by intent, this is a boon to any creative endeavor on Earth; if taken as rote, by "some supposed divine deity", all hell will break loose in the physical realm, as the experiment is unwatched and left with its errors!
The Astral is not a Master of your personality! Nor is anything that you contact in it! The Astral is your malleable substance to create with, not be created by! Most " Medium-Channels" just channel astral persona's, and live in an illusion of devotional thought, not allowing them to see that they are their own "holy" delusions. It is futile to think you have a Master, other than the Soul that created your persona.
Let me explain what few wish you to know: A god is a dominate Consciousness on its Plane of Dominion. Every one of the Ten Sephiroth, is a demi-god, therefore you are composed of the united cooperation of these energy intelligences we call "gods", which contribute to the make up the One God. In Qabalah it is stated that, "The Gods are creations of the Created". And you're are one better, because you are the Created and have also composed a body of the "god", i.e. Top Mammal Predator, the Human body, that is ruler of its domain! So, you, are a Great Group of Ten demi-gods, who should be working as One Group Soul Collective of your individual Tree of Life...A One Living God! The fact that we think we are not, is because we've been mentally separated from the reality of our divinity! This was done by the manipulation of our imagination, (auto-suggestion and pleasure /pain training) by "The few who wish to rule the many" and their dogma of “divide and conquer” using the long established propaganda technique of using disinformation as truth! The Astral is the beginning of formation, a fluid light influenced by the subconscious before it is crystallized on earth. Hence, everything there is malleable. By giving us "nightmare" stories of how bad our natural body is, the rulers of definition have divided our imagination (good/bad) against our masterful body. Therefore, you forgot the human body is a god of its domain and you are the Daemon Force (God-Man in Greek) that keeps it breathing.
We all must return consciously to the Astral and clean up our software, thus allowing the Above Intelligence-Greater Self to operate the Below intelligence, the Lesser Self, for the purpose of expanding and liberating life from entropy’s stifling hold! Knowledge must be experienced to become Truth.
When we are dealing with Netzach, we are dealing with understanding a particularly difficult State of energy conscious. Netzach is where both the Macrocosm and Microcosm meet. Therefore, in Netzach, we are dealing with the understanding of the entire race patterns of human kind, and patterns of individual persona. But if that isn't enough, we must understand that this dichotomy is in itself an illusion, for there is only One Self who thinks of itself as many!
On the Thoth Tarot 7 of Swords, Crowley has precariously balanced the six planetary swords, one against the other, aimed against the Larger Sun Sword. Implying unstable effort, vacillation and untrustworthy character.
You may note, dear reader, that Netzach in the suit of Swords, does not represent as much catastrophe as in other suits, as the Sephira of Venus, Netzach, means Victory. There is, however, a wish to compromise, a halting tolerance and a certain vacillation. When overdone, this need for compromise can bring disaster; not always does a policy of appeasement produce peace as any student of WWII knows.
The 6 Swords chipping away at the One Strong Sword, suggests a contest between the many feeble and the one strong. The Strong One strives in vain against the pusillanimity of the many.
When this card is thrown during a reading:
- The querent may be experiencing thoughts of futility. A sense of resignation produced by wanting something but believing they can't have it.
- Giving up.
- There is a possibility of breaking through this futile cloud, in seven weeks or seven Months.
- This card suggests that because of guilt feelings or resentment, the querent is creating problems for themselves.
- There is a certain craftiness displayed, schemes and actions are brought to bear, that solve nothing.
- There is an opportunity to regroup and review, if one forgoes the schemes and seeks advice from others.
- There is suggested that there is just too much noise in the brain for focused action, as many feeble thoughts of vacillation out shout the One strong will to act.
- Instead of the Power of I AM, we are caught in the self-denial of I ain’t... Often we run "mind loops" that constantly repeat our past as today's reason for not progressing or going forward with our life. These mind loops are the "nag within" syndrome that fear of discomfort often generates in our subconscious to avoid presumed pain.
- When the Seven of Swords card is thrown, the querent will:
· Have the opportunity in the next 7 weeks or 7 months to break out of self-imposed defeatism and move towards creating what one really wants.
· Know it’s time to "damn the torpedoes and go full steam ahead".
· Know and declare what you want, for that is the truth. The falsehood is the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness.
· Remember that the 7's are associated with the Charioteer, which is the originator of motion and change. So this card is not nagging at your weakness but advising you that choosing your wants moves you forward into a satisfying life motion and that you have the inherent power to do so.
· Have the capability to release sabotaging thought processes that where developed in a past that may go back to 7 years or when you were 7 years old.
· Focus on what you truly want; focus your heart, creative mind and passion on it, and your programed self-defeat won't be able to impede you; it’s just becomes white noise in the back wash of your powerful wake on the ocean of possibilities
When ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Deceitfulness.
- Insecurity.
- Intrigues.