
the Milo Manara erotic tarot-2 of air ( Aria )
The Erotic Tarot- 2 of Air depicts a scene of an actress happily receiving an Oscar- Award. He attributes the astrological meaning of the Moon in Libra to this card, which emphasizes the need to bring about change in a harmonious, united, and sociable way. That is what is happening here, with an actress being honored for her skills by her peers. Yet, we have a hat, and a scarf adorning this Golden man, leading one to believe the old Greek adage of Hera, that "There was no Father until She called Him Father". So, this could be the Creatrix, joyful over her creation of the Homo Sapien-Sapiens and /or the "Other". For to give birth is a Feminine act, and he/animus (soul) was born of she- anima (spirit). In fact, he is another way to be she. Therefore, she has created her most beloved. From Idea comes form. I Dea, is another word for Goddess in ancient Greek.
Milo Manara assigned to this 2 of Air Card, the meanings of:
- Choice.
- Balance.
- Ideas.
- The astrological meaning applied to the 2 of Air, is the Moon in Libra, implying, the need to bring about change in a harmonious, united, and sociable way

Thoth- 2 of swords-peace
The celestial attribution of the Thoth 2 of Swords is the Moon in Libra; the Moon is change, but Nature is inherently peaceful which enhances the balancing nature of Libra.
Overall, one would think of the disruption of Chokma (# 2 Sephira- Wisdom) in the suit of Air (Swords); air being a suit born from the conflict of Water and Fire in marriage causing Air/Swords to be subject to change as no other suit. Not only from the fire/water parentage but also when Earth appears the suit becomes crystallized.

In the Thoth Tarot, the 2 of Swords, is shown 2 Swords of equal strength, crossed; they are combined by a 5-petal blue rose. The Blue Rose represents the Gnostic Sophia, and the Qabalistic Chokma the Great Mother of Wisdom (Female aspect of Chokma), whose harmonizing influence, plus that of Libra, compounds the latent antagonism of the Suit of Swords. The pinwheel shaped white rays are in a geometrical pattern that emphasizes the harmonic equilibrium of the 2. Peace is about the best word to describe this harmonic. Here is two minds united in the wisdom of Sophia. Here, one's consciousness and unconsciousness are working seamlessly towards one goal.
When the Two of Swords and the 2 of Air is thrown:
- The querent will be or has been, experiencing peace after a quarrel that began two weeks, or two months ago.
- Peace is restored but some tension remains.
- There are two actions here, sometimes selfish, and sometimes unselfish action because of the contradictory characteristics in the same nature (Moon in Libra, Fire and Water).
- There is Strength gained after suffering; sacrifice and trouble, yet strength arising from the effort.
- The querent may often show sorrow and sympathy for those in trouble and champion the weak and oppressed while also giving aid to them.
- There is an arrangement of differences that brings about justice and truth from untruth.
According to dignity of the accompanying cards, the 2 of Swords or 2 of Air, could also mean:
- One is lacking tact, often doing injury when meaning well.
- There is also an inclination to repeat pardoned affronts.
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