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the manara erotic tarot- 5 of water- ( Acqua )
The Erotic Tarot- 5 of Cups seems to be a sink or swim card. Here a young woman is showing a fear of water, and her tutor seems disappointed in her inability to cope. Here she must fight her fear if she wishes to evolve / move forward. Water is the element of this card and emotions are associated with this element, as is the Moon and the Yoni.
According to Milo Manara this card is about:
- Fear.
- Avoidance of unpleasant issues.
- Reassurance.
Astrological meaning is attributed to Scorpio and Mars:
- The need to struggle.
- To evolve or fight intensely.
- Secretly.

Thoth- 5 of cups-disappointment
The 5 of Cups: Disappointment.
Many people inappropriately term some tarot cards as "bad" and others as "good" which is the two-dimensional thinking of our culture. This is assuredly errant thought as the Tarot is about conscious energy and its movement as "your multidimensional life" and wisdom comes from lessons learned.
The 5's, which have often been termed as bad, are really the necessary disruption of the placidity of the 4's, where nothing new is learned. Your inner self is telling the outer self it is time to move! This is also true for the 5 of cups. Emotional disappointment makes us fragile (the 5 glass cups), and vulnerable. Like the murky sea in the background, we become depressed and then angry, like the orange/red sky. We are now off balance (the askew star) and feeling uprooted (the lily pads with falling lotus blossoms). The transformational aspect of disappointment is shown by the universal sign of the butterfly (the roots of the lily pads in the shape of a butterfly).

There is trouble here as astrologically this card is attributed to Mars in Scorpio; Mars is the planet associated with vitality, assertiveness, and dynamic activity. Scorpio is the sign of depth and sexuality; Therefore, disappointment is felt deeply "to the core" here. Since Mars is extreme and Scorpio is also extreme emotion, this is not a trivial disappointment such as not getting the right color of car, but a real stinging disappointment that in the next 5 weeks or 5 months has been or will be experienced. There could also be 5 years of disappointment or disappointment that goes back to a period 5 years ago or even disappointment that was experienced deeply when you were 5 years old and is still influencing your present emotional state. All these meanings are determined by where the card lays in the reading. It's now time to transform your emotion into a free butterfly rather than a "stinging scorpion" in a hard shell of disappointment. Stuff happens to the just and unjust alike and by releasing disappointment, we can then turn anger into a personal ambition to create more motion in our life! This card states, “Release the past, for that is a dead place, fly forward into the sunny now!"

As I have previously stated, Geburah, the 5th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life Sephiroth, that rules the four 5's, may be severe but she brings a necessary correction in our lives. Severity corrects by tearing away all that is useless thought, and emotion; all that is outdated and unproductive.
In this Universe most of us understand physics 101 and the first law of thermodynamics that states there is only one energy that we can't create, nor can we destroy it. We can, however, transfer it and transform it. Transformation is a process of deconstruction and then reconstructing that which is envisioned, thus what seems to end is merely change.
Transmitting is done sexually (Mars and Scorpio) or in some form of intimacy and/or communication, where we are in communion with someone or something. Such as the intimacy of healers. Or shamanic rites, if human, or the universal sexuality of electrons transferring charge. The flow of this vital force is often called love, as such we could say that the intimacy of the negative pole as it joins with a positive pole of a magnet proves love=The Law of Attraction. But being Spiritual beings, we know Love is more than energy flow, it is a communion of multiple attributes that are even more apparent when a physical Spiritual body is present, such as, a human. The Spirit is Light, and seeks not enlightenment, for it wish to be intimate with creation. Hence, to the enfleshed Spirit, Intimacy is not just physical touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, or seeing, even though those are usually involved; Intimacy is where one Auric Field blends with another; one or multiples of female force to a male force. Energy weaving into a new pattern for both parties. A multiplication of 7 dimensions weaving with another 7 dimensions, becoming 49. These 49 are really a numeric or gemantic 4+ 9= 13 and Key 13 is the Death Card, which means a "Spiritual Transformation". Mind melding with Mind, body with body, soul with soul, spirit with spirit. Intimacy is "Other".
However wonderful energy-in- motion is, it also has an end or transformation. That would be the second law of Thermodynamics where"...all things proceed from order to disorder", so a Master Weaver of Self, would see the disorder in Self patterns, and deconstruct them and reconstruct a new order of Self which is an emotional reconstruction of Self-awareness. Here's where Geburah steps in to assist us, she makes us view the disorder, and as a corrective, we can now remove the old and build the new. As a master of creation, we must know emotion (energy-in-motion) as a willed action rather than a spontaneous reaction.

The 5 of cups is also known as Lord of loss in pleasure. Here the planet Mars is in Scorpio. The angels of the Decan are: Livoyah and Pehilyah. As the 5 of cups, Geburah is influencing the Mental World, Geburah in Briah.

By now you may know that the Alchemical Element-Water is consciousness, and a sever situation is sensually presented in the 5 of Cups. Mars is violent energy and in the water sign Scorpio, this produces an extremely emotional effect.
The once full cups are empty, implying loss of that which is loved, Geburah is fiery of nature, and still water is totally at odds with this active force, thus causing a disturbance and loss of pleasure. This card, if supported by the accompanying cards, can even mean death of a loved one. The inverted pentagram represents the triumph of matter over spirit and where disturbance arises in the middle of ease.
When the 5 of cups is thrown during a reading:
- The querent has been or will be experiencing emotional disappointment for 5 weeks or 5 months.
- Usually, the implications of relying too much on others for love, rather than loving themselves.
- Here, there is a certain crying over past events, an experience of grieving over what has been lost or unlearned.
- Emotional discord as one begins to adapt.
- This is a card of regret, loss, and separation. The corrective of Geburah is being applied here, and it is the beginning of recovery where one sees the need to learn something new.
- When this card is thrown, you may want to release past patterns of disappointment either with the Scorpio people in your life and/or in the next 5 weeks or 5 months be no longer willing to hold onto past disappointments and will make a conscious decision to let them go.
When ill defined:
- Bitterness.
- Desolation.
- Remaining in the crisis.
Thank you for your interest, comments, and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.