Above all things, know thyself!

The Mystic Palette Tarot- 2 of Wands

Tree of Life
The 2 of Wands represents the key to all systems, as well as the Universal Pattern that is the only Reality. That reality is the key, we know as the Second Sephiroth Chokmah (Wisdom) on the Tree of Life.
The first Sephiroth Kether (Eheieh) is no-thing as "I Will Be", therefore it is not a known reality. When we cause reality, it is our beliefs, emotions and opinions united in an energy-in-motion simulation, so I often call Chokmah the Real...for it is not of us but is the Will-to-Force. Therefore, reality is ambitiously created.
Our beginning is in Chokmah, the idea of I (Male-action) Am (Female-reception), and the Will-to-Force and Will-to-Form, all begin there. Thus, we are Dreaming ourselves into willful existence. For now, we know Chokmah to be Will-to-Force. Therefore, we start as a Willed Force, that many call "Spirit" which is an initiation frequency of energy that is life itself. Your Solar Self is Plasmic Life Force thereby making you the Sun that enlivens your physical body!

Thoth- 2 of wands-dominion
The four Deuces symbolize the Powers of the King and Queen; first uniting and initiating the Force, but before the Prince and Princess are thoroughly brought into action. Therefore, they imply the initiation and fecundation of a thing.

The Thoth- 2 of Wands-Dominion is also called the Lord of Dominion and whose zodiacal attribution is Mars in Aries. Mars being the planet of vitality, energy, ambition, and assertion: Aries is the astrological symbol of exploration and pioneering. The Angels of the Decan are Vehooel and Deneyal.
The 2 of Wands represents Chokmah influencing the World of Pure Spirit (Energy) known as Atziluth, the upper Triangle World of the Tree of Life.

Again, I am trying to explain the inexplicable which is the Supernal Triangle and/or the Super-conscious. This second Sephiroth is Pure will, without need of result. Which for many is impossible to realize for most of us exercise will and expect results to reach goals. What many of us don't realize is that Will is a ternary Power behind Spirit, in fact they are inseparable, and that Will is "I Will Be" (Kether), Will-to-Force (Chokma), Will-to-Form (Binah). The Spirit is the Willed Spiraling of fiery/Plasmic Energy into identity-motions and/or the I Am that build microwave dimensions of information and yet needs no result, as that result has been achieved by "moving into being" in the uniting pathway of Daleth mating the "Will-to-Force" with the "Will-to-Form" that is the 3rd Sephiroth-Binah (understanding).

The Lemniscate of 0=2-bonded in Love
But before frequencies are stimulated into being via "thought/microwaves/radio waves", there was Will-to- Force (Chokmah-the Divine masculine) and then Will-to-Form (Binah-The Divine Feminine); a simultaneous creation of I AM.

I Am !
The Sephiroth are called Beings that may be force or may be form, but in fact, a Being to a Western Qabalist is an "immortal/infinite state of Conscious Energy" while we may all know that the living forms have a beginning and an end, to us a Being is "beyond time-space", and therefore it has no depth, and its dimension is infinite Pi.
In Chokmah is the Idea of Being. The First Being---The All Father Fiery- Electric who has no form until She the Watery- Magnetic- the third Sephira-Binah "Wills-to-Form" and/or understands him into Form". She is the image-maker and/or represents the Imagination of the Mind. He is the first "spurt" of "Energy-in-Motion" that she encloses (law of attraction) and forms into Emotion which is now energy moving in an enclosure.

Here in the 2 of Wands is that joining of the 2 states of Will That is "He" and "She" both acting masculine in this state as both are "expressing will" and yet both are also feminine as will is enclosed in domain. The receiver of this expression would then be receptive-feminine, which is not a sex of a species but the Anima polarity (Divine Feminine Magnetic) and Animus polarity (The Divine Masculine electric) within the Psyche/Soul of each of us.
We all are 0=2. We begin as "souls" and/or Solar Self born of a Star's self-awareness, which is the "Divine Hermaphrodite" as "Being" and therefore, immortals. Each Soul, a Sphere of Plasmic Energy (Orphic egg), and data (Merkabah) that encloses form to make it active in our name of "I AM"... Hence, what I am is always an assumption. that we call a "Me".
The Chinese idiom of yin yang or the horizonal figure eight (Lemniscate), both represent the 0=2.

Yin Yang

Lemniscate (symbol for infinity and/or 0=2)

the human Merkabah

The 2 of Wands in both the Thoth and Mystic Palette cards represents energy in an unbridled state of Force, for Mars is exalted in Aries -the Ram-as the fiery Mars rules the fiery sign Aries. Here Fire, i.e., Spirit is pure Primal, and brilliant, warm, and bright as both Will-to-Force and Will-to-Form.

The Dorjes, Tibetan symbols for Thunderbolts, are shown crossed on the Thoth card, emphasizing the power and harmony of this card. Will-to-Force (Emotions) and Will-to-Form (imagination) are in balance here, the forceful Dominion of Spirit has become a domain, i.e., expression in material form. Therefore, here the Animus and Anima of the Soul claim dominion in the world of Malkuth (Microcosm-material world).

The Mystic Palette Tarot- 2 of Wands
"...will unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every-way perfect". [Al. I.44].
The Mystic Palette Tarot-2 of Wands represents the self-sustaining power, autonomous, and self-calibrating actions of Spirit as this pairing of wands shows the Firey power of the united- I AM as fertile leaves and the tree trunk forming a human shape and seeming to grasp the wands by winding up the shafts of a fire (red) and water (blue) topped wand. The Crown of each wand are dragons (Plasmic energy being) face to face with each other as if two people are in conversation. With these two conversing forces, the talk is certainly about desires, ambitions, impulse, enthusiasm, and impulses

In the language of flowers and plants, red-capped mushrooms, often depicted as Amanita muscaria (fly agaric), symbolize several layered meanings, influenced by their appearance, folklore, and associations. These include:
Mystery and Magic
Their connection to myths, fairytales, and shamanic traditions imbues them with an air of enchantment and the unknown.Transformation and Hidden Realms
As they have been used in various cultures for visionary and hallucinogenic experiences, they can symbolize crossing boundaries between worlds or personal transformation.Caution or Danger
Due to their toxicity, red-capped mushrooms often represent the duality of beauty and peril—a reminder to look beyond appearances.Luck and Protection
In European folklore, they are sometimes seen as good luck symbols or protectors against evil.
Their meaning can shift depending on cultural context and the symbolic framework being used. Are you incorporating this into a specific context, such as Tarot or metaphysical practices?
Yes, in the language of flowers, purple columbine (Aquilegia) carries rich and varied symbolic meanings, often influenced by its color and unique shape. Here are its primary associations:
Wisdom and Insight
The purple color, often linked to spirituality and higher understanding, gives the purple columbine an association with wisdom, intuition, and enlightenment.Mystery and Transformation
Purple also evokes mystery and magic, and columbine flowers, with their intricate, almost otherworldly form, align well with themes of transformation and discovery.Devotion and Faith
Columbine has historical ties to Christian symbolism, where it represents the Holy Spirit or deep faith. The purple variety, in particular, can symbolize profound spiritual devotion.Elegance and Grace
The delicate, nodding blossoms of columbine embody grace and natural beauty, making them a symbol of refined elegance.Courage
In some traditions, columbine represents fortitude and the ability to face life's challenges with resilience.
Would you like to explore how these meanings could align with other symbolic systems, such as Tarot or Qabalah?

In the language of flowers, purple hyacinths represent sorrow, regret, and forgiveness. They are often associated with asking for forgiveness or expressing deep regret for a mistake or hurt caused. Purple hyacinths convey a heartfelt acknowledgment of remorse and the desire to mend or seek reconciliation Hence, both the Red-Cap and the hyacinth apply very well to the 2 of Wands.

This card is about self-rule and standing tall in your presence. All of us must reclaim our subconscious survival minds from the media-controlled hypnosis of words and thereby, create a more conscious subconscious, thereby allowing the Spiritual "I AM" to claim Domaine on this planet.

We walk around in a media-controlled identity, which is not ours nor ever has been, leaving us lost in a limbo of confused will. It is a false ego and/or emotionally weak. This false coding must be extracted by lucid dreaming; a dream where we are consciously active and able to change it by command of I AM.

Authenticity is the Solar-Self that you are, not a slave to the programing of the few who wish to rule the many; Hence, you must claim dominion of your own brain by removing garbage programing. You are not made of words; you are made of Celestial (Plasmic Energy) and have the Power to be anything you declare yourself to be.
The difficulty of claiming this dominion is easily seen in traditional tarot. For instance, in the Rider-Waite-Traditional tarot there are mountains shown in the background. The mountains in the background declare the journey forward to be difficult but elevating. This card pretty much reminds me of the Fool, as one steps off into the abyss totally trusting the Spirit to support them on their hero/heroine's journey of I AM.

The Will-to-Be of our source reminds us that our first passion was "to be" and that all subsequent expression of Passion are to live an authentic and full life of Self Awareness and Declaration. The Lust to be ("I Will Be" of Kether), began all the need to form in this Universe, and as Energy: all of us are that I AM; that Lust. I Am the Lust of the Divine Creative "to be"! The intimacy of senses also implies Lust to be, as it creates intimacy with all things that are "I AM" and passionately installing the need to be ever more intimate experience of the Cosmic Self as "I AM Being".

Here discernment is necessary to move creation forward. We are Life, the combination of the 2 wills of Chokmah and Binah (2 Wands) and the becoming of form as "I Am Being" formed of One Energy by flowing between two polarities; Hence, the 2 wills must become one under intent, for Life to keep a balanced flow as shown by the flaming solar fires that form the center of the twin dorjes on the Thoth Card.

There is no lust of result in this Pure Will, made of the harmony of "He" and "She" aspects of the One. The Union is a joy-filled journey of ideas into forms. Therefore, there is no media-made "battle of the sexes" where one wishes to rule the relationship over the other. There is the Union of Wisdom (Chokmah-I) and Understanding (Binah-Am), that gives birth to Knowledge through the experience of manifestation.

On both cards, Energy is initiating a current of Force, which Spirals of Energy from which all domain is created. She, being Will-to- Form, is taking the electric fire of the Will-to-Force utilizing it to create both Form and Motion and/or Living Bodies. If you look carefully, you will see that the crossing "thunderbolts", form a square at the junction of their crossing. The Square represents the number 4-which is the number of manifestations. On the Mystic Palette Tarot, the branching human shaped tree trunk forms the spiral shape of the number 4 as well. Hence, the union of "Will-to-Force" and "Will-to-Form" (Wisdom and Understanding), creates willed manifestation.

We are all the Divine Androgyne.

When the word Harmony is mentioned, one often thinks of peace and quiet bliss, but this is the Violent Destructive Harmonious Force that initiated the "Big Bang"; totally without resistance in and of itself but destructive to passivity none the less, for it is "as fire", both consumptive of another universe and trans-formative into a new one.

Represented in the 2 of Wands is a rhythmic intercourse in the Substance of Mind, which we call Psyche. The theory is that a Singularity exploded "outward" to form the building blocks of our Universe and disturbed the peace and balance of absolute stability, as it destroyed one universe to build another, so that "change can become a universal constant"; the One Energy as set into motion of transformation deconstructs so that it can reconstruct all of which happens/forms according to Self-Awareness. For all Self is a duality of "force and form" (emotion and imagination). Therefore, we all live within the One Mind, as many idealized dreams of Self. Each of us is our own "Big Bang", copies of the Divine Motion and the Intent of "I Will BE" (Eheieh-the god name of Kether). We are the Power of Transformation made manifest.

Each of our Souls, is a Divine Child of the Divine I Am. Hence, we follow the Intent of the Original I AM which is to produce an intimate Image of Self and/or a "Me". that is a trinity of consciousness called Spirit-Mind-Body. Hence, there is One-Self, and many selves (fractals); an image often shown as a Peacock God, each "I" another Self of the One- Self.

Peacock God- Sri Jnana Pnadita.jpg

Here Mars in Aries, the first house, andrepresents that Powerful Gathering of Force to deconstruction of- "I" for the purpose reconstruction as- " I Am". A gain, a gathering of imagination and emotion and or the beginning of Trans-formative Energy.

Now the first law of Thermodynamics is in motion [.... there is only one energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed...and transmitted]. One is now in motion, which requires I transforming to AM, a dual identity of I and the "other" and/or AM. The Other, is the "Secret Lover", of which all of us have within our own Psyche, for all is Mind/Self. Therefore, in each of us is the Anima (Spirit) and Animus (Soul), whose intercourse, creates a "me"-a; a type of "virgin birth". I AM ME completes our trinity of self-awareness. and the story we tell ourselves called a "Me". What a "Me" is depends on our own assumptions.
I Am commands and/or declares form. Hence, I AM Wealth commands the form of wealth and its opposite, I AM poverty, commands lack. I AM... is always proclaiming what you are! "I Am now" insures you are not dead to today for those living yesterday's emotions and thoughts, are dead to the moment.

I Am Spirit-Mind-Body! I see the All.

Looking at the Qabalistic Tree of Life, we know the tarot 2's to be Chokma --the 2nd Sephiroth of the Supernal Triangle. This is Pure Will, independent of any given object. This is the Powerful Will (Words of Mars) that an aspirant can channel into ritual manifestation, but only if the aspirant has taken care of preparation so there is no lust for result (seeking) in their psyche, yet still requiring intent and the Union with a Feminine counterpart-imagination; for there is no form without her magnetic enclosure!
Intent without expectation may seem counterintuitive. However, our expectation designs the result by using cultural programs, (egregore) and thereby, limits what can really be created. When we "let go" of expectation, and just declare intent, the Universal Self can then produce the form of this intent in a perfected form free from the restraints of programed thought... often producing a form far beyond our own experience. Remember, "to seek" means you expect to have it sometime; therefore, you are really declaring that you are never arriving- always seeking. To declare I AM...is to state you know you are what you are declaring. Hence, by declaring "I AM" the world of energy and frequency all around you, begins to form it. Here is our dominion, the world of Vibration/Frequency. We are of the Psyche/ Mind that controls manifestation!

Thoth- 2 of Wands-Dominion
Mars, the planet of War, is in its own sign of Aries, the first of signs, and therefore represents Energy initiating a current of Force, but a "Point A to Point B", and/or Polarity-Male to Female, is required or currents of force, can't flow. Therefore, the Thoth 2 of Wands show the Dorjes, "Currents of Electrical Force", with a Feminine-Ka Dro Ma head on one end and a phallic shaped, twin serpent wrapped-spear head on the other end, showing both male and female "sex" (serpent) force interaction and the double helix of DNA. The horse heads on the Khadroma-crowns symbolize spiritual power and the serpents at the base of the arrow heads, represent the regenerative power (sex force transmitted) and healing that comes from this power balance.

In Tibetan Tantra and its Yogic traditions, Ka-Dro-Ma (translated as "Sky-Goer" or "Sky-Dancer") refers to celestial beings often identified with Dakinis. These are enlightened, feminine spiritual energies or entities that act as protectors, guides, and embodiments of wisdom in tantric practice. They play a crucial role in the spiritual journey of the practitioner, offering transformative teachings and guidance.
The Ka-Dro-Ma are often described as liminal beings who bridge the physical and spiritual realms. They are associated with qualities such as:
- Wisdom and Insight: They embody the wisdom of emptiness (shunyata) and are seen as manifestations of enlightened awareness.
- Dynamic Energy: Representing the active, transformative force in the universe, they help dispel ignorance and obstacles on the path to enlightenment.
- Empowerment: They empower practitioners, often appearing in dreams or meditative visions, to offer specific instructions or blessings.
- Symbolism in Tantra: They are linked to key aspects of tantric practice, including the union of compassion and wisdom, and are often depicted in dance-like postures that symbolize freedom and liberation.
Ka-Dro-Ma are central to the Vajrayana path, embodying the union of space (void) and movement (phenomena). They are revered not only as spiritual companions but also as reflections of the practitioner's inner realization and potential for enlightenment.
Here are some key points about the concept of Dakinis in Tibetan Buddhism:
Enlightened Beings: Dakinis are considered to be enlightened beings, and they play a crucial role in guiding practitioners on the path to enlightenment.
Feminine Energy: While the term "Dakini" is often associated with female figures, it's important to note that Dakinis represent the feminine aspect of wisdom and energy, which is not limited to gender.
Wisdom and Compassion: Dakinis are seen as the embodiment of both wisdom (Prajna) and compassion (Karuna). They are known for their ability to cut through ignorance and lead practitioners toward realization.
Sky Dancers: Dakinis are sometimes referred to as "Sky Dancers" because they are believed to dance in the vast expanse of the sky, symbolizing the boundless and unobstructed nature of reality.
Protectors and Guides: Dakinis are often regarded as protectors and guides for spiritual seekers. They can help practitioners overcome obstacles and achieve spiritual insights.
Tantric Practices: In Tibetan Tantra, Dakinis are central to various tantric practices. They are invoked through rituals, mantras, and visualization to aid in the transformation of ordinary experiences into spiritual realizations.
Inner and Outer Dakinis: There is a distinction between inner and outer Dakinis. Outer Dakinis can refer to physical beings or symbolic representations, while inner Dakinis represent aspects of one's own consciousness and inner wisdom.
Yogini and Maha Mudra: Within Tibetan Buddhism, Dakinis are associated with advanced practices like Yogini Tantra and Maha Mudra, which involve profound meditation and yogic techniques.
In summary, Dakinis are mystical and powerful beings in Tibetan Buddhism, embodying the qualities of wisdom and compassion (understanding). They are an integral part of the spiritual journey for many practitioners, helping them transcend worldly limitations and attain enlightenment.

When Mars is in Aries, it finds itself in its domicile, meaning it is in the sign it naturally rules. This placement highlights the most potent characteristics of Mars. Here are some key characteristics of Mars in Aries:
Energy and Drive
- High Energy Levels: Mars in Aries individuals often have an abundance of energy. They are enthusiastic, dynamic, and full of vitality.
- Initiative and Action-Oriented: They are quick to take action and are not afraid to start new projects or ventures. They have a pioneering spirit and love to be the first to do something.
Courage and Assertiveness
- Boldness: These individuals are courageous and willing to take risks. They are not easily deterred by obstacles or challenges.
- Assertiveness: Mars in Aries people can be very assertive and direct in their approach. They know what they want and go after it with determination.
Independence and Leadership
- Independent Nature: They value their independence and prefer to do things on their own. They are self-starters who do not like to rely on others.
- Leadership Qualities: Their natural confidence and assertiveness make them strong leaders. They are good at motivating and inspiring others.
Impulsiveness and Temper
- Impulsiveness: While their decisiveness can be a strength, it can also lead to impulsive actions without considering the consequences.
- Quick Temper: Mars in Aries individuals may have a short fuse. They can be quick to anger but usually cool down just as quickly.
Physicality and Competition
- Physical Strength: They often possess physical strength and enjoy physical activities. Sports and exercise are usually important to them.
- Competitive Nature: They have a strong competitive streak and thrive in environments where they can challenge themselves and others.
Passion and Enthusiasm
- Passionate: They approach life with a great deal of passion and enthusiasm. This can be very inspiring to those around them.
- Enthusiastic: Their enthusiasm is contagious, and they often inspire others with their zest for life.
Overall, Mars in Aries is a powerful and dynamic placement, emphasizing action, courage, and independence. It can be very advantageous, but it also requires the individual to manage their impulsiveness and temper effectively.

Here, Crowley promotes an interesting illustration of the Tibetan Dorjes (Thunderbolts) crossed but crowned with the Angelic Tibetan Kha-dro-ma (Daughters of Kali-Sky dancers) suggesting that these thunderbolts are more for deconstruction for the purpose of reconstruction.
Few of us remember that destruction is the first part of the creative process. Even the Universe as The Singularity (I), destroyed itself to become many (I AM Self), in the Big Bang. To tell the Truth, any great accumulation of energy by any form, be it psyche or physical, will destroy its lower frequency forms and if done properly, a phoenix will arise from the excess of flame/released energy as a formed harmonic of higher frequency. From failure arises bright success.
Such as the All Seeing "I", that created "Other" as "another way to be I", forming "I AM", and by understanding (3rd Sephiroth-Binah) the difference between I and Am, created the "Child", "Form". To see this in a clear manner, take a circle-0- and twist it upon itself-8-, this forms 2 circles out of One. Now we have the Dual One, who is both She and He that is One line of energy unbroken and is a symbolic image of the Soul/Solar Self.

Lemniscate: 0=2
Energy is oppressed in forms; a necessary oppression to be sure, but still in each of us the energy fights to join with Totality. Invoking more of One Energy, changes the form's Time/Space, to more expansive and energetic boundaries than before. Hence, the one who invokes is often accused of "insanity" because their reality (boundaries) has changed from the normal- fear-form- boundaries of animal survival mind to the I-magi-nation of the Immortal. That expansive perspective usually makes both genius and insanity seem to be one. This is usually because the mundane form is bound by a lesser perspective of self and fears the unknown and/or Greater Self who rules both life and death. In truth, to be indoctrinated and to have one's sight covered in the blinders of indoctrination and definition controlling dogma, is "insanity", and the enlightened-free of dogma and indoctrination are the sane ones.

Often, in those who seek "enlightenment" (Thunderbolts of energy---"The flow is in the Know") find that their attempts at expanding bring fear and repulsion to the brains indoctrinated programing, which are the primary animal tendencies and/or responses blamed on the " false ego" (egregore) as it sees its own smaller parasite- energy constructed world. But then with understanding of the complete plan, as Western Hermetic Tarot study is wont to do, the student-brain willingly surrenders, rejoices, and co-operates in the "Purifying Fire" of The Greater Ego, of which Saints are often accused of entering. Some call this "Holy Spirit" and yogis call this state of mind-Samadhi. It behooves the aspirant to remember we are not "brains", we are the energy that powers them. Therefore, brains are ours to control and not to be controlled by outside authorities programing.

The Military Industrial Complex is an egregore of Self-Destruction.
An egregore is a concept found in occult and esoteric traditions, particularly in Western mysticism and modern occultism. It refers to a collective thought form or psychic entity that is created by the combined energy and intentions of a group of people. Here are some key points to understand the concept of an egregore:
Origin and Meaning
- Etymology: The term "egregore" is derived from the Greek word "egrḗgoroi," meaning "watchers" or "vigilant ones." Historically, it referred to certain angelic beings, but in modern usage, it has come to mean a collective thought form.
- Definition: An egregore is a non-physical entity created by the collective consciousness of a group. It is sustained by the group's shared thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
- Collective Energy: An egregore is formed when a group of people focuses their mental and emotional energy on a common goal, idea, or belief. This collective energy gives the egregore its form and sustains it.
- Independent Existence: Once created, an egregore can develop a degree of independence. It can influence the thoughts and actions of the group members, often reinforcing the group's original intentions and goals.
- Influence and Power: The strength and influence of an egregore depend on the size of the group and the intensity of their focus. Larger groups with strong, unified intentions create more powerful egregores.
Examples and Applications
- Religious and Spiritual Groups: Many religious and spiritual groups create egregores through their shared beliefs and practices. For example, the collective worship and rituals in a religious community can give rise to a powerful egregore that embodies the group's spiritual aspirations.
- Organizations and Corporations: Secular organizations, such as businesses or political movements, can also create egregores. The shared goals and collective identity of the members contribute to the formation of an egregore that represents the organization's ethos and objectives.
- Magical Practices: In magical traditions, practitioners may deliberately create egregores for specific purposes. These egregores can be used for protection, guidance, or achieving particular outcomes.
Interactions with Egregores
- Sustenance and Dissipation: An egregore requires ongoing attention and energy from its creators to remain active. If the group's focus wanes, the egregore can weaken and eventually dissipate.
- Manipulation and Control: Advanced practitioners may attempt to manipulate or control egregores for specific purposes. However, this requires a deep understanding of the egregore's nature and the dynamics of collective energy.
Implications and Considerations
- Positive and Negative Aspects: Egregores can have both positive and negative effects. They can inspire and unite groups, but they can also perpetuate negative behaviors and beliefs if the collective energy is harmful or destructive.
- Awareness and Responsibility: Understanding the concept of egregores highlights the importance of collective consciousness and the responsibility of group members to maintain positive and constructive intentions.
In summary, an egregore is a powerful concept in occult and esoteric traditions, representing a collective thought form or psychic entity created by the shared energy and intentions of a group. It underscores the impact of collective consciousness and the potential for both positive and negative influences on group dynamics.

The 2 of Wands represents Chokmah in the suit of Fire. This is pure will; will in its most exalted form. Crowley called this card "...will unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every-way perfect". [Al. I.44].

As Stated, The Heads of the Djores, are Tibetan Kha-dro-Ma (the above amateurish illustration is how one appeared to me) which are considered Tibetan Angels or Demons (Daughters of Kali-"sky dancers") depending on if you are frightened of the Initiating Force or joyously accepting the necessary destructive/constructive nature of this Current of Force that Transforms.
Studying the Tibetan concept of the Kha-Dro-Ma gives even greater insight into this Cards Force; However, the Tibetans are very secretive about the Kha-Dro-Ma and their state of Ma (As in Kali Ma), will only state adamantly that they are the "highest state of Feminine" (angels) in the Universe and compose about 10,000 myriad in number (?). However, one appeared to me (I must apologize for the elementary art), telling me that they are more than myth and are spirit guides. They are presenting themselves as stunning feminine beauties (symbolic imagery) with cobra hair which moves and watches one. Their appearance could be the idea behind the Greek -Medusa or the cobra headdress of the Egyptian pharaohs.

The Creatrix directs the Serpent Forces of Energy into Images.
The Thoth Tarot- 2 of Wands: Dominion and the Lost Soul Tarot- 2 of Wands both represent the state of dominion, balance, and integration. We are now well into the Minor Arcana, which consists of forty cards which show the numerous ways the Major Arcana (22-keys of the Trump) are experienced in day-to-day living. The Major Arcana, Trump or Atu, are states of Universal Consciousness, and the Minor Arcana or small cards, are how the Universal I AM-expresses itself as an individual microcosmic consciousness and/or You.
The Thoth Tarot's 2 Dorjes (Tibetan symbols of Lightning/power) or 2 equal Staffs in the Lost Soul Tarot No. 2-of Wands represents optimum balance of energy, the sense of sovereignty, and being comfortable with your domain which can be called Personal Unified power.

Personal Unified Power!
When the 2 of Wands is thrown in a reading it implies:
- You are coming into your own power from your deep spiritual center that is a balance of Male electric (the rods) and female magnetic (The Kha-Dro-Ma-Tibetan angels- heads on the Dorjes and/or the Feminine form, standing on the Serpent wands of the Masculine force).
- The querent is experiencing the will to move forward in a new direction, from a place of undaunted will, of full power, and balanced dominion.
- Contemplating innovative ideas without lust of result.
- What once was unfocused energy is now becoming clear and polarized.
- Affirming a new self-identity.
- A partnership of two powers, opposite yet reflecting each other.
- Self confidence that only comes from affirming and approving of oneself.
- A sense of accomplishment without any feeling of satisfaction.
- In the next two weeks, or two months, you will have the energy, like Mars, to move in new directions: like Aries, from a place of integration, balance, harmony, and spiritual power.
- You have attained a certain amount of integral balance, harmony, and dominion within, that enables you to expand and liberate your life from past imbalances.
- Illumination.
- Considered to be influence over another.
- Dominion, boldness, courage, fierceness, shamelessness, revenge, resolution, generosity, pride, sensitivity, ambitiousness.
- Restless, ruthless, turbulent, and many other descriptions of a Willful Current of Force being applied to a situation.
- This card tends to be sagacious yet can be unforgiving and obstinate according to dignity.
- The Two of Wands is Focused Will and Fiery Motion, in a balance that will destroy the issue focused on to rebuild a new form.
- An immensely powerful card of Motion and change by a destructive means, which is often seen in the world of Atoms and molecules forged by the massive forces of the Stars. When this card shows up in a reading the Will of Spirit is involved...something of which the body is unable to stop.
- The querent is being overcome by boldness. courage, fierceness, and Shamelessness.
If ill defined by the surrounding cards, it implies:
- Generous and proud, but also a certain amount of revenge, and resolution.
- There is a suggestion of turbulent energy, which is beyond the "ego's" ability to control but it can also become sagacious, yet unforgiving and obstinate.
- It is because it Is.....and the person becomes baffled by the power unleashed without a "lust for result".
- Centering only on the love within, is the solution to this immense Power of Will, which is all around us, but of what we have so little contact with as we have "given ourselves" to the ambition of "others"....and believe we have little, if any "Will Power".
- This card suggests that the Spirit (Will) is beginning to rebel against its predisposed boundaries...come "Hell or High Water"!
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helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.