
rider-waite-smith, knight of cups
The Rider-Waite Knight of Cups, is again focused on the more prosaic. The winged helm suggests the Eagle of higher Scorpio (Scorpio has three images, scorpion, serpent and eagle. The lowest being scorpion) and the languid river suggests water, the element of the card. The Knight is holding a cup before him and is riding at an easy pace. The slightest hint of his fiery nature may be seen in the red flowers of his outer garment and the sun baked hills in the back ground. The river scoured landscape may imply that the river/or consciousness, is not always languid and may be subject to violent overflows.

The Thoth Tarot has replaced the position of King with a Knight or Battle King and the normal placement of Knights, such as in the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck, is held by the Princes in the Thoth Deck, as all the four Princes are dependent on the Union of the King and Queen: Chokmah and Binah give birth to the Son/Sun of the Divine Creative. Hence he is a Prince. Unless set in motion by the Union of the Royal couple, his power is an illusion. Because of the occult formula of Tetragramaton ("He will cause to become"), which is spelled in Hebrew as YHVH (Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh), there are Princes and Princesses in the Thoth Tarot. Kether, the 1st Sephiroth, is Eheieh or "I Will BE", which is very similar to "He will cause to become" who is Chokmah and/or "Will to Force". Hence, the Sephiroth are said to be separated by one degree.

Thoth-prince of cups
The Thoth Prince of Cups is known in the Mysteries, as the Prince of the Chariot of the Waters, Prince and Emperor of the Nymphs and Undines, as he represents the last Decan of Libra and the first two Decans of Scorpio.
He is Specific Air of Primal Water. Primal elements are found in Kether as undifferentiated potential. Specific elements are the Yod Heh Vau Heh, applied to #2-Chokman, #3-Binah, #6-Tiphareth and #10-Malkuth, in any of the four Qabalistic worlds.

By now, you may have a concept of the Yod Heh Vau Heh formula of Tetragrammaton, a combination of the four worlds, which is also shown in the Prince of Cups. Here we see the water Lotus and the cup that is issuing a serpent. The Serpent represents Chokmah, the Yod Force (Fire) and in this card, it has the Fiery unsettling qualities of Scorpio. The cup, is Heh and encloses the Yod serpent, a Victorian way to show phallus and womb or King and Queen in Union. The Prince, as Vau carries out the activities of Yod and Heh combined, here then is Water ( emotional consciousness). The Eagle drawing the Chariot, is the Kerubic symbol for Water. And as we know if we've swam in a river, the Eagle also suggests that the calm appearance of water may hold violent and fiery energy or currents beneath the surface. Thus, in the Thoth Prince of Cups, Water suggests the Great Sea of the Universal Collective Unconscious which branches into archetypal persona's which bear dynamic energy. Hence, what activity we can expect from the Prince of cups personality is on one hand, elastic, volatile and hydro-static equilibrium; on the other hand, the catalytic faculty and energy of steam which is shown in the Thoth Tarot card as wings of tenuous vapor, sprouting from his back that is also suggesting a spiritual sense of vaporization.

Scorpio is noted as being the most Mysterious of Signs, making this card very complicated in its Water imagery. The Lotus is sacred to Water. The calm and stagnant Lake beneath the Thoth Prince, is shown being disturbed by heavy rain; Rain being the volatile expression of Vapor that has become clouds, reinforcing his presence as the mythological god-Tempest. The reason the lake is shown stagnant, is because of the Alchemical secret process of putrefaction which is also symbolized by the scorpion (not shown because it is secret). The other two processes of Scorpio are shown as the Serpent and the Eagle. Sexual force and Higher Mental Motion, in that order. Besides myself being a Prince of Cups personality, the more noted ones are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, and Thomas Edison, to name a few.
As I've said before:: The Thoth Princes or Knights of the Rider-Waite deck represent the coming and going of an event or person.
When thrown in divination, the Thoth Prince of Cups or Waite Knight of cups implies that either the querent has or is familiar with an important person in their life, who may come and go, whose characteristics are likened to the Prince of Cups:
- The morality or moral characteristic of such a person would encase subtlety, secret violence and craft.
- Being also an artist in all his ways, he would be intensely secret.
- The calm and imperturbable surface he displays mask his most intense passion.
- He accepts only external influences that aid him in his secret designs.
- His conscience is not that of an ordinary person, for it is of a more impersonal nature , making him suspect and distrusted by acquaintances.
- He is perfectly ruthless and inspires fear in those that distrust him.
- His abilities are immense, going beyond ordinary senses in to realms of the subtle. He is, however, fluid and being volatile as well, does not care to work in harness.
- The fact that this card is Libra going over into Scorpio, suggests great volatility, as this influence implies tremendous power, energy and weight.
- Such a person must be well mated, with good will and sincerity, for loyalty is all important to keep their good nature. When this Is so, they are extremely romantic, sensual and generous to a fault and are great lovers.
If the placement of the Prince of Cups or Waite's Knight of cups is such in a reading it suggests an event rather than a personality.
As far as events go,
- This is a personal process of the quiet inner aspect of the male principle where self-reflection, inner meditative peace and awareness are being experienced by the querent (The person the reading is for).
- Here the event of Mind is turned towards deep feelings and artistic visions with the necessary passion to do them but with the secrecy that may prevent it.
- Here a person is completely involved in emotional sensation, psychic awareness and spiritual awareness. All of which they have in abundance.
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