
running press tarot-2 of swords
The Running Press Tarot-2 of Swords, depicts 2 sword with spade pommels, as table legs. Leaning on the table, is a person who looks to be in a state of introspection, while a canine is sitting under the table in a state of peace. Here, tension seems to be melting away and a state of peace and calm are, at least momentarily, the state of the day. Here, is another way of looking at Peace, which is the subtitle of the Thoth Tarot- 2 of Swords. If you remember from past blogs, spades are the swords of playing card decks.

In Qabalistic Philosophy, the Supernal Triangle can be compared to the Garden of Eden from here, the male and female polarities of energy balance against each other, evolving into increasing density as they develop towards the lowest Sephiroth, Malkuth, on the Tree of Life.
In Qabalistic Gematria, the number 2 symbolizes the union and balance of opposites that underlies all material existence. Because this equilibrium of opposites begins in Chokmah, it is called the Sephiroth of” Perfect Harmony”. While Kether is that which the “Root” of impetus is: Chokmah is the impetus for all manifestation. The Harmonic Union of opposites supplies that action.
Binah is Saturn, and Chokmah is the sphere of the Zodiac.
Ultimately Kether is Androgynous, Chokmah is the idea of Maleness (Electric/will to force) and Binah is the idea of Femaleness (Magnetic/will to form), and the mating of the 2, wills the Electromagnetic Spectrum" into living form.

Supernal Triangle:
Once again our sensual ideas of sexuality do not apply on this Higher Scale of Communion. Here Maleness is the vital outpouring of electrical energy that is organized as -Will to Force, limited or formalized by the magnetic qualities of Female-Will to Form. Thus Yod is male and Heh is female, and the resulting offspring is Vau of the Divine Name that marries the Daughter who is the last Heh. Therefore, the name of God, Yod Heh Vau Heh, is represented as that attribute to the six lower Sephiroth in which Tiphareth (Beauty) is central.

As you may note, there are many interchangeable symbols in the Qabalah that may make it seem more complicated than it is. The essential key is that the Vital Outpouring Energy, which in intercourse with an organizing force, produces something else. For example, red combined with blue, creates purple by the motion of the mixer (Kether). Opposites joined in balanced harmony, produce something greater than the parents. This is not possible if exactly the same united with exactly the same, you would only get, exactly the same.

The Tree of Life originated in the opposition of Chokmah and Binah. However, this is not static, any more than male- female union on earth is static, there is a constant back and forth motion of growth and movement. When a change occurs in one Sephiroth, there is a natural balancing response in its opposite. There is a continual exchange that could be compared to breathing, as the inhale exhale action that powers Life.
On the Tree of Life, the Uppermost Sephira is Kether, Eheieh,I will Be, which sets the pattern for all below it. Like an electrical switch that is off, Kether is all potential, while Chokmah is the electrical switch in the on position. Thus Chokmah is function while Kether is potential. Kether is a "non-Being" while Chokmah is essence of BEING.

Chokmah is the State of Self, where we dream ourselves into being, from a Divine State of Meditation. The dreamed is unaware of the dreamer as we dream ourselves "inside out" (we are infinite inward and limited outward; a type of Mobius loop), an ultimate fact of our Earthly existence. Thus you are the Master and the Masterpiece, the Transmitter and the Transmitted and once again, you can see that your only savior from dysfunction, is your inner self.

From One "I" (the all Seeing Eye) all identity becomes, so in actuality, we as different separate vibrational frequencies do not exist other than as one energy. However, we declare existence by stating "I AM". Then we set about defining that invisible principle of existence as a "Me".Thus manifestation is a simple three-word definition called, "I AM Me" of which you, as the spiral vibration of energy (spirit), hold total freedom to define. Since I AM Not, is impossible, as I am declares existence, whatever you define as not being you, simply states, that it is you. For example, one plus naught = 1, Naught-zero- has no influence in potential. So “I am happy" creates happiness, while "I am not sad" creates only sadness. Time to rethink your power over the dream of you!
Since dimensions are descriptions of spatial terms, our life dream has specific dimensions as that is our best frame of reference. The Tree of Life is how the Qaballah describes these dimensional frames of reference as being a downward flowing evolution of Chokmah through various levels of Self Dream called Sephiroth. To make this simple, we are first dreaming our own existence, and that we are all, collectively (Collective Unconscious), are what is known as God-Mind, which is the definition of the word Hu-Man. This process of evolutionary dreaming towards a more condensed and sensual dream self, is called the "fall", but it really is a "downsizing", that causes us to "lessen" our self-concepts to become more sensual and interactive, all of which is necessary for evolutionary information called Knowledge. Hence, by "down sizing" form Many into one individual, we lose sight of our own Divinity and must "reclaim" all the data we left behind on our "downward" journey into sensual dreaming... You may say that in manifestation, Malkuth, we are a lucid dreamer.
The goal here is to get the inner dreamer and the dreamed to cooperate with each other and thus the dreamer than begins to get control over its life-ream happenstance. This is a truly extraordinary experience and is the making of a Magi. Here the Union of Dreamer and Dream has no veils between them, and we can have anything at all. However, we no longer experience the "need" of the disconnected. We Love, without need, we created without fear of result. We want nothing at all because we become I AM All rather than I Don't Have. We learn what does matter and what does not while we go about the Great Work of "As above, so below".
THE 2’s:
The Four Twos symbolize the Power created by the union of the King and Queen that initiates force. Those forces are the Prince and Princess that are not yet brought into action. The 2's thus imply the initiation and fecundation of a thing.
From the Golden Dawn Texts:
The four Deuces symbolize the Powers of the King and Queen; first uniting and initiating the Force, but before the Prince and Princess are thoroughly brought into action. Therefore, do they generally imply the initiation and fecundation of a thing.

The celestial attribution of the Thoth 2 of Swords, is the Moon in Libra; the Moon is change, but Nature is inherently peaceful which enhances the balancing nature of Libra.
Overall, one would think of the disruption of Chokma (# 2 Sephira- Wisdom) in the suit of Air (Swords); air being a suit born from the conflict of Water and Fire in marriage. Air/Swords is subject to change as no other suit, not only from the fire/water parentage but also when Earth appears the suit becomes crystallized.
In the Thoth Tarot, the 2 of Swords, shows two Swords of equal strength, crossed; they are combine by a 5 petal blue rose. The Blue Rose represents the Gnostic Sophia, and the Qabalistic Chokma as the Great Mother of Wisdom (Female aspect of Chokma), whose harmonizing influence, plus that of Libra, compounds the latent antagonism of the Suit of Swords. The pinwheel shaped white rays, are in a geometrical pattern that emphasizes the harmonic equilibrium of the 2. Peace is about the best word to describe this harmonic. Here are two minds united in the wisdom of Sophia. This makes the sexual connotations of male and female, suspect. However, in the One Energy, what gives birth is feminine in action, and what expresses, is masculine in action.
When the 2 of Swords is thrown:
- The querent will be or has been, experiencing peace after a quarrel that began two weeks, or two months ago.
- Peace is restored but some tension remains.
- There are two actions here, sometimes selfish and sometimes unselfish action because of the contradictory characteristics in the same nature (Moon in Libra, Fire and Water).
- There is Strength gained after suffering; sacrifice and trouble, yet strength arising from the effort.
- The querent may often show sorrow and sympathy for those in trouble and champion the weak and oppressed while also giving aid to them.
- There is an arrangement of differences that brings about justice and truth from untruth.
According to dignity of the accompanying cards, the 2 of Swords or 2 of Air, could also mean:
- One is lacking tact, often doing injury when meaning well. There is also an inclination to repeat pardoned affronts.
- All in all, the Two of Swords, is a balancing of two strong individual minds, who have found greater profit in agreement rather than in conflict.
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