
The Starman Tarot-Key VII-The Chariot
The Starman Tarot-Key VII-The Chariot, depicts a dreadlocks headed, mature- Bowie-est well armored and armed charioteer. The look on his face is that of "This ain't my first rodeo, come get me". To add to this stern demeanor, his chariot is being pulled by armored Kimono Dragons. These all muscled through-backs to the dinosaur era are strong, biological weapons, with razor sharp teeth that can drag down a bull. Therefore, we have a real tough-guy in this mad-power setting. His sword swirling fire, this Charioteer is one battle hardened soul, who much like Gilgamesh, has done impossible feats of courage, mayhem and superhuman effort. Yet, he is ready to go again. It would take immense control to handle Kimono Dragons as a team, so this Charioteer is all about controlling his natural aggression and instinctual fight or flight limpid gland mechanism. He knows that to lose control of his emotions, ambition and imagination could be a disaster for the unsuspecting.

Weapons of war decorate this golden chariot, along with the infinity symbol, the lemnistrate, on the front of the double tree hitch that the Dragons are hitched to. In fiery back ground and foreground we have examples of alien calligraphy and sacred geometry. It’s almost as if this Champion is riding through the Underworld, kicking evil's butt. Here we have the Golden Solar Warrior aspect of the Soul. Therefore, this is a definite powerful image of the Holy Guardian Angel which is a protective-guardian- aspect of every soul. However, if we have rejected our original identity for that of a man-made one, we have disconnected from the soul that has created as "us", who are it's avatar in this world. Hence, we can't communicate with it and lose some very powerful protection.

Thoth-atu 7-the chariot
The Thoth Tarot- ATU 7-The Chariot, is the Path of Cheth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The Hebrew letter Cheth (bottom left of card) means enclosure, or fence and is that enclosure which the Chariot provides for the Charioteer. For the Great Red- Severe- Mother-Geburah, and the 4 pillars of the Universe enclose this Golden Warrior and/or "your Holy Guardian Angel".
In the text-THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM, Dr. Paul Foster Case stated:
"The 18th Path is called the House of Influence (by greatness of whose abundance the influx of good things upon created beings is increased) and from the midst of the investigation the arcana and hidden senses are drawn forth, which dwell in its shade and which cling to it, form the cause of all causes."
Between Geburah (Severity) and Binah (Understanding) the Great Mother on the Tree of Life, runs the Path of Cheth. This is the highest and most profound Path on the Pillar of Severity and introduces the Personality to the Supreme Spiritual Self that wraps our Soul in the Golden Armor of Protection so that the Golden Psyche can be carried through the unmanifested Universe, and/or Dark Matter and Dark Energy, without losing a Photon. The Chariot is the enclosure that holds the Soul in a state of peace, as it moves through all planes. In his BOOK OF TOKENS, Dr. Paul Foster Cases stated this about the Chariot:
I am the hedge of protection
Enclosing the field of existence in this field thou dwellest,
And I am thy defense,
Against the darkness which is without.
Yet is this hedge of safety
Alas a wall of limitation,
And the darkness against which it defends thee
Is the radiant Darkness of the Limitless Light, too brilliant for thine eyes.
The Darkness that Case, refers to is that of the Abyss, the gateway to the Abyssal Womb, the birth-place of our Soul- Self. Pictured in the Chariot, the experience of the Spiritual Self is known in Alchemy as the "Exhalation", where the Alchemist becomes the Philosopher's Stone.

The Thoth Chariot, shows the influences of both the Hindu Tattvas and the biblical text of Ezekiel with its "living creatures" being represented as 4 Sphinxes pulling the Chariot. These Four Kerubim (angelic beings) represent not only the four Tarot Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, but also each has four sub-elements, as do the Tattvas, and are represented as the four faces of the creatures.

Geburah, is often symbolized with a Pentagram, or five pointed star, that has the Four Elements crowned by the Spirit. Thus, making 5 the number of Geburah on the Tree of Life, Geburah is a Red Force, and is symbolized on the Thoth card as the Chariot's Red Wheels, meaning that the force of Geburah (Severity) is the motive force of the Chariot.
Geburah is complimented by Chesed (Mercy) on the Tree of Life, and this compliment is seen in the constant usage of the number 4, Chesed's number. In the Thoth Chariot card there are Four Sphinx, and four columns (Four Universal Elements) holding up the starry canopy or heavens of Binah (The Great Mother- Empress Card key 3). These four elemental columns are called the “four columns of the Tree of Life in a Solid Sphere", adding a little more of the arcane to this card. I suggest the curious student gets the book, THE QABALISTIC TAROT by Robert Wang, as it is a fine text for understanding the Arcane.

Above the Golden Armored figure of the Holy Guardian Angel, on the Thoth Card, is a crab, symbolizing the sign of Cancer Woven into the canopy is the word "ABRACADABRA", which Robert Wang thinks is an apparent pun on "ABRAHADABRA", a word that Crowley called, “one of the most important key numbers of the Liber Al... The word of the Aeon....the cypher of the Great Work which when using Qabalistic Gematria (numerology), (Book 777 of Crowley) adds up to 418. Using the math of numerology, we do the sum, 4+1+8= 13, the Key/ATU 13 - the Death Card, the harbinger of great spiritual change.

Krishna and arjuna

Crowley understood that something martial is going on in the Psyche of the Seeker themselves. Much like the Bhagavad Gita, where the pursuit of enlivenment is symbolized by warring factions. On this highest Path of Severity, the Soul Warrior of Geburah has reached a pinnacle, as shown by the ten stars on his golden chest that represent the Qabalistic world of Assiah or Matter. Seated in meditation, with the Holy Grail in his hands: The Cup (Womb) that we look directly into when using our Imagination to produce ideas. The red Grail of the Scarlet Woman and the Blue Grail of the Empress.

The movement of the Chariot conceals a mystery (arcana) of great significance. The Chariot is reminiscent of the Greek Chariot of the Sun, Helios, as the four horses of the Sun pulled the Chariot of the Sun across the sky. This is significant as a representation, since the Chariot moves between the Light, centered in Tiphareth (Beauty) and the Supreme Darkness of the Limitless Light (Dark Energy) at the hidden side of Kether (Crown). Yet, there is even a more complex meaning suggested here, as the Sun is guided by the Moon! And in both Greek Mythology and the Qabalistic Tree of Life, the sun is subordinate to the moon. Since the Chariot is of the sign of Cancer, that is ruled by the Moon (and in which Jupiter is exalted), the Charioteer follows this philosophy of subordination to the Great Mother. The cardinal Path of the Moon, leads from Tiphareth (Beauty-Solar Logos) to Kether (Crown) is the Path of the Priestess. Water (Pure Consciousness) takes precedence here and is represented by the Moon.
This is a Higher Path card, and requires much skrying, meditation, and arcane study, so this author recommends that you devote more time to this card than a brief lesson. At least, get the books I have recommended in this treatise and read them liberally! What is also noted here, is that the Male-Female relationship, is represented backwards here in our reflected world. The Male Force of the Universe is Subservient to the Female Force in order for Force to become Form. Idea is subservient to Understanding, for Life to progress. There is much to consider here, if one wishes to "Know thyself!".

In Western Hermetic Qabalah, this Card is called the Holy Guardian Angel, who protects the Personality of an individual. It is the Warrior part of our Soul, that won't let us down, if we know ourselves. By identifying ourselves in man-made words, we are lost to our Soul, because we have accepted an outside authority to be our master. Therefore, it loses contact with us because we have denied it. Know thyself, the axiom of Qabalah, is indeed necessary to understand the Powerful Spiritual Manifestation that you are.
When the Starman and Thoth Chariot card is thrown during a reading, the querent is reminded:
- To devote themselves to the combination of activity and quietude so that they may have the drive to attain goals.
• It is a time of clearing out the past, moving beyond and beginning with new energy while taking responsibility for one's present condition.
• There is a need for victory here, by combining the images or content of the unconscious with the consciousness for the purpose of achievement.
• The Chariot also signifies that the querent has begun controlling a situation by the force of their personality.... a focus of Will.
• The goal will need fighting for, but you have been granted the energy to win it!
- The Hero setting off.
- The highest spiritual achievement-The Holy Grail.
If ill defined:
- High handedness.
- Ultimate failure because of obstacles.
- Megalomania.
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