
Starman Tarot- Key 9-the alien
I bring back knowledge from distant places.
Caution! Includes images that may shock the ignorant.

The Starman Tarot- Key IX-The Alien, is the comparable card to the Thoth- ATU 9-The Hermit, even though Davide De Angelis, states that it is different because the Alien is an intelligence from the void, that arrives with ideas, knowledge and technologies as a translucent presence glowing with sacred geometries and a Universal Pattern of the Flower of Life. All of which may be true, but I dare to differ for that ancient void is within each of us. We are made of a genetic manipulation of Alien DNA and the mammalian DNA of earth. Hence, the image of the Greek god Mercury, the Messenger of the god's carrying to earth the Double helix symbol of the DNA as a Caduceus. Also, this is what the people of Sumer wrote down in cuneiform on their unearthed 500,000 clay tablets. These Aliens were called Annunaki, which means "Those who from the Sky/Heavens came".

The clay tablets were written by scribes, who are the educated historians of their culture, these cuneiform tablets go on to describe the history of the homo sapiens and their ''gods" and/or creators who came from the sky area of the Orion system. They were not alone in this belief, as the Mayans, Dogon of Mali, Aborigines of Australia, the cultures of Mesopotamia, the Ancient Egyptians, the ancient cultures of South and Central America, and ancient European peoples, all believed that we were the creation of the "gods" and left us either written descriptions or picture glyphs of said Aliens.

Remember, the Scribe was the most educated of their people, and hence, recorded the history as they witnessed it. To make this long story embarrassingly short, we have alien- chromosomes woven into our double helix of data, DNA, that has become active- information and/or A living Body. DNA is an intelligent molecule, so it becomes form when the data contain within its double helix is "understood" (Understanding is represented by Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life). We are a genetic combination of extraterrestrials and terrestrials and/or of the gods and Homo Erectis that has made the Homo Sapiens who became the modern Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Since "the women of men" were impregnated by the "Angels", the Alien DNA is represented as the "Yod of God" and/or Hand of God, and/or the Phallus of the Divine.

Most of those DNA chromosomes, data, are still dormant awaiting a certain event to "awaken" and go into action and that action is the rising of the "inner star" and/or Kundalini.
Hey, even Ezekiel in the Bible described the Vehicles of these "gods" and was even lifted up into one unto "a palace of heaven". He was considered a Hebrew Prophet, and not a writer of Sci-Fi, which is a modern writing style which even the most ignorant archaeologist must know.
Who was Ezekiel in the Bible?
Ezekiel (/ɪˈziːkiəl/; Hebrew: יְחֶזְקֵאל Y'ḥezqēl [jəħɛzˈqēl]) is the central protagonist of the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Ezekiel is acknowledged as a Hebrew prophet.
Ezekiel - Wikipedia

Therefore, deep within each of us is a "Divine" inheritance from the "gods" and/or The Alien. It is called the Kundalini by the Yogis of the Hindu. It is an inner-soul, according to the Qabalah. It is the "magic within" according to Western Hermetic magic. It is the Hermit, inside each of us.
Some may call this the "Inner Sun" or "Inner Son"; However, no matter what you call it, this storage of Alien knowledge, resides all rolled up like a serpent, at the base of our spine in a spiral-package called the Basel Chakra and/or the Muladhara Chakra. It is an inner star, that once risen up the spine, becomes active and unrolled as it "twists" about the spine like red and white on a barber pole or like the serpent forces on the Caduceus coil. A twin rising of energy data/ information, both masculine and feminine in action, that once risen triggers "magic abilities" and/or Divya Sidhis as the Hindu calls "magic abilities" and/or the awakening of 33 senses. It is felt as star hot, and Acid trip stimulating all at the same time. It is our Alien inheritance, from the Stars. To be awakened only when we reach a certain evolutionary state of intelligence, that some call "unconditional Love". Hence, the axiom, "Above all things, know thyself" or as Plato was quoted as saying, "To know yourself, is to know god".

I know this to be so, as I have awakened mine through extensive Tantra yoga work. Now I can "See" beyond my physical eyes, into the multi-dimensional "I's" that we are all constructed of and from which in Western Qabalah are called the Sephiroth. Once, awakened one can also transmit this data via radio frequencies, microwaves that we all produce, but once the Kundalini is awakened, we exude these waves all around us in an Alien Auric field of evolved "light bodies". Males can transmit this data in their semen; Hence, the name "the semen that heals the anointed" which in Greek is "Zeus Christos" (Jesus the Christ).{The encyclopedia of Erotic Wisdom-by Rufus C. Camphausen]

The Genie (Genies) is out of the Bottle
No matter how it is awakened, the Kundalini is a transference of great power, and therefore, great care must be taken to temper the body to handle "higher vibrations" and/or Alien vibrations of energy in breathing rituals called Prana Yamas. For once the genie is released from the bottle, you can't get it back in. And this genie is a multi-dimensional Stellar power, and can make a person so sick, mentally, physically and emotionally that they rarely recover reality. Like all power, one must temper their physical body to handle the heat. Never, awaken the Kundalini prematurely!

Therefore, the Alien, represents hidden powers of magical abilities that we have inherited from alien genetic engineering. So introspection is again recommended to find the "cave" that this Alien steps out from when awakened by you-the self-conscious. We have an inheritance from out Alien Ancestors, that wasn't granted easily. When the experiment didn't work, the whole race of genetic mutations was wiped out. Sodom and Gomorrah, Mesopotamian, the great flood etc. and if that wasn't enough, the "gods" warred over us. "To be or not to be", was the much argued question.

According to the Sumerian Tablets, some of these alien geneticist’s/Annunaki sided with Enlil the ruling brother that thought since we were designed for the purpose of slave-labor, that once the "gods" left the planet, we should be exterminated. The other Alien ruling brother, Enki, thought that since we could develop speech, language and all the skills that Alien Genetic Technology has given us, we should be left to live and develop as a new colony of our Alien forefathers. War decided the issue and the "wars of the gods" is a very common concept in our ancient writings and pictographs. Lucky for us, Enki's bunch won the war, and they did this by enlisting Homo Sapiens as their warriors, and even gave us use of advance weaponry to win, as in the Walls of Jericho being destroyed by a "sound weapon". There are many, many, cultures that in one way or another state the same events in our history. And remember Scribes didn't write Sci-Fi, or mysticism, they recorded witnessed history.
Enough said, research this on your own. You will find the evidence of us as a genetic modification of Homo Erectis, over whelming. What is even more spectacular about all this, is that since the new Homo Sapiens-Sapiens, we are able to be the avatars of a Star Soul, one not of earthly evolution but one of Ancient Stellar Knowledge. We have the proper chromosomes to ride our own Merkabah.
Merkabah/Merkavah mysticism (or Chariot mysticism) is a school of early Jewish mysticism, c. 100 BCE – 1000 CE, centered on visions such as those found in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 1, or in the hekhalot ("palaces") literature, concerning stories of ascents to the heavenly palaces and the Throne of God.
Merkabah mysticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The finest thing in the world is knowing how to belong to oneself.
-Michel de Montaigne, Of Solitude

Thoth- ATU 9-the hermit
The Thoth Hermit card represents the Universal Principle of completion, contemplation, and introspection. The Hermit symbolizes the shower of the wise way, who lights the way the way of wisdom in the experiences of life and is an invaluable inner resource for assisting us and others in our daily lives.

The three headed dog, who is the Greek Cerberus, guardian of the underworld, signifies the part of our nature that things are complete (one head looking behind on the Thoth card) before we move our attention forward, Hence Cerberus, is our constant companion as "Past-Present-Future". Cerberus, represents the dark inner and unknown parts of ourselves that we should explore and incorporate before wholeness of self can be experienced. He is time past, time present and time future.

The burgundy cloak is the Egyptian symbol of blood that represents the inherent honesty and integrity (virtue) within all of us and/or the Blood of our Alien Races. It pays to remember that we inherit the great Wisdom, Integrity, and Virtue of the Divine in our blood, and through introspection and contemplation we can "Remember our Divinity".

Astrologically, the Hermit is Virgo (the wheat in the back ground), the sign that represents attention to details, organization, and beauty. The egg wrapped in the serpent, is called the Orphic egg and symbolizes the ability to give birth too new spiritual and physical forms.
A short explanation: if this card is drawn, it usually means that knowledge is needed in the querent’s life and having the need to listen closely to the master within. Contemplation, introspection by means of meditation is a method of achieving such a goal of inner wisdom. However, solitary, is a word draped in illusion for none of us walk alone. As we walk, so do our demons and angels walk with us. We become solitary only when they all let the master within be their will. We must know ourselves as this master and not the product of our demons or angels.

THE HERMIT-ATU 9, is known as the Path of Yod on the Tree of Life, and connects Tiphareth (Sephiroth called: Beauty) and Chesed (Sephiroth called: Mercy). In other words, the Path of Yod connects the Christ-Buddha intelligence to the Architect of Manifestation that is Chesed, the 4th Sephiroth. This is the self-sustaining point of primal beginnings in the Universe. It is the coming of the Light of manifestation through the Microcosm; the manifested Universe in direct contact with the Source of All. Therefore, the Path of Yod, is from the Demiurge out of darkness and is known as the Intelligence of Will. The Hebrew letter Yod, means Hand and according to the text Sepher Yetzirah, Yod is a simple letter that is attributed to sexual love and therefore, also represents the Phallus. (Needless to say, sexual love and hands do go rather well together...as if I could resist that!)

The letter Yod is also phallic in shape and is considered the Male-Fire which rushes out toward the Female-Water. It is the "genetic inheritance" of the Anu curled up at the base of the spine. These meanings seem curious at first, since the sign of Virgo (the Virgin) is attributed to this Path, giving us the understanding that the Hermit is to be ever-virgin, pure and totally innocent. However, the very word itself, Hermit, comes from a Greek word meaning desert, the place where extreme ascetic monks lived in walled up rooms with one window. Which seems to add to the very mystery and solitariness of the Hermit/Alien figure standing alone, holding its own source of light. Reminds me of the Christ (Zeus Christos) as the "Light of the World".

This image of the desert is a compelling one, as it is conceptually a vast expanse of earth, seemingly as vast as the Ocean. Binah, the Great Mother is often called the Great Ocean Mother Mari, and is seen in the image of the dark, deep, endless waters of the Universal Unconsciousness and/or the Great Ocean of the Abyss (Outer Space). Thus, we can envision the desert as a conceptualization of crystallized precipitation out of the Vast Ocean of Binah....which is called 'The Abyss". It should be noted, that the Higher the card is on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, the more important it is that we let the card suggest such images as they will. So once again I heartily suggest skrying the cards as an aid for deeper understanding.
The same intelligent energy suggested by the FOOL card, also expressed the HERMIT, as the wise old age of the Child (Daath- which means Knowledge) and the virgin beginning of a new sequence...From Macrocosm to Microcosm. Here the Microcosm is seen as the purity and innocence of the Fool that is transformed from Macrocosm, by its "passing through" the Ocean of Binah. In other words, the purity of idea, transformed into form by the Understanding of Binah, the Mother of Consciousness. When we look at the HERMIT card, we see an Old Man, and nothing of the Child, yet they are one and the same, a concept maybe best understood by meditating on the image of the Serpent that eats its own tail.

THE HERMIT also represents communication between the Higher Self of Tiphareth, and the Spiritual Self of Kether, i.e. The Rauch and the Yechidah as they are known to Qabalists. The Hermit is called the first of the three great initiatory cards, LUST, and THE CHARIOT being the other two. However, the experiences of all three of these initiatory Paths may be gained on the Path of the Priestess (middle pillar), the one that goes straight up from Tiphareth to Kether, crossing the Abyss and its devastating isolation while the instate experiences Divine reconciliation through isolation.
Of the Hermit, the descriptions are many, but it must be remembered that this Key/ATU-9 Card is primarily about union, representing the first point of awareness of the Higher Self of the Supreme Spiritual Self, a union that is often explained in the most erotic of imagery as it is a copulation of Intelligence; an action from which the Microcosm is "born again" in the Macrocosm and/or Alien intelligence is awakened within.

On the Tree of Life, Tiphareth is the Objective Solar Logos, the center of objective energy produced by the Sephiroth- Chesed (Demiurge) as a direct link of the lower to the higher. Since Paths are subjective, the Path of Yod, the subjective link of understanding, is on the Hermit, simply because, if we are to understand the Transitional Energy, from Demiurge to Logos, we must Travel the Path of the Hermit, rising above Tiphareth toward Chesed. This is necessary to subjectively view the Logos, center our "Inner Sun"! In both Hebrew and Greek Metaphysics, Logos means 'Word", depicting vibrational Power. The Greek scholar, Heraclitus, described the Logos as a "spermatic; a Divine Fire which stimulated and maintained order. It is the Universal Shout, whirling vibration of "I Will Be" that has exploded outward into constant manifestations of information as "I AM". Hence, the spermatic ejaculation that impregnated space.

I hope I clearly established the fact that The Path of Yod (Hand) which is THE HERMIT card, is the Path of Spiritual Fire into the Microcosm (Microprosopus). The Yod is the All Father, Chokma and the PATH OF YOD, is the manifestation before the Abyss which is related to the Logos (Word/Sun-Son) that is objectified as Tiphareth on the Tree of Life. To some the Word, is confusing: However, the Word is that vibratory will/ force which continually stimulates manifestation and is often shown as a serpent or Python. Such stimulation also energizes the principles of form (Binah) which it has produced. Thus, Kether, the Crown, the origin of Fiery Spirit, is seen as the One that from itself produced Two which refers to the Electric (Male) and Magnetic (Female) forces of the One Energy. (0=8). There is a lot to wrap your brain around here, but that is mostly true of all the symbolism of the Major Arcana.

Often, the Hermit is related to the Christ figure, but he is better related to the Hebrew pathfinder Moses who led his people across the Egyptian desert and was assisted by a "Alien"/"god", who manifested a great pillar of light between the people and the Pharaoh and opened the Sea for the Hebrews to pass, and then also closed the Sea upon the Egyptians. In fact, an early Gnostic sect, The Simonion Gnostics, that had taken its name from Simon Magus, first described in the Acts of the Apostles, that the Logos was objectified as Moses. These second century Gnostics taught that the Book of Exodus was an allegory of the soul being led by the Logos (Moses) through the desert of human life into the spiritual promised land. Many of us of the Western culture, know the story of Moses as a Thaumaturge (Arch-magician), whose staff is a wand of enormous power that can strike water from rock and turn into a serpent upon his bidding. The "Magi's wand", turning into a serpent force, is an allegory that refers to the use of Kundalini (Yod) force by the Adept Magician. This serpentine force is a Sacred Fire that is the essence of the Logos transmitted by the phallic wand. To a Tantric, this wand would be called the Divya Linga., Divine Lingam.

Another reference to Moses and the Sacred Fire, is the told as God interacting with Moses through a burning bush (after a loud noise of many trumpets startled the people, making this a rocket landing and burning the brush). Making Moses an intermediary or tool of the Supreme Father and/or Alien Forefathers. Thus, Moses is the Hand/Spermatozoa of God, which emphasizes the meaning of Yod as hand. In Fact, the hand of the Hermit is open, as opposed to the closed fist- meaning of the Wheel of Fortune (see Key 10), and means ultimate Power while also depicting innocence, as an open hand can give or take without the impediments of thoughts or moral restrictions. We are innocent of this power, as it is predesignated in our DNA.

The Thoth Hermit card, shows the lone figure cloaked in the Red of Binah, showing that he is rooted in the Great Mother and emphasizing the motion and activity that is essential to the Yod which is the Intercourse of Chokma and Binah. He flows to She who then conceptualizes energy into form and/or Wisdom (Chokma) is objectified by Understanding (Binah). The concept of the Cosmos encircled by the Fiery Spirit (Yod), is shown by the Orphic egg, wrapped in a serpentine image of the spiral energy and/or female egg and male sperm. Cerberus, the Greek three headed dog who guards the gates of Hell, is time, past-present and future tamed by the Hermit and is a willing companion. There is an interesting connection here to the Goddess Hell-Aine, and Her Three Yonis (Vagina) - Maid-Mother and Crone, but I'll leave further explanation up to the investigative student of magic, as I don't wish to offend the flesh-o-phobes of our dogmatic culture with any further mention of sexual union and the holy mass of sacred sexual organs.

The image of the spermatozoon. Represents the Yod energies in the world even though the staff (Phallus)which transmits the inherited sexual force (Kundalini) is totally hidden. Which is not the case of the Japanese ink scroll depiction of Bodhidharma (470-543 CE.), the first patriarch of Chinese and Japanese Buddhism who himself was as a Moses. The Spiritual Fire and wand, of a Magus is depicted in this illustration as a swollen phallus tenting his robe. Such truism, is before the flesh-o-phobia of Division-ism became the popular separation of spirit and body by putting the wand as a decorative hand instrument, which most hermits do.

Honesty, would make us show the true image of the "magicians wand" and its semen that heals the anointed, as it pumps out the magic formula of creation, that is created by the Creatrix and controlled by the Womb. But then that would be "bad", as the body and its powerful and seemingly magic functions are a shameful thing that somehow spirit wishes to leave after 14 billion years trying to make it and nakedness is now propaganda's pornography, and men and women are snakes, or eggs or even cups and Wands. Kether started this whole body- thing with "I Will Be", and the human mind, the mind of the Divine Creative is now linked to a Homo Sapiens-Sapiens body giving the Divine Creative Psyche intimacy with its creation, which is what it has always wanted. However, propaganda that enslaves has profane and made sexual organs "nasty things". So, with that logic, it’s better to hide in fear, and show the male as a serpent, and the female yoni as a cup. It seems that in the modern lie, “False idols" are always better than the Truth of Being. Because, the lie has been told for so long, every one ignorantly believes it is a truth. Even Jesus Christ said that "Truth is made manifest", and that means it is not spoken nor in Words, it is created as Form. But the Homo Sapiens-Sapiens of both sexes has been so profaned by the few who wish to rule the many that we fail even to manifest the god within because we deny our divinity.

Woman controls the invocation of the phallic agent
Most everyone who looks at the ejaculating phallus will feel shame and think it nasty or ugly, while looking at a dead statuary of a golden snake and cup, is beautiful and so creative or when a man and woman are invoking fertile power through intercourse as "she is being victimized". How sick we are, as we think dead things made as false idols, are more beautiful than the Divinely created living image of the Creator and Creatrix.... something we can't create unless we use the "magic wand" of the lingam that ejaculates the gluten of life and the Water Womb that as a Sea of Life that nurtures and grows these wonders of life called "our bodies". I wonder, has it ever occurred to common man, that if you divide the spirit (Will) from the sacred- body, and the god from its image and creative magic from its instruments, that it only leads to enslavement? What is the truth, is that the use of the "Magic Wand" has always been a metaphor for the male phallus ejaculating power, under the control of the female, often into the Yoni of creation and/or Cup/Grail..

As Crowley states in his BOOK OF THOTH, "In this Trump is shown the entire mystery of Life in its most secret workings. Yod=Phallus= Spermatozoon=Hand=Logos=Virgin.
Finding out why the Divine Couple of the Universe worked for over 13.8 billion years to build below, in the Malkuth World of Physical Mater, a Divine Image called Hu (Chinese for God) Man (Hindu word-Manas: meaning mind) i.e. YOU, will help establish Spirit body Union and the axiom "Above all things know thyself!". A lot of Divine work went into the making of you, even from Alien Scientist----and a lot of man-made history has been devoted to the Pavlovian process of demeaning yourself so that you could be ruled by those who can't rule themselves. Something to ponder, as your self-value flounders around in debt-slavery, trying to make "ends meet".

Again, the Thoth Card, THE HERMIT, is the Path of Yod on the Tree of Life, the shape of which the figure is posed on the card. As I've prolifically stated the Yod force enervates to keep the world in order, a stimulus that could be described as a fertilization. Thus, the world is shown as barren but with potential, as the Hermit begins his "vibratory Walk' upon it.
Yod is linked with Kether [The Crown] the Highest Point of the Logos, i.e. the Primary energy from which manifestation derives and/or The One Energy that cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed, and is always shown as a phallus since it is the Cosmic Phallic Force of ejaculated vibration.
The lantern in the hand of the Thoth Hermit represents Tiphareth (Beauty) our Soul, and makes a metaphysical statement about the nature of Light. Most of us know that everything is made of Stars and of the Light of Stars. Light, being composed of sub-atomic particles (Protons) is the principle of manifestation, or energy-material on which all Creation is built. The Hermits lantern represents “His own Sun" or the Core Sun that all Solar Souls come from. The Fertilizing Light, that makes the barren Space-womb fruitful.
The Hermit represents a glyph on the nature of primal manifestation beneath the Abyss. He is a representation of the relationship between Light and the Sacred Fire symbolized by Yod.
To those who are on a mundane journey where a better credit score is the ultimate quest, this card has mundane meanings in a reading, but as a meditation device, skrying this card will aid in understanding the Inner- God Trinity of THE HERMIT -YOD, THE EMPEROR-HEH, AND THE HIEROPHANT-VAU. There is a clue to a deeper understanding in the placement of the letters, Yod, Heh, Vau, on the Tree of Life. The letters work together as a trinity from Chesed (Mercy) to Tiphareth (Beauty) to Chokmah (Wisdom) and back to Chesed. Many rewards come to those who research and study. We are wealthy children living in an amnesia of poverty.
When the Hermit/Alien Card is thrown during a reading:
• It is about the principle of introspection, completion and space.
• This is representative of the deeper marriage of the Divine within ourselves, and is often a message that more knowledge is needed.
• This is definitely a "above all things, know thyself' message. The Hermit represents the inward search to find personal truth, where despair, isolation, as well as, accomplishments and gains, must be accepted.
• Also, Personal Integrity, the I AM Me, which is always be true to you.
• it implies that knowledge is needed, meditation and prayer are to be used to hear the inner self.
• A deep desire to follow that which is meaningful and/or heartfelt to you.
• Time to gather enough data and information in order to sort things out.
• Introspection which may require you to withdraw from others or the usual environment in order to gain the perspectives needed.
• A stage in life where Wisdom is sought.
This is a great card for skrying, as it represents the Inner Wisdom of inheritance, that we so much need to KNOW OURSELVES!
If ill defined:
- Narcissism.
- Rigidity, hardness.
- Alienation.
- Bitterness and harness towards life.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.
helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010