
Tarot of the Old Path-ace of swords
The Thoth Tarot Ace of Swords and the Tarot of the Old Path Ace of Swords are remarkably similar in illustration, and both represent the beginning of the traditional tarot- death suit.
Yet there is the encouraging language of flowers in the Tarot of the Old Path and in this case Oak leaves are shown on the Wind. Air is the Element of Swords, and wind is active air, while Oak leaves imply bravery. Being three, oak leaves and crescent moons, in number, recalls Maid, Mother and Crone, the ever-present Goddess and/or Creatrix.
Air is representative of the Mind, and of how it moves. The Crowned Sword Represents the Masculine and Feminine aspects of the Mind.
Here we also see the feminine as three crescents and two full Moons, implying the ever-changing nature of the feminine principle, as the moon is noted for waxing and waning. The Sword in this instance is masculine and penetrates the oval crown, implying the communion of the two principles of mind: at once expressive (male) and at another time receptive (female).
The Primary meaning of the Tarot of the Old Path Ace of Swords seems to be, mental or emotional force that struggles in aid of a worthy cause.

Thoth-ace of swords
Kether and the Thoth Tarot- Ace of Swords. The Unknowable Kether, is often depicted as the Point.

The Crown, which should be a diamond crown as diamonds are the sacred stone of Kether.

And the swastika; "the whirling No-Thing" before Time. The point is the Singularity that was before the Big Bang but as the words may imply some vast understanding, this explanation is empty of experience and thus to us, incomprehensible.
Yet, we are also potentially anything, as our Psyche began as "I AM", which makes us not as comfortably understood as one would like. For I AM is existence, but of What? The Divine Collective Unconscious begins in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle of quantum physics, for there is no measurement of the Unconscious paradigm. Hence, one must produce "I AM Other", i.e., "Me", if one wishes to measure self; Self then becomes an evolutionary creative understanding of I AM, and therefore is as vast as our forms seem to be limited. This is seen by Imagination's ability to expand concepts so far beyond reality, that we often realize that reality is just imagined. One moment we are the Human dreaming of being Spiral Energy/Spirit, the next we are Spiral Energy/Spirit dreaming we are a human. Much like that old Chinese tale of a man dreaming he was a butterfly, then upon awakening he wondered if he was a butterfly dreaming, he was a human. Considering Kether, is much the same.
The Root Powers of Air and symbolizes the influence of Kether in the Astral World of Yetzirah. This may be understood as the motion in the Currents of Astral Fluid. However, that is just the "elephants footprint in the mud" and not Power itself. The Astral realms are the realms of Fleeting Forms...nothing solid. Thus, the Ace of Swords is a potent card which can be extremely good or extremely evil.

Evil is Live spelled backwards, and basically implies devolution rather than evolution. To move forward progressively, is Living, to Move backward, is "living in the past" which is a form of "living dead", since the past isn't now. Thus, we have philosopher's saying. "Let the dead bury the dead...".
The Mind is called the Element of Air, for it is Heated by Passions/ Fiery-Spirit, as Sun heats Air, and thus it can become violent and life threatening. However, this is avoided if the Will of Spirit is the controller of Passion, then the Mind becomes Life Expanding and Liberating.
The Ace of Wands represents a natural force, while the Ace of Swords represents that which is invoked; A force called upon. Many of us do this without thinking, and call this invocation, "I Am". Every time one begins a thought with "I AM...." they are invoking the agent. So, I Am happy, invokes happiness. I am Sad, invokes sadness etc. Hence, it behooves us to be careful about "I Am".
The currents generated by Kether on the Astral are both dynamic and erratic, having the potential to be applied at will to different situations. Thus, we have the description of a "whirling force" that gains strength through trouble. To Qabalists, this is an affirmation of Divine authority and may become the Sword of Wrath, punishment, and affliction. The pure mind has no conscience, it is up to us to supply discrimination to thought.

But let us not despair, for the Ace of Swords represents the Sword of the Magus crowned in the twenty-two diadems of light. To those of magic, the number 22 refers to Atu known as 22=2 x 11, the Magical manifestation of Chokmah, Wisdom, and the Logos. In Hebrew letters, that are numbers, is the Word of Law, which blazes forth clearing the dark clouds of a Mind based on fear, or survival thinking. I would suggest getting the Book 777 by Aleister Crowley to further study this, as the words "Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim" are the numbers 7-7-7 and means in English translation, "One is Spirit of the Gods of the Living". The Ruach being Tiphareth, the Solar Logos and our Psyche. There is a lot of investigative gematria to understand here so get the book!

- It implies One Year.
- Mental clarity and inventiveness.
- Problems being overcome with original thinking.
- The dawning of a new intellectual process.
- Acting with logic and discrimination
- Strength in adversity.
- Out of evil some good will come.
- Something that looks bleak can surprisingly turn out to be promising.
- The beginning of an idea or information.
- The rise of Inner insight.
If ill defined:
- Doom. This is the card of Morgan the Fate.
- Finality, Tragedy, and fate; However, it is release, freedom from past restraint and a new lightness and/or a kind of salvation.
- This card depends on the surrounding cards to show whether it is fate or rebirth.
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