
tarot of the old path-eight of pentacles

thoth-8 of disks-prudence
Pentacles are Disks in the Thoth Tarot Deck and the 8 of Disks is called Prudence.
The Eight of Pentacles of the Tarot of the Old Path illustrates a man dressed in the greens of the Earth Element, weaving a Pentacle from straw. Seven straw Pentacles are finished and in the background.
He is obviously an excellent craftsman who uses the best straw, from wheat, to build his craft.
He is bearded, suggesting many years of patience, diligent hard work at his skill.
The primary meaning of this card seems to be dedication, craftsmanship, skill, and the financial rewards of personal effort.

The Thoth Tarot 8 of Disks is called PRUDENCE. Disks are Pentacles or Coins, in other decks. But contrary to tradition, Disks are an appropriate symbol, something on which Crowley and I both agree.
Disks must be stabilized by a spinning motion, a circular rotational force, to hit their mark. Even the atoms of rocks are spinning in a centrifugal manner, so when representing the earthly powers, the spinning of the Disk, with its internal spin best shows the action of force as atomic form and as one's personalized presence in the crystalline light and/or bio-protons.

The 8 of Disks-Prudence, is Hod in Assiah, the Qabalistic material World. The Sun is in Virgo and the angels of this Decan are Akaiah and Kehethel.

The astrological assignation of this Thoth card is the Sun in Virgo. Virgo is noted to be a very practical sign which pays attention to the details of a "thing". However, the person of the Sun in Virgo tends to cause over concern with minute details. Something the British say is "a penny wise and a pound foolish".
Because this is an 8, any gain that prudence gives is soon dispersed making Prudence no great virtue.
The message in divination is that of skill, prudence, and over-carefulness about trivial things, at the expense of the larger. But because Hod is represented by Mercury and Mercury is exalted in Virgo, there is also predilection for intelligent and loving application, involving material matters such as, agriculture, artistic craftsmanship, and engineering.

The Rulership of the Sun in Virgo suggests birth, as well, thus the disks are arranged in the Gemantic figure Populus (see 777 by A.Crowley). These disks are then shown as flowers of a Great Tree, rooted solidly in fertile lands.
When the 8 of Disks or Pentacles is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is in a moment of creative birth of 8 weeks or 8 months, requiring the practice of physical caution, carefulness, and prudence.
- A type of physical wisdom radiating from a inner place of balance and integration. Making sure that all the bases are covered; every "t" crossed and every "i" dotted.
- Making intelligent choices so that the material world more closely conforms with one's needs.
- The possibility of turning a talent or skill into a profession.
- Skill in work with energy and forms, such as fingers working on a manipulative substance.
- When ill defined by the surrounding cards it is implied:
- Focusing too tightly on the trivial details and not seeing the big picture!
- Inability to finish any task due to perfectionism.
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