
tarot of the old path- key 12- the lone man
As seen, the Tarot of the Old Path, names key 12, The Lone Man, while key 12 in the Thoth Deck is named the Hanged Man. Both names are appropriate in a card that depicts self-sacrifice and thereby, achieving a perspective change.

The Lone Man is dressed as a jester, whose colors represent the four elements, yellow for air, Red for fire, blue for Water and green for earth. In Medieval society, the jester was the inversion of the king image, and considered the sacrificial victim or "the kings whipping boy".
The unbound foot he is hanging from implies self-sacrifice , a giving up of something for something of greater value, and not pious martyrdom. There really is no loss here. What is being sacrificed is narrow vision, survival thinking, misconceptions brought on by the illusions of the physical world. Since the physical world is a world of Reflected Light, it is as a mirror and thinking that what you are seeing is the "true image" is a reversal, or upside down thinking. All Images consist of 99.6% space, so what are seeing is really very little of what is really there, In the Real World of Spirit-Consciousness, the "I's" have it, not the eyes have really seen "I" . We see only what we think and fear the unknown thought, which is all backward, upside down "seeing". Thus, the Lone Man is the unconventional thinking man who realizes his own potential for mental and spiritual evolution is to see through the "inner I".

The falling coins, shows his rejection of the material worldly ideas which is supported by the Yellow lilies below. For in the language of flowers, yellow lilies stand for falsehood and deception. The Moth in the foreground, is named the Nonconformist Moth, imply the character of the Soul of the Lone Man.
Lofty thoughts are implied by the far Mountains and the stag in the distance, implies solitude. purity, and elevation.
The Jester's sacrifice has given life to the once dead tree he is suspended from and the crow on the branch is a Native American symbol for the Creator (Trickster) while also standing for the civilizing influence of the material world, i.e., the domestication of the Soul cause by social influence (fear of rejection).
Spider woman, a Native American description for the Weaver of the Universe, is seen here as well as a spider that weaves its web, expressing creative development while she also builds and destroys, to maintain Universal balance. The planet attributed to this card is Neptune and the element is water.

thoth- atu 12-the hanged man
THE THOTH DECK HANGED MAN- ATU (Key)12, is much more stylized but expressing the same concepts. The Hebrew letter Mem (lower-left side- bottom of card) is attributed to this card representing the element Water (lower-ride side-bottom of card) as the Spirit of Water in the economy of initiation, such as a baptism which is also a death. "Out with the old in with the new".

The Thoth card represented the supreme form of adept-ship, during the Aeon of Osiris, which we exited in the early 20th century. The Hanged man represents the metaphysical Drowned Man, as a soul is drowned in the Astral Fluids to become a human. Thus, you see his foot loosely bound to the Crux Ansata and/or Ankh using the Serpent, destroyer-creator force, as a rope.
The Crux Ansata or Ankh, represents the Rosy Cross, or even the letter Daleth that is shown in some cards as a tree branch, suggesting Venus and/or Love; all of which are attributed to the Great Mother. The Ankh which is the Egyptian symbol for infinity, is a androgen symbol of the Divine Creative.

This is the card of the Dying God myth which we know in most religions, including the dying god Odin of the Norse. The Dying God is the One that is sacrificed so the many can live and/or the Alien DNA, that was sacrificed to make the homo Sapiens Sapiens, i.e., "modern mankind". The One Energy Transforming into the "many beings" or the DNA of the "Angels that fell to earth", sacrificing its purity to mate with the animal mammal of earth. Uniting to the Higher Conscious state of Spirit to the Earth Consciousness. Thus, you can see the old idea of redemption through martyrdom is absolutely disqualified as a viable phenomena in present spiritual development, since the Hanged Man is actually giving up something of less value to gain something of greater value. However, some still call this the card of redemption. Redemption implies dept of which only falsehood can apply, since we don't owe our Creator anything but to be ourselves which is to be the Divine Self Image. The Hanged Man implies that we must sacrifice our concepts of divisionism, and separateness from the Divine, Spirit or God to reclaim our inheritance. As inheritance isn't earned, or a product of sacrificing ones soul, but just requires one to Know Thy Name,i.e,"Above all things, Know thyself'!

The green of Venus dominates this card, but it is seen slowly growing darker in shade, denser as it were; as we descend the card and at the very bottom, the Serpentine force of new life begins to stir. Here we are reminded that our "most beloved", the personality or ego, is sacrificed to the Greater Self, so that we can become "as above so below", which is really no sacrifice at all and the world of redemption, is in the final analysis, the wrong idea. As souls, we sacrifice lack of sensuality and discrimination, to become sensual and discriminatory creators and gain even more intelligence. Now this is a "sacrifice" of lack for wealth; an idea that I can absolutely get behind! I would recommend getting the Book of Thoth by Master Theron (A,Crowley) to further study this powerful yet subtle card.
It Implies:
- Transformation, the breaking of old patterns.
- Encountering a situation you may not like having to deal with but accepting the reversal.
- Losing yourself to find yourself.
- Hanging around, suspended in mid-air awaiting your next move.
- Accepting the initiation of the death and resurrection process by losing yourself through a sense of ecstasy and surrender to Love.
- Inability to free yourself from social pressure in order to listen to your inner self.
- Self-sacrifice and submission of self to higher ideals.
- The Law of Reversal: doing the opposite of what is ordinarily accepted socially, to achieve victory, brings victory.
- Salvation being attained by passive surrender rather than by assertiveness and forceful resistance
- Conquering material temptation.
The Reversal (Old Path) or ill-definition (Thoth Deck) of this card implies"
- Materiality
- Unwilling to make a sacrifice.
- Selfishness
- Concerned only with material matters thus displaying spiritual emptiness.
- Failure to find one's true meaning in life.
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