
tarot of the old path-key 13-the close
The Tarot of the Old Path, names key 13, THE CLOSE, rather than DEATH. Yet the Grim Reaper or Lord Dread, is still present in this card,The zodiacal sign is Scorpio and the ruling element is Water.
Death, with its endless shadow, is shown on the left, carrying his scythe which he uses to clear away the outworn and unproductive things. The baby watching death pass by, is heralding a major change, a harvest of rebirth. Following death is a barn owl, a symbol that Egyptian mythology declares is representative of the dead sun that has crossed the waters of darkness. Since the owl is a creature of the night, it is associated with the dead in many mythologies.
In the language of birds, Owls may represent death but the Heron seen standing in the river, represents the morning and the regeneration of life, thus both birds represent a cycle of death and rebirth. The ever flowing and irreversible river of time is depicted as a serpentine and calm river.
The yellow-Primroses near the baby, imply early youth and the blue- borage in the foreground warns of a change that is yet to come.
The misty fir trees suggest the mystery of the unconscious mind. The aptly named Death's Head Hawk Moth represents the soul's journey through life and the veil or barrier of death. As one can understand, the primal message of this card is of transformation and/or of change yet to come. Death is seen as a renewal of life rather than a end. Energy can't be destroyed, nor created, only transformed and transferred. So Death is a journey of the immortal soul, towards ever expanding self concepts. This ever expanding self, started the process in the Lone Man Card of The Old Path Tarot (Hanged Man in Thoth Deck), sacrificing the Old way of thinking to gain greater awareness and here in the Lone Man Card, the Soul continues the process of change in its Life building and ever expanding journey.

thoth- atu 13-death
Refers to the sign of Scorpio which is ruled by Mars. The Hebrew letter Nun (bottom left of card),-means Fish and is a symbol of life traveling through the waters . The motion, to swim or for any impulse, is supplied by the Fiery force of Mars. However, the Fish is also sacred to Mercury (Mars) because of its silvery shinning self and it's cold bloodlessness. The Fish is also a symbol for the "first matter", the ancient god Dagon, Oannes and the Christ: the Greek work Ixthus-means-Fish and was used as a notation, the initials meaning "Jesus Christ Son of God, Savior."
The Alchemical process of putrefaction is explain in this card.To Alchemist, the putrefaction process is a series of chemical changes which develops the final form of life from the original latent seed in the Orphic egg.

The Two most powerful signs in the Zodiac are Leo and Scorpio, However the latter is not as simple and intense as the former. Scorpio is so complex that it is described in three signs, the Scorpion, the Serpent and the Eagle. The Scorpion, the lowest representation, according to the ancients,when ringed with fire or in some other untenable situation, the Scorpion will commit suicide. This represents putrefaction in its lowest chemical form as the strain of its environment has become intolerable, and the attacked element willingly subjects itself to change. This can be illustrated by throwing potassium on water, causing ignition and acceptance of the hydroxide radical.

The Mid range of Scorpio is described by the Serpent, the major theme of the Death card, is not only the sacred symbol of the Lord of Life and Death, but is also seen as the movement of undulation that is life and death. The Male energy symbol is also the Serpentine Flow (lightning) and depicts the extreme sexual nature of scorpio and energy.
The Highest aspect of Scorpio is illustrated as an eagle, for it flies above the world of matter. Thus the purest elements, in certain experiments, are given off as a gas or vapor which "flies above the world of matter". So we now have represented in this card and in the sign of Scorpio, the three essential types of putrefaction. All these symbols are shown on the Thoth Death Key 13 card.
The Dance of Death (undulation) is done as a skeleton holding and swinging a scythe, both of which are important Saturian symbols. Yet Saturn has no discernible connection to Scorpio; However, Saturn does represent that elemental nature of living things which is not destroyed in the operational changes that ordinarily occur in Nature---such as bones.
Hence, His boniness, wears the crown of Osiris because he represents Osiris in the Waters of Amennti; the secret male creative god of the Egyptians. Through traditional propaganda campaigns, he has become confused with Set, and the Cult of the Dying gods and turned into a senile corrupt and fiendish symbol.

As you may observe, in the Thoth Deck Card, the sweep of Death's scythe, produces bubbles that are filled with new dancing forms taking shape. The Motion of Mercury is implied here, as life really is a form of animation. Thus, this card is a compendium of universal energy in its most secret form, i.e. the Vital force or Sex energy.
To be noted: If the Adept, "dies daily", that is changes, modifies Self, by constant diligent, Tree of Life Path Travel,(see past blogs) or Tantric Yoga meditation practices, they shall not "experience death" as the mundane, but leave one body for another knowingly, with name, parents and form already intended. Thus not forgetting, not fearing,and always experiencing the progress of Self Awareness that is the Divine Experience.This experience is not doing "one thing" but all the Things of the 78 Tarot cards. Keep skrying and investigating! It's worth the effort!
- Clearing out the old to make the new.
- Transformation
- The end of a emotional relationship .
- Change.
- Renewal .
- Loss
- Shock.
- The possibility of a physical death .
- Being involved in a great transformation.
- Rebirth out of old conditions.
- Vital force, the realization of the Life power.usually concurring when giving up your sense of self to a feeling of merging with another and/or the cosmos.
- There may be areas of personal tension and inner conflict that can only be resolved by true change.
- The natural transit of mankind to a new stage of being.
If ill defined or in the Old Path a reversal.
- Avoiding a mishap or a physical death
- Stagnation or immobility
- Lack of change
- Catastrophe
- Disorder.
Thank you for your interest and comments. May you live long and prosper