
Tarot of the old path-king of rods
The Tarot of the Old Path King of Rods is the Knight of Wands in the Qabalistic Thoth Tarot. A. Crowley called the Kings Knights, because he wished to suggest their active nature as battle-warrior Kings.
The Tarot of the Old Path King of Rods is shown bearing a rod of goat willow, implying he is a wise leader. The Gleaming gold crown suggests high spiritual development.
The sign that he is a mature and wise King is also implied as his graying hair.
His ermine cloak is bordered with entwined plants suggesting he enjoys country living. His cloak and clothes are also in the colors of Fire, the Element of this card. Behind him is a yellow Iris which in the language of flowers suggests a passionate nature.
Hanging at his neck is a circle of gold that has three golden leaves dangling from it, implying the wholeness and perpetuation of the world and the three states of the Goddess as Maid, Mother and Crone. He is a married man, as shown by the gold ring. Suggesting his marriage to the Goddess who is the Creatrix of all form; As her husband, he is caretaker of her property.
The primary meaning of this card is of a fair, blue eyed married man of good character, wise, educated, and intelligent. A passionate male force.

Thoth Tarot- Knight of Wands:
The dramatic Knight of Wands is called the King of Wands in most other decks. Crowley wanted dynamic motion and protection applied to his Fiery Kings, so they are rendered as Armored Knights on swift chargers in the Thoth Tarot.

The Court Cards are descriptive of persons whose Sun or rising sign at their nativity, falls within the Zodiacal attribution of the card. (Illustration of Tarot birth chart, courtesy of the Robert Wang Textbook, The Qabalistic Tarot, which I use as a textbook for my Thoth Tarot Classes.)
The Knight of Wands represents the Fiery part of Fire---The Lightning flash--- and he rules from the 21st degree of Scorpio to the 20th degree of Sagittarius.
This is an active personality archetype. The qualities of generosity, fierceness, impetuosity, pride, impulsiveness, and swiftness in what are most often unpredictable actions.
If ill defined, he is evil-minded, cruel, bigoted, and brutal. This ill definition will be shown by the cards around him. Because he is "as a lightning flash", if he fails in his first effort, he has no resources, so he is strong willed. Obviously when needed, this Personality trait can be helpful when the goal is known, and the issue at hand is well thought out. However, this is not the trait of this card, so the Querent is advised to be apprehensive, yet calm and resolute while being energetic. Hence, beware of untimely action and go forward with aware confidence of their own ability. This is a revolutionary personality, startling in its passion, and perilous in its charge as shown with the Dark Horse leaping.

Here is the "Hard Charging" of Sex Force, (represented by the flaming Ace of Wands in his hand) which is Kundalini in the lightning sense of masculine electric force. A steady mind is needed to handle such explosive force/God power and the only safe bet is that this force is well contained in the Magnetic Force of the Female--within or without, the individual. That is why Shiva's Dance is with the Goddess Shakti; both in rhythm. For the "Cooling forces" of the "Water" (woman) aspect of magnetic female force are needed here. Without this Female balance this personality is quick to anger which easily flashes into rages and violence. If a lot of cup cards, or a Princess or Queen are thrown in this reading, The querent may rest assured that the water is there to handle and/or contain this volatile part of personality.

Here is the "Hard Charging" of Sex Force, (represented by the flaming Ace of Wands in his hand) which is Kundalini in the lightning sense of masculine electric force. A steady mind is needed to handle such explosive force/God power and the only safe bet is that this force is well contained in the Magnetic Force of the Female--within or without, the individual. That is why Shiva's Dance is with the Goddess Shakti; both in rhythm. For the "Cooling forces" of the "Water" (woman) aspect of magnetic female force are needed here. Without this Female balance this personality is quick to anger which easily flashes into rages and violence. If a lot of cup cards, or a Princess or Queen are thrown in this reading, The querent may rest assured that the water is there to handle and/or contain this volatile part of personality.

We have the Fire of a Dragon here! This is the fiery nature of the Yod [Spirit] which in the mind is shown as Willful and stubborn. It may help you to know that Spirit is Power and is not always friendly. Spirit is will---and sometimes great will can cause great harm so the heart must supply intent!
- The Querent is a person who loves country living.
- One who is wise, educated, and intelligent.
- Evolution and change take place at a deep, passionate, core level of inner self.
- Experiencing a sense of conviction.
- Achievement-oriented, creative, and self-expressive.
- The ability to be oneself.
- Positive male power. A powerful personality capable of achieving long term goals and handling demanding situations.
- A master of wit and charm.
- A decisive, mature male, who is a harmony of outer and inner self.
- one who is dogmatic and critical.
- Ill-natured and violent.
- Intolerant and prejudiced
- Unyielding.
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