
tarot of the old path-seven of rods
The Seven of Rods, and the 7 of Wands, are the same card, both represent the Alchemical Element Fire, and both suggest struggle, that will, with personal courage and expression of strength, be overcome.
The Main figure of the Tarot of the Old Path Card is a large, strong, Viking warrior whose bulky frame suggests physical ability and large helmet suggests mental ability as well. Five rods of ash are embedded in the ground to form a defensive barricade, crossed by a number six, for structural strength, while the seventh is held in his hands as a staff like weapon. The Element Fire is represented in the background as well as the suggested colors of his clothing. This card suggests an aggressive defense to ensure victory. Ash, in the language of plants, suggests strength. Netzach, the 7th Sephiroth, Of the Tree of Life, named Victory and thus, the ruling Sephiroth of the 7's, is also the number of Venus who is Love, as relating to the often-misunderstood concept of "God is Love." This Misunderstanding has to do with the very nature of the gods (Energy Conscious) themselves. In the Mysteries, it is said that "The Gods are the Creations of the Created...the Gods are the emanations of the Group Mind of Races, they are not emanations of Eheieh, the One and the Eternal." {Quoted from the: Qabalisitc Tarot, by Robert Wang, page 100)

This reference to the Group Mind, that the Gods are of Netzach- Victory. Graphically, the diagram of the sign of Venus superimposed over the Tree of Life, represents this concept.

This should open your eyes to your personal power, as the living Suns (Sons and Daughters) of the One Eheieh- "I Will Be"- that is known as the I AM. You have the power to form potent forces into your own image, to serve your needs! Because your Personality begins in the Realm of the Gods, you are a Personal Living God in your own right! The Spirit of each of us is called a Yoda-meaning hand, yet this is a fiery hand of pure energy, a Hand of God rather than just one of flesh: however, flesh is made of star dust.
Look, your human body is the Animal God of Earth as it has dominion over all other life forms on the planet. Every single living creature on earth depends on what we do! If we decide they no longer can serve us, we often destroy them. If in our ignorance, we do not take responsibility for our actions, our irresponsibility alone will annihilate them! Only Gods, wise or ignorant, have such power in their domains!

In the Qaballah, each of us is composed of 10 Beings (Sephiroth), in an orgy of cooperation. We are Adam Kadmon, the entire Tree of Life. Each of us is a God-Image on every plane of intelligent energy; by inheritance, surely, but that doesn't make the wealth of ability less!
To make the "Above as the Below", i.e. the Great Work, is to realize yourself as sole owner and ruler of your own Spiritual, Mental and Physical image, and claim it as your "Sacred Place" in Time. i.e. "Above all things, know thyself".
Each of us has infinite energy and mind, controlling our image of Time/ Space, Within the Divine Unconscious, are the dreams of All-Being. Life is the Lucid Dream of the Divine Creative! Time is the stuff we create forms from, in the material of Space. By mixing beginning and end- time- which is measurement, in a cauldron of Self Awareness, (Mind) heated by the vibrations of Lust/Passion (Spiritual Fire) and shaped by Will-to-Force and Will-to-Form, our images form in the Space of Self. We are individual Self-Aware Yods (Creative-Spirit-flames) transforming the illusion of being into a sensual reality. From what is not real, we create reality. Sensuality is just a form of measurement.
This, as a matter of course, is a simplistic representation, which is why the Tree of Life is so important to Know. The Tree of Life represents the complexity of how this Created Living Universe is done and observed by individual Yods (hands of God)! By knowing our-self, we can then realize the original data we set aside in downsizing and know how to proceed with the Great Work of I AM ME!
WE ARE THE MANY AND THE ONE. Everything I see is another way to be Me!

thoth-7 of wands-valour
The 7 of Wands, Valor (Lord of Valor) is attributed to Mars in Leo. The Angels of this Decan are: Mahashiah and Lelahel. Here, we have the influence of Netzach in the World of Pure Spirit (Atziluth).
Mars in Leo not only promotes courage and strength, but also the certainty of a fiery clash. However, victory in this fray is not certain and the person must "step up" to the challenge.

Therefore, Crowley, using the Three Adept Wands of the Golden Dawn (see past blogs), crosses them with a crude fiery club, suggesting a disorganized and disordered battle...one of uncertain results. In short, the army is in disarray, a loss of confidence is implied, and only individual valor will save the day!
When the 7 of Wands or Rods is thrown during a divination:
- It implies that the querent is unsure of ideas and must summon personal bravery and courage to instigate them.
- More confidence is needed to ensure victory. Here, responsibility must be taken up as your standard, and you must stand alone, trusting yourself to handle the most difficult of situations.
- Here your mettle is being tested, and only the inner courage of the spirit has the necessary acceleration to push you through the line of resistance.
- This card also shows how valuable you are to spirit, for if you were a "weak" spirit it wouldn't be testing your mettle.
- Spirit knows your strength, and only the doubting thoughts trained into you by "others" is slowing your performance as a courageous creator.
- Here Spirit says, "If you wish to speak to me, you must stand! For I'll not kneel to your weakness!"
- Success in surmounting challenges by expending personal effort and courage.
- Taking on more than you can personally cope with.
- Embarrassing loss.
- Doubt and anxiety.
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