
Thoth- 10 of Disks-Wealth
To an astrologer, the 10 of Disks/Pentacles card represents Mercury in Virgo. Mercury is the old "god of commerce and communication" and when he rules in Virgo (an earth sign) material gain becomes so vast it may lose its importance.

A practitioner of the Qaballah would know the 10 of Disks as Malkuth (Kingdom) in Assiah (Material World) which would represent an embarrassment of riches.
The divination meaning is physical prosperity, abundance and material success.
Therefore this Hermetic Tarot card suggests a complete wealth, which includes financial security and firm foundations for home and family. Also suggesting that property has been or is being acquired for the founding of new generations or traditions.

There is nothing "Higher Consciousness" about this card, as the Swiftness of Mercury, is set about gathering material gain in a total focus and all is at the very pinnacle of objective physical success. Hence, there is a caveat implied in this card as this cleverness in mind for prosperous activity in money matters, can lead to a certain dullness of mind, a slothfulness brought on by feeling totally secure and a resistance to take risks.
The Thoth Tarot, 10 of Disks-Wealth:
Prosperity, wealth, success in the world of finances and physical health.
- This card is the sum total of the other 35 minor arcana since complete wealth is a synchronicity of mind, body and soul.
- This card indicates that by using your communication skills (Mercury symbols on top three coins).
- And linking them with your healing abilities (the caduceus on the bottom coin).
- While listening to your inspiration (the star coins).
- You will be able to manifest abundance (the three Hebrew symbols for abundance coins).

As stated: The Astrological sign for this card is Mercury in Virgo. Mercury is the representative planet for communication and organizational skills. Virgo is the sign of prosperity and abundance manifested in a tangible way. The Thoth 10 of Disks card indicates that allTen of your conscious states of energy (The Ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life) contribute to a balanced flow of healing, communication, and organizational skills all accumulating to active function on the physical plane.To the Supreme One, this world is Real, and not the individual simulations that are seen by personalities. It is Real, because it is the accumulation of all the Self-Awareness experiences of the One Collective. To, the personalities, and/or "mask wearers" our own way of identifying ourselves, makes our reality, albeit not a reality for others, we think it real. The operative term here is , "think it", as thought is an individual creation. THE 10 OF DISKS, is Qabalistically called the Lord of Wealth. The Angels associated with this Decan are Hahaayah and Laviah.
However, impoverished you were taught to believe you are, the 10 of Disks/Pentacles reminds one that your Spirit and body are manifesting abundance. Obviously this is a card of prosperity and also obviously, it will change, but for now eat, drink and be merry.
One should also understand that Wealth becomes prosperity when we spend it, or share it with others, as our wealth prospers others and thus ourselves, which is also a form of communication.

To reiterate, the Sephiroth, MALKUTH is Earth, and the animal mind, that is also called the Active Word and/or Assiah. It is the lone Sephira of this World. In the other Worlds of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, there are 3 Sephiroth composing a Triangle, but Assiah/Malkuth stands alone, for it is the completion of all the other States of Energy Conscious. Therefore, if you exist "here", you are already "Whole Spirit" and/or Holy Spirit as you have come from "there"!

Assiah is the only Sensual and/or intimate Activity, of Creation. Now this may seem otherwise to the Initiate who sensually experiences the "Inner Worlds" of the Tree of Life, as they often forget, that they are still "attached" to a Sensual body, and thus feel the Conscious experiences as "psychosomatic" operators. But to travel the other Sephiroth as a Psyche without a body (soma), is to feel nothing at all! There is only One Sense to Consciousness, and that is the sense of "I" sight (All seeing Eye), and all the "Five Senses" of the mundane body, are just Transformations of that One Sense of "I". The senses of the body are also the only way to know of "other", for they surround us in a senses of separation, so that What is All I, can now be I AM Me; a very necessary separation of identity from which to learn discernment. However, contrary to popular opinion, there are more than 5 senses to the physical body. The Yogis of Tantra, claim there are 33 senses to the mundane body; for instance, you have a sense of balance, a sense of self, a sense of up and a sense of down and if you think about it I am sure you'll come up with more.
What we often fail to understand when viewing all the individual ways a mind is being presented, that there is only One Mind, The Universal Divine Collective Unconscious, and each of us is a unique perspective of Being-Me, presented by that Mind as I AM ME. I AM is the Name of the One and Me is the self-reflections of the One; Hence an assumption. This Wealth of Self-Perspectives comes from imagination (The Divine Feminine), and can cause us to "not see the forest through the trees", thereby losing the joy of observing such wealth to fear of being lost among the many and/or rejected by the many. The number 10, when added together, is 1+0=1, helping us to remember that the I AM+Me= I AM, for there is really only One. Other is merely a "self-reflection", and therefore, as we "observe others", is how we observe ourselves. All of us, plus the flora and fauna of Earth, and Earth Herself, and the Universal , are a collective of self observations, of the One Mind/Energy.
Now, I am sure you have read about my references to Tantra. So there are no outlandish misinterpretations, let me list for you the true meaning of the Sanskrit word-Tantra.

Traditional explanation of Tantra. (from Wikipedia)
The Tantric tradition offers various definitions of tantra. One comes from the Kāmikā-tantra:
Because it elaborates (tan) copious and profound matters, especially relating to the principles of reality (tattva) and sacred mantras, and because it provides liberation (tra), it is called a tantra.
A second, very similar to the first, comes from Swami Satyananda.
Tantra embodies two Sanskrit words: tanoti (expands) and trayoti (liberates)... It is the system by which you liberate or separate the two aspects of consciousness and matter - purusha and prakriti or Shiva and Shakti.
A third comes from the 10th-century Tantric scholar Rāmakaṇṭha, who belonged to the dualist school Śaiva Siddhānta:
A tantra is a divinely revealed body of teachings, explaining what is necessary and what is a hindrance in the practice of the worship of God; and also describing the specialized initiation and purification ceremonies that are the necessary prerequisites of Tantric practice.
Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar describes a tantric individual and a tantric cult:
A person who, irrespective of caste, creed or religion, aspires for spiritual expansion or does something concrete, is a Tantric. Tantra in itself is neither a religion nor an "ism". Tantra is a fundamental spiritual science. So wherever there is any spiritual practice it should be taken for granted that it stands on the Tantric cult."
According to Tibetan Buddhist Tantric master Lama Thubten Yeshe:
...each one of us is a union of all universal energy. Everything that we need in order to be complete is within us right at this very moment. It is simply a matter of being able to
recognize it. This is the tantric approach. [ and the Qabalistic Approach; for the Hebrew- Qabalah, translates to "receiving" and that is why Crowley and I know Qabalah as Tantra].
Which is also the Qabalistic/Gnostic approach.

The Thoth Deck 10 OF DISKS, is called the Ten of Pentacles or Ten of Coins, in other decks. However, Crowley wished to show the stable motion that is required in a "Solid" world of spinning atoms, i.e. the centrifugal force of a Spinning of a Disk. All things seem solid in the Kingdom of Malkuth because of the Stability of a Discus/Atom in its spin. I find this to be a brilliant insight (of which he had many, as only those who take risks can) and agree with his philosophy.
It is indeed the spiral "E-Motion" of our inner-conscious self that balances our "Crystalline" outer Self; our life motion. Our Mental/emotional perspectives cast our body forward or backward as a disk is cast in an Olympic game. It takes dedicated practice to cast our body/disk towards it's intended life-target. In magical practice this "hitting the mark" is called Impeccability. Such accuracy requires a soul to manifest many bodies, before it hits the mark! That mark being the expansion and liberation of Life (Tantra) through personal interaction with it. Another meaning of Tantra is "to weave", for that is just what we, a Psyche does. We weave our own observations, self-identities, and/or perspectives into the physical matter around, in and as us. This is true wealth.
Interesting to note, some Souls have gained so much objective wealth in perspectives, that they can manifest more than one "individuality" at a time, manifesting their own collective copy of the Divine collective. Each of us have a legion of personalities that back us up. Hence, a lot of intuition comes from the "library" of "past lives" in the Soul. This is known as the Akashic Records.

Night Sun Tarot- 10 of pentacles
As an impeccable Qabalist knows, each new manifested individual Personality is a Fractal made of past personalities, that reside as "memory" in the Soul (point of creative consciousness in the Divine Unconscious called Tiphareth). Therefore, after many life-times, where the Psyche/Soul has experienced the entire Zodiac of personality construction, it can choose to make more than one "Identity Fractal" at one point in time. It seems that the more experience in Self Awareness construction a Soul has, it wants more intimacy with Self.
This vast materialism is shown on the Night Sun Tarot, 10 coins, as decorated with Pentacles, formed in a circle around the Pentagram, with the crescent horns of the "Bull of Earth", completing the circle. This "bull" could also be The Great Mother that is "The Holy Cow", Giver of Milk, and therefore, giver of life, that is the Egyptian Hathor, or "cow goddess" from whose teats comes the Milky Way. Either, way, this card depicts the vast wealth of the above and the below, represented as the Pentagram, and fertility of the bull or ox.
Truth being, that the Whole Tree of Life is dedicated to this Manifested world; it is the Goal Achieved by the Conscious of The Divine Dual Creative; where the I Am becomes I AM ME-the manifested and therefore sensual trinity of the Above Supernal Triangle.
The sigil for the planet Mercury is shown on the upper left and the sigil for Virgo, is shown on the upper right of this attractive Night Sun 10 of Pentacles.
Therefore, our purpose as physical Spirits and or operators of the Master Power Tools, the Human body, is to establish, the intimacy of the "As above, so below", i.e. "The Great Work".

As energy that is Spiral (Spirit), we are "everywhere and no where" at the very moment of "I", a kind of diffusion into the eternity of the Divine Collective Unconscious. But with a "God-Mind" body (Hu-Man) I am the ability to focus on one "moment" in the Time Space continuum, as "Myself", giving me not only the "sense of presence" but the ability to discriminate my motion by being intimate with form! One must remember that Spirit, comes from the Greek root word Spiro- meaning breath. Therefore, as the "breath of Life", I- Spirit, Am intimate with Life and have the power to animate it as I please. In other words----"freedom of Choice" which simply means free to move by perspective and or Self-Definition. I am a Soul/Psyche, a whirlpool of conscious, in the Ocean of Unconscious! This Rocks! I find it very fulfilling to be able to have a "sense of presence", and move about sensually forming reality to my Self Awareness. To be able to do so is indeed a gift, an inheritance, a Wealth, and my Soul knows its purpose is to "BE"!
It's time we realize that we are the "Sacred Place" of I AM in Time Space! We, as Spiral Entity (Spirits) have inherited the Earth, not because we are bad or Lustful, thereby meriting the suffering or pleasure brought on by physical senses as a punishment (The Lust of Goddess/God built us after all!). Rather, We are the accumulated Wealth of Self Image-Creation (self imagination)--made alive and sensual in order to discern thought through sensual means within the One Mind. The Divine Creative's Self Experience (Self Awareness) built us as a Solution- not a problem! We solve the problem of how to focus intelligence and intense energy (motion) to a point in time space, to nullify entropy and be able to deconstruct and reconstruct ideas/reality right at the time and place of "seeing/sensing an error"! I Am the Image maker "ME", who can recreate image by using my "Child of God" union card, I-Magi-Nation number "10"! I AM ME is our individual name of inheritance!
For those who don't know, 10 is 1+0=1, in Qabalistic gematria (numerology) which simply means The First Sephira -that is Kether, is The Above Ocean of Unconscious, that we bring to The Below, the tip of the Whirlpool that is individual consciousness!
In other words, we don't have a goal, we are the Goal!
Thus, we are "Lust without the need of result"! Lust being the Divine Frenzy, that is the rhythmic vibration in all things that began as "I Will BE" and we "end it" as "I AM Being"! Like I said, "We Rock"! We, each alone, are a Tree of Life of Ten dimension and each dimension has 10 Trees! Like I said, we are Fractals, which are copies of the original I AM! This makes us all who are manifested in the world of Assiah, "holy Spirits", as we are the manifested collective of all 10 states of Sephirotic intelligence! To not know this, we have only ourselves to blame, for we have forgotten the the fact that "truth is made manifest", which simply means, is created as Self, not as "something else". The 10 of Disk or Pentacles also helps us see that to know that all we see, is another way to be me, is to know the Collective that is Wholeness and to Understand true wealth as Self. Hence, practicing looking at other's, and the crowd of peoples and say "Look at all the wealth that I AM"!
When the 10 of Disks/Pentacles is thrown during a reading:
- The querent is assured of physical prosperity and abundance. But being a 10, the end of a cycle, means it may be short lived.
- The querent is at a physical cross roads where supply is stable but boredom has set in and is non stimulating.
- However, the time for taking security risks is approaching and will soon arrive.
- Attainment, accumulation, accomplishment, realization.
- Riches and wealth, completion of material wealth.
- Family wealth and inheritance.
- A time of good harvest.
- The wealthy communication between Soul and body.
- In the next 10 weeks or 10 months you will experience opportunities for abundance by utilizing communication, organizational and intuitive skills.
- It also indicates that during this period you will experience a better alignment of abundance on the physical plane where things seem to "go your way".
- This may also indicate that setting up good communication with the Virgo people in your life will profit you (August 21 to September 21) or add to your abundance emotionally, physically and mentally.
- If Ill defined:
- Theft and robbery.
- Gambling.
- Family misfortune.
- Loss of inheritance.
- Legal troubles after a death; or legal troubles and break up of an estate.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.