
thoth-3 of swords-sorrow
The Tarot's- Four 3's are associated with Binah, the 3rd Sephiroth-Understanding, who is the Great Mother/Feminine of the Divine Creative Androgyny. In Understanding, the idea/Wisdom, becomes fertilized and a child can be born. For instance, Wisdom may dictate that slamming your thumb in a door is to be avoided and is an accepted safety rule. Understanding tells you why this is so. With Understanding, we know about mass, velocity, action-reaction, biology, pain and the fragility of flesh. Therefore, Wisdom+ Understanding, becomes Knowledge, a mental freedom, rather than subservience to rules.

The formulation of the Triangle, (Kether-Crown, Chokma-Wisdom & Binah-Understanding) is a Mental stability that cannot be made unstable. In Qabalah, one knows the Triangle/Trinity that begins all Creation as many combinations of 3. For instance, Maid-Mother-and Crone, each a special perspective on the Female triangle of Womb-rite, or Father-Son- and Holy Ghost, each a active part of the stable foundation of "the Spirit Fire" or rite of Phallus. Then there is Ocean-Rain-and River, each a process of Life or Ocean-Sun-and Earth or Spirit, Mind and Body... I can go on and on but in all cases, when all Trinities are in equilibrium, a fertilization is achieved and a "child can be born".

Thoughts of sorrow, which come from events and/or past patterns that have not been released and dealt with. This card can also represent a triangular relationship that generates sorrowful feelings or thought.
this card is Saturn in Libra and is not a vulgar sorrow, but a sorrow of universal consciousness; a quality of melancholy that radiates from the Great Mother.
This deep sorrow comes from the fact that She gave Life to Her Beautiful children:
- who and all that is created, must die. This causes a sorrow in any Mother's heart.
- Another part of Sorrow, is the fact that all children must become independent and leave the loving mother whose heart still holds them.
- Then there is yet a 3rd to this sorrow trinity, for her children are beautiful in her eyes, yet in their own they see themselves inferior or as monsters of ignorant- fearful identity, this really "stabs her in the heart". Therefore, the 3 of Swords, can be called the Ternary Sorrow of Creation, for even we who think so little of ourselves as to be monsters (our own greatest enemy) in our own eyes, feel a form of melancholy after a heart felt creation doesn't live up to our expectations. Look; us moderns know that you must turn a radio to the proper station signal to get the radio station to transmit or communicate to you. If the radio and the wanted radio station are not in sync, you'll never hear it. Thus, it is with the Divine Creative. We are both the Transmitter and the Transmitted, for we are the Self and Its Image!
Let's ask ourselves this question," If I think that in order to get any great artist to warm up to me, I should, as a mater of course, insult their work." If you have answered," That's ridiculous, the artist will be upset with me and hold a deaf ear to anything I say", or some such, then you can understand that to call ourselves, sinners, inferiors, weakness, cowards, sluggards, evil, bad, unworthy etc. we are insulting the Greatest Artist ever ....Our Creator! To get the Divine Creative to listen to you you don't beg and plead because you think you are a miserable wretch; If you do you'll not be heard or seen; Because The Divine Creative can't hear you nor see you as such for it does not worship weakness! To the Divine Creative you are all Beautiful Children who are made in Its own Powerful Image! You may be a prodigal child, but you still are a loved child, all the same. Approaching The Divine as a grateful, loving child who is proud to be the Divine's offspring, proud of their inheritance of the mind-creative (imagination) and who knows, that we can never be All the Divine Creative at one moment, but we are self-images by inheritance and therefore, the Divine Creative can be any of us at any moment!
This isn't theology, it is just common sense! On earth, children who demean themselves cause great sorrow in their parents hearts! I AM Me--- Not--I wish I ain't Me, will get you a personal audience with your Divine Parents!
You want to be less sorrowful in your life? Try this. Say , "Thank you Divine Creative Spirit for making me ---me!" Don't beg for what you don't have, thank the Divine Creative for what you do have and the coffers of your Divine inheritance are open to you!

Remember the Biblical parable of the Prodigal son? It appears in only one of the Canonical gospels of the New Testament, the Gospel of Luke (Luke 15:11-32). It is about 2 sons, one who is obedient and never tried to do other than what his father suggested and the other son who ran off to experience the world. This "run away", son who wasted his inheritance on useless pursuits, partying, drug use and didn't receive a return of his wealth and became gradually poorer in both wealth and self-esteem. Knowing not that all he had to do is return to the "original home" of his birth rite, he'd be given back all the wealth he never knew he had! Not until he was miserable, sorrowful, and totally destitute, did it dawn on him to return home. Hence, to return to the Original Mind, that created us. Again, the Qabalistic axiom, "Know Thyself", displays its value.

I Am The Rich Child of Divinely Rich Parents----who would never allow me to lack---anything! But by believing in lack, I have chosen it as a reality for myself! Oh, by the way, this could also be a parable for the difference between an Archangel and us "nasty", ungrateful-run away angels/inheritors, that have the will to "experience the Worlds". In this simile, if we return to the Soul (psyche that has given birth to our personality), as our Identity, we shall receive our Divine inheritance. That is also the message of Qabalah, which is a Hebrew word that means "receiving". Since we came down the Tree of Life to experience the most condense Microcosm and we must now go inward, and re-climb the Tree of Life to remember the Macrocosm. For Inward is Up and outward is down, in the Qabalah. Aiding us in this process of memory, are the Psychic Flash Cards, that are known as Tarot.

Freedom of Choice, can be a great generator of happiness and wealth or a great generator of sorrow and lack! We have Freedom of choice, because the Divine Creative sees us as self-images, therefore, we Imagine ourselves, just as does the One Mind! To not see yourself as a Ruler of your own definition---is to be handicapped and divided emotionally and mentally against yourself! I would recommend that one think, "I was defined into being by my Creator....no further definition do I need from anyone---including myself. I am good enough for Divinity, I am good enough for Me! Thank you Great Creator for declaring me as your child!" This process of thoughtful gratitude allows one to create, see error, and correct it (Wisdom).
As a persona, I trust myself---because The Divine Creative Trusts Me! I am Evolutionary Self Awareness! Now, sorrow is but a fleeting thing, rather than a permanent suffering, for my moments of expectation are short enough to allow new creation. I now know not to assume or expect, rather create , observe and correct error. It is known to me, that I err and that proves to me I am a creator as well. The second law of Thermodynamics is in all creation.[...all things proceed from order to disorder] and I am unashamed of error as I now know that it is 50% of wisdom. It helps us to remember that sorrow is a merging of thoughts/emotions, through struggle that is a dance of power in which difficulty precedes harmony. Enjoying the Dance helps us not take it seriously and/or to heart.

The Thoth Tarot-3 of Swords-Sorrow, represents the 3rd Sephiroth- Binah in the realm of Air and with the attribution of Saturn in Libra. Here, Saturn throws the scales of Libra off of balance in order to re-balance them with new ideas.
Here Mother/Feminine aspect of the Divine Creative, is represented as the Darkness of the Great Sea of Binah, deemed The Divine Collective Unconscious by Dr. Carl Jung.
Thus, the card is dark and heavy illustrating the "Womb of Chaos" and even simulates the wavy flesh of a womb. Here the Great Mother's passion to create, is disturbed by the fact that She is both Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of her children.
Therefore, the sorrow card is more about the Melancholy of the Abyss than just a personal human sorrow, although the position in the reading may state personal sorrow, held secretly and causing a perversion.
For only then is the Original Love now glowing in the heart as a bright and full star.In the Thoth 3 of Swords, we see the Sword of the Magician, cutting the junction of two short swords, destroying the Rose of Mother with its impact. In the background, storms are brewing in the implacable night. Since, the Sword of the Magician is Will, here the "Will-to-be" is perverted by thoughts of "Will-not-to be"...the will of a "wanna-be", who thinks they are unworthy, leaving a "hole in the heart" that addiction can not fill; nor anyone's love even attempt to heal, for only by "going back" to the Divine Womb, can we fill that suffering heart.

The 3 of Swords, is also Binah in Yetzirah, placing the influence of Binah in the Astral World.

Astrologers know that Saturn is a very influential planet, sometimes called "The Great Destroyer" and sometimes the "Great Initiator" and represents Time. And in paintings, such as Goya's Saturn, Father time is shown eating his own children. Indeed, time does consume us all. This may confuse you, for in Qabalah The Great Mother is in charge of time, for she builds all form out of it, but the sexes on the tree of Life are "activities" not genitalia. To be expressive is Male, to be receptive is female.

Thus, though the presence of Saturn usually means pain and hardship, it isn't considered evil, since through suffering we may encounter the Dark Sterile Mother (Crone), one of the Creatrix's 3 states of activity, who will help us shed our nonsense. From her we learn life's most important lessons. It becomes known to the " Mediums" in us, that humankind's persistent self-destructive behavior, as a choice over Love, greatly Saddens the Great Mother. Because of this behavior, She cannot see us, as Her child has "run away" from her heart. We've forgotten Life is Love of the Child, not fear of being. As being afraid of being ourselves, we've become lost children to Her, and she grieves deeply. Only through the perspective of Love of Self and those Selves around us, can we approach Her. And once seen, the celebration of being "Seen" by Her, dissipates any sorrow! When the prodigal comes home, She will indeed "kill the fatted calf" and there will music and dancing in the heart.
The Tarot- 3 of Swords-Sorrow, of the Hermetic Qabalah, represents the state of universal sorrow that is prevalent in all the created. It is a prevalent state of melancholy that we find when it deep meditation. It is based on both the lurking passion to create but its children have become monsters in their own minds and also the fact that the beauty created must be destroyed, as all things, no matter how loved, proceed from order to disorder: Love to Sorrow and Sorrow to Love.
In an individual context, this card can represent thoughts of sorrow, where brooding over the loss of the past is currently producing sorrow. Much like the universal sorrow, we created something we thought would be "everlasting joy" but it ended up as a heartbreak; for all creation ends. Progress depends on it, making us release the "dream" we so long mentally supported, so that we can keep moving, expanding and liberating Self through creation.

night sun tarot- 3 of swords
The 3 of Swords/Sorrow card also represents triangular relationships such as, Father, Mother and Child, and could represent our first sorrow experienced in this family context. Therefore, it may imply brooding over the past of 3 weeks, 3 months or even when we were 3 years old. This sorrow is a piercing of our core identity, as shown by the sword piercing the lotus or the Night Sun's Sword piercing the heart, a universal symbol of the Soul. How we handle the first triangle relationship is how we will handle the next ones; be they friend-sibling-mate or friend-co-worker-friend.
The Night Sun Tarot- 3 of Swords, shows the division of our "light side" from our "dark side", caused by the Mental cruelty of self-dislike, and/or Sorrow. Our Dark or Emotional side, and our bright Reasoning Mind are separated by the Sword piercing our heart; the Sword of Sorrow. The Downward thinking of Heart break, self pity, fear of loss, self depreciation,etc., separates the bright spirit from the survival mind of the body, leaving our Soul in a state of poverty, as it has lost contact with the "beautiful child", the most beloved of the Soul.
No matter the relationship triangle we may experience, the tendency for the mind to hold grudges or network the parts of past pain into present circumstances, leaves us in the past as a "wanna-be" personality of stasis rather than a I AM Me personality of presence, action and change. You are not a "wanna-be", for the Soul has manifested you as its physical "I AM" Presence on Earth. You are a successful manifestation of Spirit: you've inherited it All.; from Kether, the first Motion to Malkuth the Sensual Presence of the Creator Spirit, you've got it all, so go inward, to go upward and reclaim your inheritance, that has been so foolishly wasted on "childish things".
When thrown the 3 of Swords Tarot card suggests:
- The need to remove oneself from the triangle relationships that produce sorrow and that are not constructive.
- Of course,there are many fruitful and constructive triangle relationships; However, the two swords at the top being bent by the entry of the third sword, or the Sword piercing the heart can show us that something must be resolved between three people.
- Also the central sword can be an event that bent the receptive and dynamic sides of our nature which can confuse our relationships with male, female and ourselves.
Astrologically, the three of swords is Saturn in Libra.
- Saturn reminds us to do things in a step by step method so that we can achieve the mental, emotional and physical balance represented by Libra.
- We are reminded to see the whole of our past, rather than focus only on the sorrowful moments. By doing so, we will often see the benefits that the past sorrowful event bestowed on us, rather than just emotional pain.
- The 3 of Sword Tarot card reminds us that by limiting our view of the past (Saturn) we can not achieve balance with past, present and future as symbolized by Libra.
When the Three of Swords is thrown, the querent is experiencing or will be experiencing:
- Unhappiness, sorrow, tears, disruption, interruption, separation and quarreling, that have lasted or shall last for 3 weeks or 3 months.
- There will be or has been the sowing of discord, strife, mischief making, and yet, mirth in evil pleasures.
- Because of the influence of Saturn being both "destroyer and initiator", the 3 can also be faithfulness in promises, honesty in money, the motivation being both selfish and dissipated , yet sometimes generous.
Now if the card is accompanied by the more Spiritually inclined Major Arcana, the 3 of Swords, empathizes the deep Spiritual Melancholy of the Crone, that the querent is experiencing.
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