
The Thoth Tarot- 9 of Wands: STRENGTH & The Night Sun Tarot- 9 of Wands.
In the Thoth 9 of Wands, we have, from a practical and material standpoint, the best that can be had from the suit of Fire (Spirit=Spiral Energy Microwaves of the One-Universal Collective Unconscious that is the Mind of the One Energy).
Here the Moon is in the constellation of Sagittarius, doubling the influence of the Moon on the Tree of Life and may be seen as "Change is Stability".
Since, astrologically this card is Moon in Sagittarius, the Lunar powers of reflection and illusion acquire great strength in Sagittarius which is a double sided coin.
This means that successes are accompanied by strife and apprehension.
The Wands are now arrows, 8 background and 1 Master Arrow in the center. The Master Arrow, has the Moon for its point and the Sun as the driving force behind it and represents the dual Divine Creative-Anima and Animus: Sagittarius, as a path on the Tree of Life, joins both the Sun and the Moon-the Father Fire and Mother Water.

The Ten fold flames imply that the force is directed downward, as 10 is the number of Malkuth (Kingdom) and/or the material world.
Symbolically, the united strength of the Sun and the Moon, makes all life possible on Earth. Thus, the united strength of Male and Female, makes all living things possible on Earth.
Thus, it is a clever evil indeed, for the ruler's mouth piece, the media, to install the concept of a "battle between the Sexes", for only weakness can be made manifest from such a divisive perspective. Remember, Perspective is everything, when it comes to the creation of Reality. It also pays one to remember, that reality, is not all around us, but what we create as perspectives within our brain.

9 is also the number of Yesod (Foundation) on the Tree of Life which brings energy back into balance. Therefore, the equal balance of the Male-electric and the Female-magnetic in our Mind, body and Soul, is a complete tensile Strength that cannot be defeated. The fantasy of "separate" sexes, often doesn't allow full mental /emotional development of our self-identity, for this denies the Truth that we are all Androgyny and promotes possession as a form of love. It is the perfect balance of the Female and Male, that makes all of us Whole. We are both Rational (Male-Sun) and Imaginative (Female-Moon); by balancing both, we become Powerful operators of Force and Form, i.e. powerful psychosomatic operators. The strong Mind knows that,"everything I see is another way of being Me."
The 10 fold flames imply that the force is directed downward, as 10 is the number of Malkuth (Kingdom) and/or the material world and the One Sun of the Big Bang is where our individual Spirit radiates from; each of us a sine wave of One Intelligence.
Symbolically, the united strength of the Sun and the Moon, makes all life possible on Earth. Thus, the united strength of Male and Female, makes all living things possible on Earth.
Thus, it is a clever evil indeed to install the concept of a "battle between the Sexes", for only weakness can be made manifest from such a divisive perspective. Remember, Perspective is everything, when it comes to the creation of Reality.
Qabalistically, this card represents Yesod (Foundation) in Atziluth (The World of Pure Spirit) . Now the world of Pure Spirit is Pure Energy Conscious, a Purity of Mind that isn't known to harbor empathy, doubt, indecision or anything but the purity of thought. It is the Great Strength of Will which can drive a body mercilessly.

the night sun tarot-9 of wands
The Night Sun Tarot-9 of Wands, illustrates this Great Strength of Will, as a Shaman, complete with tattoos of Sacred Geometry, builds a shrine of sacred geometry, depicting both life and death (skulls and flowers), out of a tree. Not only depicting the great strength necessary to curve the serpent wand limbs into his imagined shapes, but also the Great Passion to do such a feat. Great Passion at the expense of the physical can happen in this state of Mind, taxing the bodies strength but recovery from any illness rendered is assured.
The Divination meaning of this card is great strength, power, recovery from sickness.
The sigils for the Moon and the constellation, Sagittarius are on the upper left and upper right, respectively. The sigil for the element of fire, is on his loin cloth in the form of an upward triangle.
This is Spiritual Power(Spiraling Energy often called "Serpent Force") , potency, force and internal strength----A powerful flow of Serpentine Force and/or Kundalini (Sex force) that drives the Great Lust of I Will To Be of the Universal Collective Unconscious. This is the same force felt by a student when learning from a Master Teacher who Channels directly from Kether (Solar Crown on the Middle Energy pillar, connected to the Moon -Binah who is Goddess Mother). Often the Student will become excited molecularity as well as mentally, and/or receive psychosomatic reactions and may have to "ground" their energetic excitement before they can either eat or sleep. This force of Strength, overcomes any physical resistance to motion, cures illness, and because of this swift-strong-Dragon like power, if ill directed by emotional immaturity can have negative results.
The Tarot 9 of Wands-When thrown during a divination implies the querent:
- Will be arriving at peak experience in 9 days, 9 weeks or 9 months depending on the Strength being channeled which is determined by the surrounding cards in the reading.
- Anyway you look at it, delays are over and swift progress is being made.
- This card is about Great Strength in Union, When the God and Goddess dance in your Soul (Inner Self) "All things great and small are created", but if you lean to far towards imbalance, where the electric (Force-Male) and the Magnetic (Magnetic Force-Female) are not dancing in the same rhythm, all emotional (energy -in -motion)goes to what you concentrate on most.
- Since for the mundane, what they fear is what they focus on most, all hell could be breaking loose! Therefore this card also advises us to stop----take a few deep breaths----and focus before releasing the Power of Spiritual Will (Will to force and will to form)!
- Spiritual Will is the Spiral Dance of the Communion of the Anima-Animus, Electric and Magnetic and Conscious/Unconscious forces intertwined. It is a weaving of Power that roars in the passion of "It Will Be Done!" .
- I have often Channeled this Dance of Power in Tantra Magic Ritual, and I know from personal experience, that such Great Strength, as in any powerful flow of energy, leaves behind a residue of heat-----and if you are a wide open channel---a lot of bright heat on the emotional, mental, and physical planes! It is best to practice pranic breathing exercises (Prana is a Hindu name for "Life Force") before ever attempting to invoke the Shakti-Shiva Dance of Creation!
- But for the untrained individual this is a Strength of Will, that isn't optimized, but is unusual and is exciting.
- Great strength, power and recovery from sickness. It is a tremendous force that can't be shaken but fear and apprehension will try, without success.
- The illusion of doubt may rear its ugly head, but success will prevail.
- With the Moon's influence, Illusion is always prevalent, such is the burden of imagination; However, there is such a great strength of Will present, as shown by the Sun as a driving force, that despite the strife and self doubt, the querent will succeed in all endeavors.
- Imagination may be a self imposed burden of irrationality, but if used properly, by balancing it with rational thought, it is so light a burden that it becomes pleasurable creativity.
- The Strength of the Fiery balance of Spirit and Body, is all potential and has no known limits.
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