The Tarot of Eli, LLC: The Thoth Tarot- Ace of Cups

western hermetic qabalah, tantric, astrological, alchemical, and numerical Tarot Card comparisons.

· Thoth tarot

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The Thoth Tarot-Ace of Cups:

If you have any knowledge of the latest in Astrophysics, you may understand that Kether is the "Dark energy that becomes-Dark Matter" and "pushes the Universe along, which is how we think we understand it; However, both are really not understood by us. Kether, the Crowning Source of All, is not known to us objectively, but it's presence is subjectively understood as a movement within all that moves; an invisible thermodynamic energy, a beginning of vibration/frequency.

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Again, the 4 Aces, are attributed to Kether and they represent the most pure forms of energy in essence rather than form. Each is a specific type, and density of Energy Essence that we call the "seed" of Pythagorean  and/or Alchemical Elements.

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Is Kether in Briah, the Creative World, depicting the influence of Kether on the Mental Level. The Ace of Cups is the Root Powers of Water, an element used to symbolize the Unconsciousness and emotions when in combination with Fire, which is known as Water's Consort.

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The Thoth Tarot Version of this Card shows the wave action characteristic of physical water implying the activity that encloses and directs pure consciousness, as the Womb of consciousness is the Universal Collective Unconscious and/or The Divine Creative. As the Universe of Energy is woven out of waves of consciousness, and/or ideas that are understood. Thus, the Web in the background. The Feminine that Weaves this Web of frequencies and/or Microwaves of Self radiated from the Core or Root of Self, the Galactic Center of the Milky Way., was known to many nations of Native Americans as Spider Woman.

According to Crowley, the White Light descending is depiction of the Holy Ghost and/or Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit represents the All of Spiral-Energy and or Microwave frequencies of the Universal Self; each spiral a circle, each circle a dimension of Self-Understanding.

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The Cup, is the Psyche Womb of Form and/or the "Holy Graäl" ("Holy Grail"), and on the Thoth Tarot, emerges from the Lotus (Crown) implying the idea or root power of Womb; the seed of the concept of conception. Therefore, the Ace of Wands is the root power of Phallus. The Ace of Cups is a symbol for the-Yoni Moon, as the Ace of Wands is symbolic of the Phallus- Sun.

Seen on the Thoth Tarot- Ace of Cups, the dark Sea of Binah supports the Two in One Lotuses that fill the cup with Life Fluid/"Mother's Milk", be it symbolized, by water, milk, wine or alchemical Gluten. Here, the Milky Way Galaxy is beginning to form. The Glowing sun rising out of the fluid of the Cup, is the Central Core Photon Star, that is in the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy and is the Father of all Photons and therefore, of our Souls. Two in One, is the realization of the Womb and Phallus as an root power of multiplicity.


The Qabalistic- ACE OF CUPS, represents the emotional world of "feeling" and/or intuition that resides in the Unconscious; the time of Summer and the Space of East. This is the symbol of receptivity, psychism, instincts, fears, memories, desires, dreams, fantasy, and all the other aspects of the subconscious. This is the essence of imagination, what I call "the womb-with-a -view", for in her ideas are gestated in "Understanding", which conceives all things.

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The colors of Cups, are those of water, lakes, ponds, oceans, rivers, rain and the blood. If you remember your biology, blood is blue until it is oxidized (You may have notice your blue veins). This is the Holy Grail sitting within the emotional nature (would be a fitting symbol for the Emotional Body of our Aura) which is represented by the blue cup. It is the conscious state of emotional integrity, as represented by the double rainbow on the Thoth Card. The inside and outside are without dichotomy. As above so below can also be seen here.

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The Ace of cups also symbolizes the ability to nurture one's-self with the same capacity as one gives out to others. Also seen on the Thoth Graäl, are the Three rings of " Kings Solomon's key" and a stylistic rendition of the Chakras and serpent and,or spiral forces of life in the human body.

The blue Grail, is Wisdom and the Cups color symbolizes, Compassion, Reason and Discipline, the three ingredients of Love, making it apparent that Love and Wisdom are in union as a flow of nurturing, healing, supporting emotional force (as seen by the radiance entering the cup). Love and Wisdom in equal balance.

The serpent handles of the cup symbolize the regenerative nature of this balance, as the serpent sheds it's skin to transform into a more expanded being; our Soul also sheds personalities, in order to transform.

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The lotus base represents the trusting heart who never over-extends itself emotionally but unfolds itself naturally without resistance or holding itself back. In fact, this Love-Wisdom union is the woven fabric of Life itself, as symbolized by the web of Spider Woman (Native American Mother of the Universe) that is seen behind the cup.

Scholars have little doubt that the  Christianized version of the Auturian "Holy Graäl" legend, had no authentic tradition of the lost wine- cup of Christ.

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The vessel was entirely pagan and feminine as another transformation of the Celts' Cauldron of Regeneration.  This Gaäl was the symbolic female-body symbol of life giving blood. As in Hindu symbols, the cup was often shown in conjunction with a male symbol, just as the Grail appeared in conjunction with the holy lance.

The legendary quest for the Grail, is a vast pagan epic, as depicted by its Cistercian ornamentations. In the later Christian story, every anecdote, and detail in this inspired work is merely a travesty of the Celtic Quest for the submerged woman/ Lady of the Lake and/or Dr. Carl Jung's "inner perfect woman" the Anima.

According to the Christian stories, the Grail had some very suspicious origins. It was carved out of a jewel that fell from Satan's crown (Kether) as he descended into the underworld. In many texts, the jewel was identified as the Phoenix stone, Lapis Exilis, Lapis Judaicus, or Theolithus (God stone). Its magic renewed one's youth or supplied one with inexhaustible amounts of food. [Spence, 246]

The connection to the Philosopher's stone or the magic Gluten is easily seen here.

Nevertheless, the Divine Feminine is the great Womb of all form, including microwaves and therefore, resides in all of us as does "mother's blood", for no child has any blood from the father. This Divine Anima, is worth knowing, for she will release us from the fantasy of man-made identity. She knows her children, and they are not man made and therefore, have no identity made of words.

When the Ace of Cups card is thrown in divination, it indicates:

  • That  in the period of one year you will experience  emotional integrity, equal balance in self-nurturing and the nurturing of others.
  • The Ace of Cups also implies the implementation of trust that can be experienced in relationships with water sign people in your life; Pisces, (February 21- March 21), Scorpios, (October 21 to November 21) and Cancer (June 21-July 21).
  • The Ace of Cups is a quality of the Magus (key 1 of the Trump) who is the archetype of communication.
  • The Ace of Cups is the aspect of being able to communicate feelings from a place of emotional integrity and trust rather than from a place of control.
  • This card represents the Ecstasy that comes with the Love of life in its entirety. As the Tao has stated,"..where there is ecstasy, there is creation. Where there is no ecstasy there is no creation." Maybe Ecstasy built us so it could be us!
  • A new attitude brings rewards.
  • in a period of One Year, the querent will develop a new relationship, or new awareness about existing relationship.
  • Is experiencing a new bust of empathy, emotion, sentiment or enthusiasm  This is a time for staying open and vulnerable in order to reap rewards.
  • The opening of spiritual, psychic, intuitive channels
  • Heart opening to the gift of Love.

Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you and yours live long and prosper.