Above all things, know thyself.

Thoth- ATU 18- the moon
The Western Hermetic Qabalistic Path of Qoph-
ATU 18-The Moon.
- Primary path color: Crimson (ultra-violet)
- Musical note: B natural
- Astrological sign: Pisces (Mutable water)
- Symbol of meaning: Back of head, ear.
- Simple letter: Sleep
Qabalistic esoteric title: The Ruler of Flux and Re-flux. The Child of the Sons of the Mighty.
From the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom (Dr. Paul Foster Case):
The Twenty-ninth Path is the Corporeal Intelligence, so-called because it forms everybody which is formed beneath the complete set of worlds and the increment of them.

The Path of Qoph or Qof, of the Hermetic Qabalah connects the 7th Sephiroth-Netzach/ Victory with The Kingdom -the 10th Sephiroth-Malkuth and is described by Crowley as the "Victory of the Material World" but also as the "deceptive effect of the apparent power of Material Forces". This is spiritual rebirth and/or resurrection. As we incarnate, it is the first stage of the Soul's organization of the physical body that it will inhabit (often done in the womb). It is a form of "sleep", a pre-consciousness (that precedes the waking consciousness) differentiating into physical matter from the collective elemental unconscious of Netzach.

The Thoth Moon Tarot card is represented in "every form Sinister" (Crowley) because of the limited sight of the Survival mind who can't see into the Dark unconscious, a well-spring of deception, illusion, and in the extreme, lunacy. On the Thoth card, we see a sinister landscape above the Water of the Unconscious; watered by a stream (or path) of serum(semen) tinged with blood, which flows between the gaps of two barren mountains.
Nine drops of impure blood or menstrual blood shaped like Yods (meaning-hand) represent self-sustaining primal points of matter formation and/or sexual energy or sexual love, fall on the Watery Moon below. Being that the Moon represents the Water element is the reason Lady Frieda Harris drew an Water Strider instead of the Scarab Beetle pushing the sun towards the moon.

In the symbolic language of animals, the water strider embodies unique characteristics tied to its environment and behavior:
Key Symbolic Traits of the Water Strider:
Adaptability and Balance:
- Water striders glide effortlessly on the water’s surface, symbolizing balance and the ability to navigate life’s emotional undercurrents without sinking.
- They remind us to remain buoyant in challenging situations, skimming over difficulties rather than being consumed by them.
Connection Between Worlds:
- As creatures that inhabit the boundary between water and air, they symbolize bridging emotional depths (water) and intellectual clarity (air).
- They teach how to move between intuition and logic fluidly.
Lightness of Being:
- The delicate pressure they exert on water surfaces highlights the importance of treading lightly through life.
- They symbolize grace under pressure and leaving minimal impact on their environment.
Quick Action and Awareness:
- Known for their swift movements, water striders symbolize quick decision-making and heightened awareness of surroundings.
- They encourage vigilance and the ability to seize opportunities as they arise.
Survival Through Specialization:
- Their unique leg adaptations allow them to harness surface tension, symbolizing innovation and making the best use of one’s resources.
In essence, the water strider represents grace, adaptability, and a mastery of life’s surface tensions, encouraging one to move with ease through emotional and intellectual challenges and thereby, is pushing reason (the sun) towards the Moon on the Thoth Moon card.

Also, in terms of the spiritually developing individual self-conscious, it is the conquest of the phantoms reflected from the material world of the Self-Conscious Survival Mind into the Unconscious Mind of Imagination. The Qabalistic lodge of the Golden Dawn, described these phantoms as, "The Child of the Sons of the Mighty" which simply means the "creations of the Created".

This is a watery path of probation, where the aspirant must face and conquer the phantoms of their own deep subconscious as well as those of the racial egregore in which they are born. It can be a terrible and frightening Path, not only of stunning illusions but of real dangers to the emotional stability of those who have not built up enough inner strength (inner virtue--often called "Character") to handle this experience. However, when we slay the "monsters within" the deep recesses of our sleep-consciousness (sub-conscious), by understanding their mechanisms, we gain the capacity to manipulate those qualities in ourselves as well as in others. This ability is often called "Witchcraft"; However, it is also the ability of a good therapist.

The Path of Qoph or Qof, is an inner primitive path of raw animal nature; of instincts (survival mind), uncontrolled passions, and emotions of nature that are both "red in tooth and claw" and which are not subject to intellectual, moral or ethical considerations. This Path shows us predatory survival aspects of ourselves as children which society forces us to repress but which are an integral and undeniable part of our human being and a foundation for emotional strength.
To be whole, we must approach this Path with our Whole Being, applying reason, rather than fear, to that which we encounter, as we apply feeling to that which is encountered on this Path of Discernment.

In the Thoth Tarot, ATU 18-THE MOON, there are two images of the Guardians of the Gate who are the Ra kings of ancient Egypt. These are the Sun gods who protect our life force and energy as we change and reclaim our authentic selves.

The Jackals (represent the Egyptian deity Anubis) remind us that we must let go of the old in order to go through the future gates into new experiences. The Moon card also shows Anubis in both forms, of the Dark nether realms of Death and the light realms of resurrection and is a very complex deity of lunar opposites. However, one way or the other, birth, death and resurrection are pivotal concepts on the Path of the Moon. These are biological processes, and they occur in the dark subconscious and form the foundation of the light of consciousness, championed by our indoctrinated sensual perceptions of good and bad.

The Egyptian scarab, which has been replaced by the "water strider" on the Thoth Card, represents Khepri, the Egyptian God of Transformation, i.e. "He who becomes". This dung beetle and/or scarab, rolls the ball of the sun, pushing it into the Other World in the evening and over the horizon into the morning. For the ancient Egyptian, the scarab-beetle-God represented the rising sun and symbolized the renewal of life and the idea of eternal existence. Not unlike our own knowledge of eternal existence in the first law of thermodynamics (There is only one energy that can't be created nor destroyed; only transformed).

The Moon is not only the astrological representative of the water-sign Pisces but is also the universal feminine principle of magnetism, the Vesica Pisces. The magnetic influence of flux and re-flux help us to see the inherent power of our receptive nature; to open, expand, yield, and totally express our full power and nature, like the Moon. The Moon reflects back to us the mystery of who we are and of our changing phases of our happy light side and our fearful dark side. The Reclamation of our Authentic Self or Real Person requires that we open, receive and go-inward. Moon like, it is essential to reveal ourselves without holding back or censoring ourselves in anyway (Of this I am profoundly accused of!).

The Moon card in representing the water sign Pisces. The traditional two fish of Pisces are symbolized here as the Anubi gate guardians and represent the Piscean commitment to evolutionary transformation. To me as a practicing Magus, this is the gateway to the "other side of the Mirror"....The non- Son/Sun-reflected-subjective side of my Dark Quantum Psyche where my dark- warrior champion exists, egotistically basking in the fact he has destroyed his enemies...For are we not all Shakti the Lover of Life and Shiva the Destroyer? Nevertheless, because the Soul of me fears him not, he of magnificent darkness and I of the Bright Sun, have had long and meaningful talks and have become friends who listen to and are bound to the Great She. Together, as one who is now both of light and darkness without conflict. Hence the Dark Warrior has donned Golden Armor and become Shepard of Her forms and worlds.

The Moon- of the Tarot, is the 18th Key of the Major Arcana or Trump and as stated:
is called the Path of Qoph--meaning, back of head or ear. Connecting Netzach (Victory) with Malkuth (Kingdom), the Path of Qoph is described as the "Victory of the Material World" and/or the "deceptive effect of the apparent power of the Material World". This path, is also known as the "Threshold to life", a spiritual birth that may be considered on two levels.
- On one level, it is the course of incarnation where the soul organizes the physical body of which it will inhabit. It is a kind of sleep (physical consciousness not yet formed), a kind of pre-consciousness, that differentiates into mater from the collective unconscious of Netzach.
- On another level, where the student is advancing spiritual awareness up the Tree of Life, it is a path of conquest of the phantoms of their self-conscious or "man-made" personality which are creations of the created. Therefore, the path of Qoph, is a probationary path, where the aspirant must face the childhood emotional phantoms hid in the dark recesses of their own mind, as well as those of the race.

Hence, this probationary path of emotional phantoms, can be disturbing to those of weak moral fiber who lack discernment and serve superstitions. Since mankind is a combination of Deamon and Angel. the Moon can pose real dangers to one's emotional stability. On the other hand, those of discerning minds are strong enough to tread this Path and slay the monsters "within" our sleep-consciousness and understand their mechanisms, therefore gaining the capacity to manipulate those qualities in ourselves and those of others. Mastery of Illusion is a product of this path. Since illusion plus energy-in-motion (emotion) creates manifestation, mastery of the imaginative Mind is paramount.

Since the meaning of the Hebrew word-Qoph or Qof, is the back of the head, behind the head itself, it also represents the Sun- or Resh in Hebrew. The Moon symbolizes the anterior to the bright intellect of the Sun. The Moon, the Path of Qoph, only reflects the light of the Sun. Thus, the central path of the Thoth Moon card goes from the dark side of the Moon, towards the light side that reflects direct Sunlight.
The Hebrew letter Resh (ר) holds profound esoteric significance, particularly within the framework of the Qabalah, Tarot, and Western Hermetic traditions. Here's a detailed exploration:
Symbolic and Esoteric Associations of Resh:
Numerical Value:
- 200
- This value signifies cycles of completion, renewal, and the turning of spiritual tides. In the context of Qabalistic numerology, it can hint at expansive consciousness and the culmination of hidden knowledge.
Meaning and Shape:
Literal Translation: "Head" or "Beginning."
- Resh represents the head, which is the seat of reason, intellect, and spiritual awakening. It hints at leadership, primacy, and initiating new phases of awareness.
- The form of Resh is a single line bending downward, symbolizing humility and the act of bowing one's head before higher forces. It invites an individual to learn the balance between pride in knowledge and the humility of spiritual service.
Qabalistic Significance:
Path on the Tree of Life:
- Resh is attributed to the 30th Path, which connects Hod (Splendor) to Yesod (Foundation) on the Tree of Life.
- This path represents the channeling of intellectual clarity into the subconscious realm, suggesting a refinement of thought and emotional structure.
Astrological Correspondence:
- The Sun (☉)
- Resh is associated with the radiant energy of the Sun, symbolizing vitality, enlightenment, and the divine spark within. It highlights themes of illumination, self-awareness, and the capacity for spiritual leadership.
- The Sun (☉)
Tarot Correspondence:
- The Sun (Key XIX)
- In Tarot, Resh corresponds to The Sun, a card of joy, clarity, and illumination. It emphasizes harmony, spiritual enlightenment, and the celebration of life's creative energies.
- The card also symbolizes the power to see beyond illusions and embrace divine truths.
Mystical Themes:
Renewal and Redemption:
- Resh represents the constant renewal of self and the universe, akin to the rising Sun. It urges practitioners to embrace new beginnings, shedding the ego to achieve enlightenment.
Balance Between Ego and Divine Will:
- The head symbolizes rationality and leadership, but Resh teaches that true wisdom comes from aligning personal will with the divine plan.
Illumination of the Path:
- Like the Sun's light dispelling darkness, Resh emphasizes spiritual clarity, revealing hidden truths and guiding the seeker toward higher consciousness.
Practical Meditation on Resh:
To integrate the energy of Resh:
- Meditate on the symbol of the Sun, envisioning its light illuminating your path.
- Reflect on the balance between intellectual prowess and spiritual humility.
- Contemplate the idea of renewal, allowing old patterns to dissolve as you align with your higher purpose.
In summary, Resh is a symbol of illumination, leadership, and the harmony between intellect and spirit. It serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of enlightenment, urging seekers to continually renew and refine their understanding of the divine.

Basically, the Moon -Key-18, symbolizes the rebirth of light out of hideous darkness; bright intellect overcoming the dark denizens of our sub-conscious, i.e. the illusions of emotional fears.

The Moon card is veiled by illusion and those illusions must be understood in order for the Prodigal Soul to claim its Rich Universal Inheritance.

The Hebrew letter Qoph (ק) is rich with mystical and symbolic significance, particularly in the Qabalah, Tarot, and Western Hermetic traditions. Here's an in-depth look:
Symbolic and Esoteric Associations of Qoph:
Numerical Value:
- 100
- This number represents spiritual cycles and completeness on a higher level, hinting at the process of transcendence and transformation. It often signifies the quest for spiritual purity and mastery over the material world.
Meaning and Shape:
Literal Translation: "Back of the Head" or "Ear."
- Qoph refers to the back of the head, which in mystical traditions symbolizes the subconscious mind, hidden knowledge, and the seat of instincts. This letter deals with what is hidden behind the surface—both in the human psyche and in the universe.
- The form of Qoph resembles a circle with a descending line, suggesting the interplay between cycles of existence (the circle) and a grounding connection to material reality (the line).
Qabalistic Significance:
Path on the Tree of Life:
- Qoph is attributed to the 29th Path, which connects Netzach (Victory) to Malkuth (Kingdom).
- This path signifies the journey of bringing spiritual desire and inspiration into tangible, physical manifestation. It represents the effort to unite subconscious impulses with conscious action.
Astrological Correspondence:
- Pisces (♓)
- Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, is deeply spiritual, intuitive, and associated with the universal subconscious. It symbolizes the mysteries of life, death, and rebirth, as well as the dissolution of ego in pursuit of divine union.
- Pisces (♓)
Tarot Correspondence:
- The Moon (Key XVIII)
- In Tarot, Qoph corresponds to The Moon, a card associated with mystery, intuition, dreams, and the subconscious.
- It represents the journey through uncertainty and illusion, urging one to trust inner guidance and face the shadow self. The Moon illuminates hidden truths, guiding seekers through the unknown toward spiritual awakening.
Mystical Themes:
Subconscious Exploration:
- Qoph invites one to delve into the subconscious mind, exploring dreams, instincts, and hidden desires. It symbolizes the shadow work necessary for spiritual growth and self-knowledge.
The Illusion of Reality:
- This letter teaches that much of what we perceive is shaped by illusion, urging us to discern between appearances and deeper truths.
The Cycle of Life and Rebirth:
- Like the phases of the Moon and the cyclical nature of Pisces, Qoph embodies the eternal cycles of transformation. It suggests a constant movement between hidden realms and manifest existence.
Connection Between Worlds:
- Qoph serves as a bridge between the spiritual and physical, the conscious and subconscious, emphasizing the unity of all aspects of existence.
Practical Meditation on Qoph:
To align with the energy of Qoph:
- Meditate under the light of the Moon, focusing on the mysteries it reveals.
- Keep a dream journal to explore subconscious patterns and insights.
- Contemplate the interplay of illusion and reality in your life, seeking clarity through introspection.
Qoph symbolizes the hidden mysteries of the subconscious, the journey through illusion and transformation, and the unification of spiritual and physical realms. It reminds seekers to embrace the unknown, trust their inner guidance, and continually strive for spiritual renewal and mastery.

Because of the relationship of Resh and Qoph, it is easily seen why the Thoth Moon card also has the last phase of the Moon before sun rise.
The simple Hebrew letter of Qoph, also translates into the English word, sleep. Thus, we have a conscious relationship with the Moon, the bright Sun reflecting side, our waking consciousness and the dark sunless side of the "sleeping" subconsciousness. As the Moon has cycles, so does our Psyche, as during the cyclic phase of conscious withdrawal from the physical (Sleep) many of us still act upon the fantasies and information closely related to the bodies survival-based experiences. Their dreaming is filled with phantoms produced by the bodies fear of pain and/or death which once consciously transcended, is the successful completion of the Path of The Moon. Therefore, this is often a card of impure horror and hidden darkness that our self-conscious must pass through before our conscious light can be reborn as wisdom.

In Thoth Tarot of the Hermetic Qabalah, THE HIGH PRIESTESS-Key 2, is a source of pure, crystal clear waters (consciousness) emerging from the God Head-The Father, to God the Son/Sun. The Same waters of consciousness are seen here on The Moon card, but they are polluted with the dark subconscious fears of mortality, that self-conscious physical manifestation bestows on consciousness in a world where "life eats itself to stay alive".

However, as I have stated before, the traveling up the Path of Qoph, towards the "Son/Sun Consciousness" of Tiphareth, notably changes the body physiology, as the Bright Beautiful Light Intellect of the Sun (Tiphareth) descends into it. Hence, when traveling up the inner Path of Qoph, the Personality becomes increasing aware of the Higher Self and less controlled by the dark survival fears of the body. This traveling conscious- energy process is shown on the Thoth Deck Moon Card as cyclic wave motion, as a pattern of both above and below, linked by the Beetle/Water Skipper of the Sun.
In the simplest of terms, this is a Path of natural energy from which our bodies develop in the Womb and is continual process throughout our lives as cells live, die and resurrect-replace in daily life. The work of the Path of Qoph ends with the dissolution of energy back to its source, which is the operation within the 7th Sephiroth- Netzach (victory).

As before stated: Paul Foster Case called The Moon, the "Corporeal Intelligence" which means the "body consciousness". Also in Hebrew the word "corporeal" means "to rain upon", which is why we see the symbols of Yods raining down from the central orb of the Thoth Tarot Moon- card (Down from Tiphareth). Since this is a Watery Card, some of a more poetic bent, say that these Yod symbols are "tears of the Moon-Goddess" raining down and filling the Nile. However, what most Qabalistic Scholars agree on is that something descends from the Moon to the Earth on the Path of Qoph, which is represented as raining Yods on the Thoth Tarot or ripples in the water/space-time fabric .

Since The path of Qoph is that of primitive instincts, of nature red in "both tooth and claw" which emerges uncontrolled by moral or ethical reasoning, "Moon Dogs" are often presented to represent this controlling fact of Instinctual mind. The traveler of this Path will face aspects of themselves that our culture forces them to repress but are indeed integral and undeniable parts of our Master predator human form. This is the Survival Mind, where the "law of the jungle" resides in the dark pools of violence and conquest. This can be a very cruel path to endure, until the student is able to fear not these internal demons which removes the veils of darkness, allowing in the Bright Intellect of the Sun (our Solar or Celestial Self) who applies beautiful reason to our consciousness.
This has been called one of the Karma Cards (mental work that needs to be done).

Ultimately, we have a daily choice between supporting our authentic or Real Self or our dutiful man-made self. There is the Real which is the Spiritual Being or Soul and then there is reality, the "self-reflection and/or indoctrinated identity that we call our ego or personality or self-conscious all of which is a software social egregore program in the brain. This false-one is choked full of "negative emotional self-identities" as well as, fears of being preyed on by "others". These fears of being "preyed on" are also well represented as violent dogs of the Moon.

The Tarot Moon, therefore, reminds us of the illusions of the survival mind. If you as an individual knows that everyone you see is another way of being, you; you are basking in the Real Sun/Son light of divine self-awareness. If you see everyone as enemy or friend, you suffer from reality blindness brought on by the profaned survival mind of the animal that you should own but now owns you because of your "pleasure-pain" indoctrinated fears creating a blindfold imposed darkness and of sensuality: fear of pain, fear of discomfort, fear of vulnerability, fear of rejection, fear of abandonment; All of which come from the animal thought of "fear of being eaten", which is also called fear of death.

The Moon is a card representing illusion and reminds us that the illusion imposed on our consciousness by the senses. For senses are all psychosomatic, meaning that not everyone has imagined the same sensual experience from the same environments; in other words, they are not empirical scientific proof.
As a Soul (meaning Psyche), the body is only 1% of us, and its purpose is to define thought. In other words, to aid our creative psyche in discernment so that Self-Awareness becomes an ever expansive and liberating motion in life rather than a Faustian fantasy of death.
Dreams are another attribute of the Moon as it represents the subconscious mind.

To review:
The Moon in astrology is considered a Planet most Universal as She is partaking of both the highest and lowest, as well as filling the space between. In other words, the Moon waxes and wanes. In her highest point (Elaine the Moon Goddess) the Moon acts as a link between the human and the Divine. In her lowest avatar (the goddess Tabu) where she is waning, she joins the earthly spheres of Netzack (victory) with Malkuth (kingdom) culminating in the matter of all superior forms.

The mention of the goddess Tabu by Aleister Crowley is an enigmatic reference, as she does not correspond directly to any well-known deity from established mythologies. Crowley's works often contain allusions to obscure or esoteric figures, sometimes blending mythological, mystical, and symbolic elements.
Possible Interpretations of Tabu:
Thematic Symbolism:
- The name Tabu could derive from the concept of taboo, which denotes something sacred, forbidden, or set apart. Crowley, with his deep interest in breaking societal and religious conventions, might have invoked such a figure to embody the idea of transcending conventional morality and entering forbidden spiritual territories.
A Personal Creation:
- Crowley was known to invent or reinterpret deities and symbols to suit his magical and philosophical system, especially within his work The Book of the Law or in the broader context of Thelema. It’s possible Tabu represents an archetype of spiritual law, hidden knowledge, or the forbidden mysteries of the self.
Association with Lunar or Underworld Deities:
- If Tabu is a figure akin to lunar or chthonic (underworld) goddesses, she might align symbolically with goddesses like Hecate, Lilith, or Isis in their aspects of guarding hidden knowledge, thresholds, or forbidden wisdom or even the Sumerian underworld goddess Ereshkigal.
A Liberator through Taboo:
- Crowley often emphasized liberation through the breaking of taboos and the exploration of shadow aspects of the psyche. Tabu could be an archetypal goddess guiding practitioners through such transformative experiences, embracing what is culturally forbidden to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
Where to Look for More Clues:
To better understand Tabu, consider exploring:
- Crowley’s more obscure writings or rituals, as he frequently embeds hidden references.
- The Equinox, Liber ABA, or Magick Without Tears, where he expands on mystical figures.
- Comparative studies of taboo-breaking archetypes across mythologies, which might provide insight into Tabu’s symbolic purpose.

Many of us are taught that a Waning moon is attributed to witchcraft, sorcery and abominable deeds which is a superstitious way of defining the poisoned darkness of Winter, that is the condition before the rebirth of light in the spring. However, there is also a poisoned darkness in our deep subconscious composed of fear-based emotions. Here thoughts of fear, loathing and hate putrefy without the light of conscious observation.

Looking back at the Thoth Moon Tarot Card, we see two dark towers, representing the "unknown" that so disturbs the unconscious. As stated:Guarding these towers are the images of the jackal god of Kem, Anubis who is the watcher in the twilight. Thus both the threshold of Life and the threshold of Death, are depicted here. Hence, to some, this Path of Qoph, is all a journey of great fear, that demands monumental courage from the adept-traveler; a "dark night of the soul" where all is doubtful, all is mysterious and intoxicating. Not the intoxication of Ecstatic Dionysus, but that of dreadful madness caused by pernicious drugs.The Venom of the Moon has placed a drunkenness on the mind; a lunacy that seems endless.
However, the adepts of the Hermetic Qabalah, do not fear this night, no matter what horrors may afflict the soul,whatever abominations may excite heart loathing, whatever terrors may gibber in the mind, the answer is the same at every stage:"How splendid is the Adventure!"

To me, the Dark Goddess is the Real Lady, while the Light Goddess, is "The Real Lady, dressed in veils of light". True love does not balk at darkness and light dazzles the eyes so they can't see what is beyond.

We would all best remember that the Moon reflects the Light of the Sun as the unconscious reflects the thoughts of the conscious. The seemingly harmless self-absorbed thoughts of the conscious, become reflected in the dark emotions of the unconscious and the body becomes "insane" with destructive perversions....not a great scenario for enlightenment... unless you begin to understand that mortal survival thinking must be expanded by the Knowledge of the Immortal Soul.
Often, to know pain, is to know pleasure. Darkness cannot be seen without the knowledge of light. Knowing this, the student doesn't fear their inner darkness of shadowy emotions, they just bring in the light, as the Hermit strides through the Night with his lantern glowing and as the Moon spins through darkness, ever growing closer to the Sun. The Moon card reminds us to face our inner demons with the Divine Daemon (Godman) of the Soul, since all shadows disappear in the light it is through the gates of fearful but voluntary personality- death, that we find our "True Identity". This is because our "adult" identity is an egregore sponsored indoctrinated falsehood. Our true identity is the rejected "child within".
When the Qabalistic Tarot- Moon card is thrown:
- The querent is reminded that they are functioning in the realm of the unconscious where they become aware that reality is a dream, that time/space and physical bodies are merely conceptions, and therefore deep cellular change is possible.
- Often this is the Shamanic call to enter into the darkness of unconscious desires and fears so that you may transform them into functional motion rather than dysfunctional illusion.
- Dissatisfaction, voluntary change ( involuntary change is usually death).
- There are issues in the life of the querent that are of error, lying, falsity, deception; it is a time to watch motives.
- The querent must drop denial, self-deception, delusions in order to claim their own authenticity.
- Represented here is the waxing and waning of phases where one begins the process of self-examination that will eventually arise as authoritative states of being.
- The Greeks called this Mental path, "the Path of Childbirth", a time of renewal.
- Dissatisfaction and voluntary change is on the horizon.
- The querent is experiencing choice and authenticity over old illusions and delusions.
- A call to enter into the darkness of the unconscious and to come to grips with one's fantasy made demons.
- Within 18 weeks or 18 months the querent must take control of the survival mind and expand it beyond its fear based perspectives.
- They must remember, that they are a Spirit who owns a body, not a body who owns a spirit; an Immortal Conscious that owns a mortal consciousness.
The Moon is about the Illusion of life and death, so there will be moments of lying, falsity, deception, if the card is ill dignified.
Do you want to know more? Email me for class information-eli@elitarotstickingly.com- and I will send you all the information you'll need to start working with me, one on one, via Video classes.
Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper!
Helping people become more magic and less tragic since 2010.