
Thoth- princess of swords

The Princess of Swords represents the earthly part of Air. In traditional medieval Tarot, there were no princesses only pages took this position in the Tarot deck. This was partly because of the Christian Churches feminine-hate policies and partly because it was thought that this was an androgynous position. Therefore, many cards use a humanoid androgynous image. However, in the Hermetic Formula of Tetragrammaton, the Princess is an integral part of the equation. In the Qabalah, the Universe is shown as divided into 4 Worlds.
- The first world is Atziluth, the Pure Spirit World of Archetypes, which activates all the worlds that evolve from it. The Gods of the Sephiroth, the Hebrew letter Yod, the Primal Fire and the Kings are attributed to it.
- The second world is Briah, The Creative World, which is the level of the Pure Intellect, the Archangels, and of the Hebrew letter Heh-primal water. This is attributed to the Queens of the 4 suits.
- The third is Yetzirah, The Formative World, here we find the subtle, fleeting patterns behind matter. This the realm of angels and Primal Air, symbolized by the Hebrew letter Vau. This realm is attributed to the Princes.
- The Fourth World is Assiah, The Active World containing both physical sensation and the unseen forces of matter. Here is the realm of the Cherubim, the final Heh of the sacred name-Yod Heh Vau Heh (Tetragramaton) and the Primal Earth. This realm is attributed to the Princesses, Malacha- the Virgin in all 4 states of elemental matter.
One could argue that an androgynous page could fit the idea of a Virgin force, however, this is a "Virgin Birth" mother (not impregnated by man), so not really. She is also the function of the volatile, thus she is shown as a Valkyrie. With Her Sword of "volatile Mind" she cleaves away the dross, so the pure essence is seen as a materialization of Idea.

The Princess/Page of Swords and the Valkyrie, represent the influence of Heaven on Earth. On the Thoth Card, there is a representation of the "Anger of the Gods" here, for she wears a helm reminiscent of a Medusa headdress. She stands in front of a barren altar, as if to avenge its profanation (The Human Soul is the altar; the profanation is "indoctrination of the slave-debt culture"), as shown by her sword stabbing downward. All around her angry storms rage in the sky.

night sun tarot-page of swords
To some, such adolescent personalities appear to be "Children of Misfortune", which seems to be the most unhappy of young people, as illustrated on the Night Sun Tarot: However, their Soul knows what its doing, and sharp chisels are needed to "cut away the dross" so that the real beauty can be revealed. At the Page's feet are the greens and soil of earth, as well as, an unhatched "world egg", implying the Virgin rule of this intelligence and the Ace of the element of Earth.
The Night Sun Tarot-Page, does not wear the "crown of thorns" that Fabio Listrani created for the Kings and Queens of his Tarot cards. Rather, the trailing golden "scarf" of the Queen is worn, maybe as a symbol of inherited power from the Queen, as she is the Throne of the Princess/Page in the realm of Assiah. Upper left of the card is the upside down triangle/line symbol of Earth and on the upper left, is the right side up triangle/line symbol of Air. Going along with the Thoth Tarot attribution of "earthly part of Air". Behind in the clouded sky, (mood fighter) are the sacred geometry patterns Fabio Listrani likes to fashion his card backgrounds after.
What many fail to realize, is that the force the Princesses or Pages rule in the name of Mother, are represented as the 4 Aces.

The Thoth and Night Sun Tarot, Ace of Swords, represents the Root of the Element of Air which is also representative of the Seed of Consciousness and/or the unhatched egg at the Night Sun Tarot Page's feet. When lacking the Will that is Spirit, consciousness behaves like Air, which blows which ever-way of the common current. In nature, Air lacks the concentrated will of Fire to unite with water and it lacks a corresponding passion to unite with its twin, earth. Hence, Air has no self-generated impulse, and is totally dependent on the heat or cold of the moment. But when set in motion by its Father-Fire and its Mother-Water, it magnifies their power into something horrific, such as tornadoes or hurricanes, or the Princess of Swords. Wind in this state, is comparable to Consciousness, as all embracing, all penetrating, all wandering and all consuming. Therefore, in traditional Tarot, The Ace of Swords was often called DOOM.

The Status of Air, as compared to the other Elements of alchemical origin, would seem minor but in reality, Air is the first Element to follow Spirit. Spirit is of the Element- Fire, that begins with the Logos (Word of God). Air is also attributed to Mercury and most properly, the Breath of Life. Then there is the Hebrew statement," Achath Ruach Elohim Chiim (777) which means,"One is the Spirit of the Gods of the Living". In this case Air is the the medium that carries the Spirit of "the gods of the living" which is called Prana in Sanskrit, thus we can see the empowerment of yoga breathing exercises helping us claim our Divine inheritance.
When thrown during a reading, the Ace of Swords is an Invoked force for good or evil. It represents the whirling force and strength through trouble. It can be the Sword of Wrath upholding Divine Authority and thus an affirmation of justice in the querent's life.

To reiterate: THE THOTH PRINCESS or PAGE OF SWORDS, represents the earthly part of Air. Hence, she is the fixation of the volatile. She represents the influence of Heaven on Earth and brings about the materialization of idea. There is some suggestion of the Valkyrie, in this card but She also represents Artemis and characteristics of Minerva. Thus, idea is materialized by this Personification of Force and Form which is intended to be a combination of Minerva (Goddess of Wisdom) and Diana (Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt). This combination showing that she is both beautiful, intelligent but not entirely pleasant. To some extent, she represents the anger of the gods, hence, on the Thoth card she wears a helm of serpent crest, that symbolizes the serpent-haired Medusa. More so on the Thoth card than the Night Sun Tarot, the heavens and clouds whirl about angrily, while she is stabbing downward with her sword. In the back ground of the Thoth Card is a profaned altar, the altar of the roman "vestal virgins", whose fire is gone out due to lack of attention which seems to anger this Valkyrie. The silver altar shows only fire-less smoke, depicting the thoughts that are blown around by Air of Yetzirah; the currents and eddies in the Astral-Unconscious Air/mind.

Since Princesses are the "throne of Spirit", the Princess of Swords has the option of "throwing everything overboard" and/or "blowing everything sky high."

When personified, as shown on the Tarot birth wheel, shown as figure 15 in the Qabalistic Tarot of Robert Wang, the Princess of Swords usually represents a difficult child, or younger person whose inner conflicts can only be resolve by maturity and experience. A willful, obstinate, child who may also be perceptive beyond her years. Thus, causing a emotional conflict of perspectives not fully understood because of the inexperience of the child. A young clever, ruthless child that lacks empathy for other peoples feelings and may indiscreetly pry into the Querent's secrets. So even if the person of issue, is an adult, their personality is that of someone younger.

The Norse would call The Princess of Swords, Skuld, who was the leader of the Valkyries. She was a battle-maid who in myth, judged and received the souls of the dead. She was considered a sharp minded female deity of keen judgment and high spirit but stern, and powerful. Symbolically she was seen to be trouble and possible danger.
The Princess/Page of swords personality is also very adroit in the settlement of controversies, exercising her sharp wit. She is the mood fighter . Therefore this card also represents the need to act upon ideas rather than just talk about them.
To her practical thinking requires that there be no difference between verbal commitment and external action. However, she is constantly regenerating her thinking (green spring colors on both cards and the butterfly wings of the Thoth Card), to she how cost effective her ideas are (coins on Thoth pedestal) but all is not selfish here, for she also considers the nourishing of others with her ideas (the mushroom shape of the pedestal) .
With this personality word and deed are aligned and woe to those who say one thing and do another! This card is associated with the air sign months of Aquarius (January 21 to February 21 ) , Gemini (May 21-June 21) and Libra (September 21 to October 21) or those persons the querent knows who are born during those periods. Since these are the months of gestation, it is important to fight your own moods and the moods of others so that you are not distracted while attending to what it is that you want to produce in areas of finance, health and relationships. This card also suggests that these air sign months can be very effective months for the querent if successful in mood fighting.
If the reading is about the Querent, this card may show that:
- The Querent's moods are clouding mental clarity.
- Feelings of a defensive nature that may even be aggressive and hostile.
- However, there is a flip side to this card that shows the Mature Querent as a mood-fighter who has the ability to help others with great practical wisdom and subtlety.
- Great adroitness at the management of practical- material affairs.
- Very good at settling controversial issues.
- This Personality will also take risks in thought and/or communication, daring to commit beliefs and attitudes even at the cost of personal comfort.
- This is a bold, often rash and impulsive personality.
- All in all, this is a curious mind which investigates and explores rational possibilities. The Interested student should also look up the Mythology concerning Medusa, Athena and Perseus for greater insight into the esoteric/personality archetypal meaning of The Princess of Swords.
The Archetype personality of the Princes of Swords:
- Is of a stern and revengeful nature.
- She is firm, aggressive and wields destructive logic with great practical wisdom and subtlety in material things.
- Her natural cleverness and adroitness in managing controversial affairs makes her a master of settling controversies.
- She would be a good ambassador.
- People thus characterized, may seem slow mentally,crushed by every responsibility, especially when it comes to family affairs.
- We must remember that the Princesses represent the "Throne of Spirit", and that the Princess of Swords has the option of "blowing everything sky high", she has that potency of mind,
If ill dignified her qualities:
- Are dispersed, she becomes incoherent, and all her gifts form into a animal cleverness, a low cunning, that is unworthy of the means.
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