
The Witches Tarot-eight of cups
The Witches Tarot-Eight of Cups, depicts eight silver cups in the foreground, and a young woman whose back is turned, and dressed in a traveling cloak, walking down the beach. She seems to be looking up at the eight stars in the sky and the fact that she is traveling between two worlds, the Sea and Land seems significant. In her hair, is a tucked sprig of sweet-pea flowers. In the language of flowers, sweet-pea symbolizes departure. Hence, she is leaving behind all that seems detrimental to her journey towards the horizon.
Interestingly, a dolphin spyhops out of the Sea, to watch her. The Ancient Greeks considered the dolphin to be a messenger and in this scenario, this messenger of the goddess, seems to be watching the young woman's progress. Therefore, this card implies there is a need to move on with your life. This move could be a physical relocation such as in a job or residence or an emotional shift.

thoth-8 of Cups-indolence
The Thoth 8 of Cups is Indolence, and/or The Lord of Abandoned Success.

Attributed to this card is Saturn in Pisces. The Angels of the Decan: Vabaliah and Yeshivah.
Here, Hod is in Briah, the Mental World.
To reiterate, Hod is the concrete mind; However, with Saturn in Pisces the 8 of Cups, being a Water sign doesn't balance Saturn's energy well. With Saturn in a water sign, a certain amount of introspection, manifests as disinterest with material conditions. Here, Saturn leadens the flow of Water. The effect, is discontent or a decline in interest in anything. Thus, one's tendency is to abandon success.
The interpretation of the 8 of Cups, is based on the fact that Pisces, is calm and stagnant water that is completely deadened by the heavy influences of Saturn. We know Water, is the Element of self-consciousness, so what is going on within one is a deadening of interest, a complete lack of wonder.

The lotuses of enlightenment droop, for lack of sun or rain. The Sea of mind has become little stagnant pools, in poisoned soil. All the cups are old and broken, symbolizing "an old and worn out" way of thinking. The Sun of Spirit, the Soul, is a pallid yellowish light barely shining through the leaden clouds of indigo. Therefore the 8 of cups implies that the mind and emotions are on autopilot. Here, the thought process is not conducive to expanding and liberating the Life of the person. The blood in the body is moving like molasses. This person needs stimulation!
Not my favorite card, but this dullness of mind, is often necessary to warn us that it is time to evaluate our feelings
When the 8/Eight of Cups is thrown during a reading the querent may be experiencing:
- Exhaustion, being overly tired, drain and dull emotionally.
- There is an unconscious change taking place, on a deep inner level of feeling.
- There is a warning here to Pay attention to yourself...stop and examine your perspectives, this is the end of something and the beginning of something new!
- The emotional state of stagnation and stillness. This could go on for 8 weeks or 8 months, depending on the querent's actions.
- There is a need to focus and consolidate your emotions in an inspired way.
When ill dignified by the surrounding negative cards, it implies:
- Depression.
- Suicide.
- Self-pity.
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