
the witches tarot-page of swords
The Witches Tarot-Page of Swords, chooses to go with the Traditional Medieval illustration of the Page of Swords. This is traditional because of the Misogynistic Christian doctrine and the threat of the Inquisition.Plus, one must know the Arcane formula of YHVH, which requires a Daughter of the King and Queen. Hence, a Princess. However, many of the traditional tarots, tries to make the image of the Page one of questionable sex and often a youth with feminine lines.
The Witches Tarot, depicts a teenage boy, standing upon a windy plane, with his sword held high in a hesitant attack mode. Yellow is the color of Air, which is the element of this card and is shown as the sunny back ground and as the pale trim on his gray tunic. The Element of Air is paired with the intensity, and moodiness of this youths reactions. The hawk pendant is a heraldry that symbolizes impatience and one who will not stop until their goals are reached. Therefore, it is anybodies guess whether this one will reign in their temper and react appropriate to the situation.

Thoth-Princess of swords
Represents the earthly part of Air. She is the fixation of the Volatile. She represents the influence of Heaven on Earth and brings about the materialization of idea.

There is some suggestion of the Valkyrie, in this card but she also represents Artemis and characteristics of Minerva. To some extent, she represents the anger of the gods, and wears a helm of serpent crest, that symbolizes the serpent-haired Medusa. The heavens and clouds whirl about angrily, while she is stabbing downward with her sword. In the back ground is a profaned altar, whose fire is gone out due to lack of attention which seems to anger this Valkyrie. With Her Sword of "volatile Mind" she cleaves away the dross, so the pure essence is seen as a materialization of Idea. Much like Michelangelo who was known for his perceptive chisel that cleaved away what was not the image he saw in the marble.

The Princess of Swords and the Valkyrie, represent the influence of Heaven on Earth. As stated, there is a representation of the "Anger of the Gods" here, and she is helmed in a Medusa headdress. She stands in front of a barren altar, as if to avenge its profanation (The Human Soul is the altar---the profanation is "indoctrination of culture"), as shown by her sword stabbing downward. All around her angry storms rage in the sky. Therefore, Archetype personality of the Princess of Swords is of a stern and revengeful nature and is shown as an Valkyrie and/or Shield Maid of the Norse. She is firm, aggressive and wields destructive logic with great practical wisdom and subtlety in material things. Her natural cleverness and adroitness in managing controversial affairs makes her a master of settling controversies. She would be a good ambassador. People thus characterized, may seem slow mentally, crushed by every responsibility, especially when it comes to family affairs. We must remember that the Princesses represent the "Throne of Spirit", and that the Princess of Swords has the option of "blowing everything sky high"...she has that potency of mind,
If ill dignified her qualities are dispersed, she becomes incoherent, and all her gifts form into an animal cleverness, a low cunning, that is unworthy of the means.
Thankfully, such personalities tend to be introverted and they appear to be "Children of Misfortune" which seems to be the unhappiest of people. However, their Soul knows what it is doing, and sharp chisels are needed to "cut away the dross" so that the real beauty can be revealed.
Since Princesses are the "throne of Spirit", the Princess of Swords has the option of "throwing everything overboard" and/or "blowing everything sky high."
When both the Witches Tarot and/or the Thoth Tarot card are thrown during a reading:
· It may represent a young woman or young man with brown hair and blue eyes who shows great wisdom.
· Strength, acuteness, subtleness in material things.
· She or he is graceful and has great dexterity.
- Again, the Character of this personality Archetype, is stern, and revengeful.
- Their logic is destructive, as they are both firm and aggressive.
- One who also shows great practical wisdom in material things.
- Being adroit at controversy, when affairs are controversial in nature, this one shows great cleverness and dexterity in the practical management of these affairs.
- A mood fighter.
If ill dignified,
- · She or he is both frivolous and cunning.
- · Often this one becomes incoherent as all their talents tend to combine forming a species of low cunning. This produces a kind of mental slowness and their mind becomes the prey of constant anxiety, crushed by every kind of responsibility, especially in family affairs.
- · She or he is either a mood fighter or defensive to the point of rash decisions.
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