The Tarot of Eli- Major Arcana: Thoth Tarot- ATU 17-The Star & Tarot of The Ages-Key XVII-The Star

Western hermetic qabalah, astrological, alchemical, Tantric, and numerical Tarot Card Comparisons.

· Tarot of the ages

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Thoth- atu 17-the star

Key 17-The Star- as shown in both cards, is the personification of the Goddess Principle rather than the pure philosophical idea, continuous and omniform.The zodiacal attribution to this card is the sign of Aquarius and the element of Air and the Hebrew letter Tzaddi .

The Star card is called thePath of Tzaddi-meaning hook and not the Path of Heh-meaning window, as errantly shown on the Star card. There is a mix up of understanding here. The Star card represents the hook that connects the Above and Below. In the Sepher Yetzirah (Qabalistic text) the letter Heh is a simple word meaning, sight or window. This is well represented in THE EMPEROR, since he is the "Fiery Aspect of the Garden of Eden" of which the Higher Self relates as a Self-observation of the One. It is the first path that is attributed to a function, suggesting that sight is the first of the senses, as Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. This Path of Heh, THE EMPEROR, is what I call the First "I" sight, while the EMPRESS is the "Am" of understanding (an inner sight I call a "Womb with a view").Together they are the "I AM", the Counter Sexuality of the One Mind/Energy. The Star card, is the Watery aspect of the "Garden of Eden" where the personality begins.

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The Star or Path of Tzaddi (e) connects the Sephiroth Netzach (Victory) to the Sephiroth Yesod (The Foundation). This is the path called the Natural Intelligence, a phrase coined by Dr.Paul Foster Case in his instructional text, Thirty Two Paths to Wisdom; natural intelligence because it is the inner mental Path of proper approach to the Divine Energy inherent in each person. It is the Natural Intelligence, as it represents the proper use of Imagination----which is the Divine Womb, an Intelligence used in "image making; many of us call it the Creatrix of Genetrix.

As stated, the meaning of the Hebrew letter, Tzaddi, is Fish hook, implying meditation, a process inseparable from the proper use of imagination as we "hook" our self-conscious to the Soul's Image-making power. Once we are hooked on an idea, we focus energy (emotion), and with proper diligent software running our brain, the body excellently gets it done. The physical vehicle, is a power-tool of Imagination and as we all know, with computer/brain run power tools, garbage programming in means, garbage production- out and/or separate them from their power, and they won't operate according to manufacturing specs.

In the Thoth Tarot, the Star-Lady is pouring her *Ambrosia on both herself and earth. Hence she is a pipeline that nourishes and vitalizing both. The pouring on the land, implies vitalizing and nourishing of the conscious awareness while the pouring into herself is like the river estuary flowing into the Sea; a simile for the nourishing of the intuitive unconscious.

*(The liquor of Amrita of the Tantric and Hindu philosophers, the Nepenthe and Ambrosia of the Greeks, the Alkahest and Universal medicine of the Alchemists, The Nectar which is the mother of the Blood of the Grail) *

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To reiterate, the zodiacal attribution to this card is the sign of Aquarius and the element of Air and the Hebrew letter Tzaddi.

By the Lady Star's glance, she links the solid ground of conscious awareness, implied by the young dragon- and the deep waters of the unconscious; implied by the golden glow enlivened from her stare. She is the Star of Hope for all life.

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The Tarot-Key 17- The Star, traditionally represents Isis unveiled, Nuit, or even Sopdet revealing the secret wisdom of the Priestess, who is Isis veiled in light and the Empress veiled in the ripeness of Nature. Her affiliation with the Temperance/Art figure is also suggested, as her optimism involves the fruitful interplay of the five senses, the small ego of self-consciousness and intuition as She links the worlds of Spirit-Mind and matter.

This Occult link, is also associated with the Egyptian Goddess- Sopdet and/or the Dog Star Sirius, whose helical rising on July 19th marked the Festival of Opet, the annual Egyptian festival that celebrated the fertilization of the Nile Valley. The message here is that of new life with greater understanding and insight where the light of the Soul is allowed to shine through the body as vital flowing Life force.

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As stated the Star, represents another Egyptian Goddess, Nuit, our lady of the Stars, another form of Isis. Here, she is definite in manifestation as well. She is holding two cups, one golden, held high above her head, pouring what represents the ethereal water [ which is also milk, blood or oil depending on the ritual] upon her head; indicating the eternal renewal of the inexhaustible possibilities of existence. The cups represent breasts. as the "milk of the Stars", the nurturing agent for conscious life in the Universe. We know this "milk of the Stars" as the Milky Way Galaxy.

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Behind her is the celestial globe with the prominent 7 pointed star of Venus. High in the night sky; is the spinning seven pointed Star of Babalon (Crowley spelling) implying the further explanation of the Goddess Nuit and her principle nature that is Love. Further in depth explanation of Nuit/Babalon is in the Book of Thoth by Crowley.

The silver breast-cup in her left hand, is pouring forth the immortal liquor of her life, the Amrita or Ambrosia, on the junction of land and water. The Water represents the Great Sea of Binah (The Collective Unconscious); manifesting as a more condensed form as Nuit the Lady of the Stars.

Her whirling cloud like hair represents the veils of light that cover the "Abyss", which lies between the sea and the land implying the veil between the Collective Unconscious and the conscious, that can be bridged by her intuitive spirit and/or "spiral"-consciousness.

Every form of energy in this Thoth Star card is spiral. Spiral and Spirit come from the same Greek Word-Spiro, meaning "Breath" or "to breathe". The spiral shape is also in Einstein's mathematical conception of the Universe; Energy Swirls in spirals of motion that animate all life. The straight line is an illusion of mankind's need for order and rule and this doctrine of blindness to the beauty of the Universe, is shown by the rectilinear flow from the lower silvercup of the Thoth Star Lady. The straight line is no more than the limit of any curve; We often call this "shortsightedness". The Parallel, Postulate, the foundation of straight line in Euclidean geometry, has long been proven incapable of proof and mathematicians now conceive that the straight line has no true correspondence with reality. The Qabalist always knew that this is a Spiral (Spiritual) Universe. She spins and dances within us, filling us with Her Lively- fluid-motion.

In the First chapter of The Book of Law, A. Crowley postulates, “the definite formula for the attainment of truth". Studying this book will expand your awareness of Nuit.

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tarot of the ages-key XVII-the star

The love song of Nuit.

"Whoever drinks the water that I shall give him, will never thirst again. The Water I shall give him will become in him a spring that will provide him with life-giving water and give him eternal life."

The Tarot of The Ages-Key XVII-The Star, keeps to a more traditional Tarot meaning , albeit the lady represented is of Egyptian origin. The Hebrew letter used, is for Peh, attributed to the Thoth Tower Card and the zodiacal sign of Mercury, used on the Thoth Magus card. Peh is the Hebrew letter for "mouth" and Mercury is the traditional messenger of the gods, both do not contribute understanding to this card. Mercury may be considered silvery in color and the mouth is considered a consumer and purveyor of sound. Where as the Ambrosia of the Goddess flows from her breasts, not mouth and Mercury is represented as the messenger of the Higher States of Mind, and his wand is a Caduceus. I fear there may have been a mixup of Hebrew letters and Zodiac in these cards. For above the Star Goddess is the seven pointed star of Venus (not mercury) and the spiraling of the heavens.

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The symbols on this card are traditional. She is pouring fluid into a sparkling creek, representing the flow of Vital Life Force, and from another vessel, she is pour fluid on the land. Both fluids are milk like and represent the Ambrosia or Nectar of the Goddess; in other words her nourishing milk of Life. The Vessels symbolize her breasts and/or the Sun and the Moon, both were seen as a source of light, which represents Life. The Starry and the Lady, sky represents Nuit, the Egyptian Star Goddess, who gave life to the gods of Egyptian mythology.

In ritual a magicians look at the mathematics of the universe and calculates the spirals of destiny: equinox, solstice, conjunction, and trine.

The Tarot of The Ages-Star card, represents the same divination meanings as does the Thoth Card.


  • Hope
  • Faith
  • Realization and Spiritual illumination.
  • Truth unveiled.
  • Psychic or Spiritual abilities.
  • The potential to have hopes fulfilled.
  • Harmony.
  • Self-esteem and confidence
  • Balance being maintained by giving out in a controlled manner, that which is received.
  • The courage to be yourself.
  • A peaceful restful period of spiritual connection to the Universe and others.
  • Also the mystics "Star body" and/or Astral body flowing with the Great Love of the Mother of Life.
  • Hope, immortality, inner light, truth unveiled.
  • The proper balancing of desire and work.
  • Accumulation of past knowledge for use in the present.
  • Good omen.

Reverse meaning or ill-definition of this card:

  • Disappointment.
  • Unfulfilled hopes.
  • Disharmony,
  • A narrow or closed minded attitude.
  • Pessimism.
  • Conclusion of an unsatisfactory business experience or social friendship. 

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