The Babylonian Tarot- 10 of Cups-Success, depicts the Mesopotamian Noah, Utnapishtim, who survived the Great Flood. Utnapishtim, in the story of Gilgamesh, is said to mean "he found life". He was considered to be "extra-wise". According to the legends of the Anunnaki, found in the clay tablets and the Babylonian legends, the gods grew tired of labor and toil. Their solution, was to build the homo sapiens body, by genetic modification to do their labor for them. However, homo sapiens life span was that of the gods, and soon the earth was being overpopulated. So to reduce the population, the gods sent a great flood to cull the herds of homo sapiens.
However, we have a bit of mystery here, for there once was "Giants" on the earth, that we known today as Dinosaurs, some as big as 60 tons or more. The mystery, is that to be that big on the earth's surface, the gravity of earth had to be very different. For there is a point where muscle mass, is so great that it can't support itself. As muscles get larger, they cube their own weight, which must be supported by less and less of a percentage of muscle to motivate the animal. According to some engineers, only a being as large as the African elephant, ( About 6 tons) can exist on the earth's surface. Anything larger would just be crushed under its own weight. Such as a whale on a beach. That is why the still existing "giants" on earth swim in the sea, as the buoyancy of sea water, helps to contract the effects of gravity. Making many engineers scratch their heads as to how the greater Sauropods, could exist as their muscles couldn't hold them up, let alone allow them to walk in today's gravity. The answer for many, is that the Moon, is Noah's Ark, a generation ship of "those who from the sky came" and/or Anunnaki, the gods who "married the women of men" and created the homo spaiens as "off spring" of a "extra terrestrial" and anthropoid of earth union. This makes sense, if the 500,000 Sumerian clay tablets are right, for the Moon be "parked" in its present location, adds its mass to earth's gravity and controls the tides of the seas. That "parking" would have most likely shifted the Oceans, causing a great flood and promoted dying out of the large Dinosaurs, leaving only the "small" and/or meek behind. All astronomers and astrophysicist, state that the Moon had to be artificially parked in its present orbit, by some outside force, as the Sun has about 10 times the gravitational pull on it than the earth. Something to investigate with more vigor! By using genetic laboratories, one can "marry" the egg and sperm of many different species.

An to travel long distances, that space travel requires, a generation ship would be needed. What better ship than a hollow planetoid, whose surface can be mined, for the essentials, while living inside, protected from the violence of space by a thick outer shell? Of course, this would take a lot of internal mechanisms, but with today's technology, we could do this today! Plus, any being who came from the sky, was drawn with wings. Hence, it is easy to conclude that the "angels" were depictions of "extraterrestrials" who "married" the woman of men. Then there is Noah's Ark. No ship of wood, can go beyond 400' in length before the ship won't float, as the weight of wood, becomes to great to support itself, and the ship would at least flounder, or at the most, break in half. Hence, the comparative lightness and tensile strength of steel allowed ships to get much bigger. And it would take a ship as big as a continent to support "2 of every species" and carry the necessary fresh water, food and fodder to feed them all for one day, let alone 40 days and nights. However, we could do this today, by the modern practice of freezing the egg and sperm of a or all species in a small glass vial in a refrigerated room on a generation ship. Now I am sure all this is speculation: However, the old texts all talk about "those who from the sky came" in one way or another. Plus, this explanation solves a lot of problems we have with present theory. Besides, the ancients weren't science fiction writers. Most people couldn't read or write, that was left up to the educated scribes who recorded history as it was experienced by them. Then ancient texts of most of them, talk of "angels" and Gods that come from the "heavens" and designed mankind in their own image. Something to ponder and investigate further.
Anyway to make a long story short, the gods fixed their error and redesigned homo spaiens DNA, by splicing out the "immortal gene", so that man would live a "natural life span". Therefore, the Babylonian Card, shows the Ark of Utnapishtim floating on a crystal sea and 10 fluted drinking cups. At the bottom of the card is shown a "lion fish" and a merman known as a kulullu or "fish man", another hybrid image, like Onnaes, who was considered magically protective. The meaning for the Babylonian 10 of Cups, is the same as that of the Thoth Tarot.

MALKUTH, Earth, is the 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, and is the placement of the 4 Tens.
The 10 OF CUPS is known as SATIETY, and is attributed to Mars in Pisces. Crowley calls this card, The Lord of Perfected Success, as this is the influence of MALKUTH in the unconscious Mental World known as Briah. Satiety, is a word meaning, filled to the point of excess, though it is hard to argue that excessive happiness is a negative thing; however, it could be distracting.
What is exceptional about this card, is that the general astrological meaning of Mars in Pisces doesn't apply. Pisces is a watery sign, and Mars would signify a dispersal of energy to a point of frustration.
However, the meaning here is that fiery Mars causes the Waters of Pisces to rush furiously into Briah, bringing great success on the Material plane of Malkuth. The imagery of this card expresses the opinion that all happiness is inspired from above, i.e. comes from the Divine. One could say that Happiness, is a higher-inner state of inner energy consciousness.
To be sure, when Tarot is used for public Divination, it is best applied to mundane matters, whereas the meaning may be different if applied to a more spiritual plane. The Placement of the cards, in the reading will clarify this statement.
In ordinary matters, the divined meaning of the Ten of Cups-Satiety: Matters definitely arranged as wished, permanent and lasting success of a physical issue, as it is done and finished.
However, being a 10, this is a short duration card, as tens are a union of 1 and 0, so from one to zero is the flow of this cards influence. So often one is only satiated for a short period of time, with struggle around the corner. The Ten of Cups, although in the seemingly stable form of the Tree of Life, has a conflicting element that causes a tilting of the Cups, spilling water from the Great Lotus that overhangs the whole system.

This conflict is from Mars in Pisces. Mars is a noted gross, violent force, depicted in Myth as the God of War who attacks any noted perfection. Pisces, is notably peaceful, spiritual, sensitive, psychic, and receptive. Mars is brutal, fiery and dominant.
This combination means that the proper work of Water is done, and a substantial disturbance is due. In fact, Mars in Pisces, is considered by many astrologers to be the worst position of the 12 signs.
Yet, through all this supposed doom and gloom, when this card is thrown during a reading, it means that emotional matters are definitely arranged and settled...for the moment. Pleasure proceeds, to dissipation and debauchery, as energy-in-motion follows the second law of thermodynamics. The message here is," Enjoy the moment of completion, all is done. Sit back, have a "dram", but avoid debauch, as soon you'll be called on to perform at your best."

10 is a number that when added together [1+0 =1), you end up at the beginning. It is the "up the down staircase" number that places us on top of one flight of stairs, only to find out that we are at the bottom of another flight. There are some Tarot readers that forgot this part of the Arcana, and call the Ten of Cups, permanent success, but Qabalists know that the only permanency in this One Energy Universe, is change/transformation. Yet here dances the "Lord of Material Happiness", the tenth Sephiroth, Malkuth and all seems well...but then we know how long happiness in material things lasts in a “not this, not that” world!
To reinstate, MALKUTH, Earth, is the 10th Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, and is the placement of the 4 10's.

The 10 OF CUPS is known as SATIETY, and is attributed to Mars in Pisces. Crowley calls this card, The Lord of Perfected Success, as this is the influence of MALKUTH in the unconscious Mental World known as Briah. Satiety, is word meaning, filled to the point of excess, though it is hard to argue that excessive happiness is a negative thing; however, it could be distracting.
What is exceptional about this card, is that the general astrological meaning of Mars in Pisces doesn't apply. Pisces is a watery sign, and Mars would signify a dispersal of energy to a point of frustration. However, the meaning here is that fiery Mars causes the Waters of Pisces to rush furiously into Briah bringing great success on the Material plane of Malkuth. The imagery of this card expresses the opinion that all happiness is inspired from above, i.e. comes from the Divine. One could say that Happiness, is a higher-inner state of energy consciousness.
To be sure, when Tarot is used for Divination, it is best applied to mundane matters, whereas the meaning may be different if applied to a more spiritual plane. The Placement of the cards, in the reading will clarify this statement.
In ordinary matters, the divined meaning is:
- Matters definitely arranged as wished, permanent and lasting emotional success on one issue; which will fade into another unsolved issue, as this will wane after great exaltation.
- This meaning of material success is reinforced if the 10 of Cup's lands on the position of "Beneath you" or "of House and Home", on a Celtic cross layout. In fact, that would be paramount for this card, as it is a 10 of Malkuth (Kingdom) in an Earthly existence position. However, the tilting of the cups shows us that tens are the end of one issue, and the beginning of the unfathomable new.
- Lasting success.
- Complete good fortune.
- Satisfaction in one's achievements.
- Saturated with ease.
- Domestic happiness.
- True friendship.
- True happiness that is inspired from above.
- Unappreciative of a good life.
- Loss of friendship.
- Disruption.
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