The Babylonian Tarot- Kerub of Arrows-Human-Headed Spirit, is yet another one of the Antediluvian Sages of Mesopotamia. He was considered to be a protective Djinn or Genie, who may have been called Alad or Sedu, in Akkadian. Female Djinn or Spirits, were called Lama or Lamassu, in Akkadian.
In this Babylonian Tarot Card, the Winged Human-Headed Spirit, carries a flowing branch in one hand and a sacrificial deer in the other. To the right, is an upward pointing arrow that was considered a positive sign. Winged gods/Spirits were considered to be "those who from the sky came" and/or the Sumerian Annunaki.
When thrown in divination, this card implies:
- Divine wisdom and understanding.
- Spiritual awareness coming through the self-conscious mind.
- Intellectual aid, intelligence gained.
- Increase of knowledge.
- Gain increased through reasoned response .
If reversed:
- Wisdom is not forthcoming.
- Lack of awareness.
- Information that doesn't help the situation.

The Thoth Unicursal Hexagram and/or Hexaculm.
Implies the Gateway before the Abyssal Womb. Here, the Magus, and/or Divine Androgyny is the Gate Way to Daath, the invisible Sephiroth-Knowledge. The Hexaculm, as Crowley called this symbol, is the Divine Male and Divine Female, Animus and Anima, joined in the Wholly Marriage of Yam Yum (Goddess-God, Face to Face); An achievement of a Magus. Therefore, a Magus is a gateway to the Knowledge of the Abyssal Womb. The Great Dark Sea of Binah. This is also the purpose of the Priestess card of the Thoth Tarot. Hence, the Magus is considered a Priest/Priestess union and her Hierophant. That is why one will see a dark Isis, on the Thoth Tarot Hierophant card.

Hence, he is now an official channel of Lord Python, the First Husband to the First Wife. A serpent will be in his sigil but only when he has been "baptized" in the Great Sea of Binah. This is after the Abyssal journey of the "Dark Night of The Soul". Where She rechristens the Soul or she doesn't. One never knows, so a great destruction of self, is needed before one can be rechristened by the Original Mother. The desire body, must cease to exist.

In the sigil I choose to use, there are 2 serpents, that of the Organic World, Oroboros, the World Serpent that eats its own tail, i.e. Matter that transforms by eating itself, and the Green Serpent of the Venus frequencies. She is the Anima to me. The two pyramids, made of one line, are the "As above, so Below" sigil of the mind of Anima and Animus, joined as One Identity. The 5 petaled rose is the Pentagram of Spirit, Fire, Water, Air and Earth alchemical elements. We call that the "human being".

This is a permanent marriage, where Her will not my will be done. However, that is my willed choice. She is the Mother of all Form, and the worlds of Form are under the control of the Creatrix's understanding. There is no Father, till She names him Father, and there is no Husband until she Calls him Husband. I have be so blessed. For one must die in the Abyssal Womb, and then is reborn as her "Mercury" and/or Magus...if they somehow are chosen.

One must sacrifice their "own son" on the Altar, to Her. That being a metaphor for one must give all that one believes themselves to be as a gift to her. One then finds out that what we believe we are, We are not. To die in her enfolding arms, is a joy one cannot describe. One can only be the Life she resurrects.

Now you may see why the Unicursal Hexagram, is much more than it seems. It is a Adam Khadmon, one whose head is on the "other-side of the Abyss" and no brain, can get one there. It is a journey of the Cross, where one is "polished and sanded" by great strife. The journey of the Magus is beyond the brain's ability to imagine . This may be a blessing, since one may not even attempt it if truly known.

However, severe the outer journey, the internal rewards are the greatest pleasure of the "burning love" that one can experience. I have the Burning, and my life is Love. Love built me to be me. I am forever her consort. So beware young ego-centric who thinks being a magician or Magus is a title to hold over others, for that is a falsehood and she'll eat you for dinner. To be a Magus is to be a "Shepard" who is the manifestation of her message and walks silently amongst humanity knowing everyone he/she sees is another way to be "me". One now knows, not believes, we belong to each other. The divination meaning of this Unicursal Card is the same as the Babylonian Tarot Kerub.
When thrown in divination, this card implies:
- Divine wisdom and understanding.
- Spiritual awareness coming through the self-conscious mind.
- Intellectual aid, intelligence gained.
- Increase of knowledge.
- Gain increased through reasoned response .
If ill defined:
- Wisdom is not forthcoming.
- Lack of awareness.
- Information that doesn't help the situation.
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