
running press tarot-8 of pentacles
The Running Press Tarot-8 of Pentacles, seems to bare the same mundane meaning of the the Thoth 8 of Disks-Prudence card. It shows the tools of a crafts-person. With a cleverly pentacled hammer, compass and a pencil lodged in a pentacle. Then there are 5 loose pentacles, implying that they are the creations of this crafts-person. The green card corners, claim this to be an element of earth card.

Thoth- 8 of disks-prudence
The Thoth-8 of Disks-Prudence:
The 8 of Disks represents talent, skill, craft, learning, and practical ideas being turned into a profitable profession.
The card itself symbolizes the harvest tree where hard work and skill have become fruitful and now you only need await the ripening of the harvest. This can be called the Master’s card, as mastery of a skill is depicted here; Skillful manipulation of physical material with talented fingers along with prudent thoughts and the wisdom to coordinate both. Hence, this is also called a card of the "Craft", a Wiccan concept of witch craft.

At the top of this colorful card is the Sun sign and at the bottom of the harvest tree is the astrological sign of Virgo. Virgo reminds us that by attending to details and utilizing our organizational skills, we shall repeat the just harvest. Trust in your skills is the foundation of this harvest rather than the need for control; only a deep abiding trust in your skills will reap the just reward as harvest follows the ordered skill of the prudent mind. The Prudent one also knows if you don't have enough information to get it right, don't be afraid to find it, even if you must ask someone else.
Prudence and wisdom are qualities of patient skill, not pushing to make things happen nor holding back or resisting. The coins have blossomed, the patient skill of wisdom and prudence has prevailed and the successful harvest is shown by the protective leaves that hold back chaos. There is no place for doubt in this card it is a manifested Trust of skill.

Again, the Thoth Tarot 8 of Disks is called PRUDENCE. Disks are Pentacles or Coins, in other decks. But Disks is an appropriate symbol, something on which Crowley and I both agree. Disks must be stabilized by a spinning motion, a circular rotational force, in order to hit their mark. Galaxies and even the atoms of rocks are spinning in a centrifugal manner, so when representing the earthly powers, the spinning of the Disk, with its internal spin best shows force and form, again showing us that solids are just illusions of electric motion held within a magnetic vessel.

The 8 of Disks-Prudence, is Hod in Assiah, the material World. The Sun is in Virgo and the angels of this Decan are; Akaiah and Kehethel.
Virgo is noted to be a very practical sign which tends to cause over-concern with small details.
Because this is an 8, any gain that prudence gives is soon dispersed making Prudence no great virtue unless maintained by determination. The message in mundane divination, is that of skill, prudence, and over-carefulness about small things, at the expense of the larger. But because Hod is represented by Mercury and Mercury is exalted in Virgo, there is also predilection for intelligent loving, involving material matters such as, agriculture, artistic craftsmanship, and engineering. The Ruler ship of the Sun in Virgo suggests birth, as well, thus the disks are arranged in the Gemantic figure Populus. These disks are then shown as flowers of a Great Tree, rooted solidly in fertile lands.

When the 8 of Disks/Pentacles is thrown during a reading, the querent is in:
- A moment of creative birth of 8 weeks or 8 months, requiring the practice of physical caution, carefulness, and prudence.
- A type of physical wisdom radiating from an inner place of balance and integration.
- Making sure that all the bases are covered; every "t" crossed and every "I" dotted.
- Making intelligent choices so that the material world more closely conforms to one's needs.
- The possibility of turning a talent or skill into a profession.
- You have the strength to provide the best for your loved ones and workers.
- Skill in work with energy and forms, such as fingers working on a manipulative substance.
- You must have the determination to find any information you lack.
- One is , "a penny wise and a pound foolish".
- Being paralyzed in formalism.
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