
The Thoth 5 of Cups-Disappointment -compared to-The Night Sun Tarot-5 of Cups:
Being a number 5, this card is ruled by Geburah-the 5th Sephiroth, a fiery-red Sephiroth of Severity, who is now in a Water Suit of Cups. There is a natural antipathy in fire and water, as fiery heat causes a natural disturbance in water when it is at ease. What is even more disturbing is the fact that this card is also attributed to Mars in Scorpio. Scorpio is in its worst aspect in Mars, a lowly scorpion on the lowest plane of Geburah, which in this case, represents the putrefying or dark aspect of water.

However, the powerful masculine-expressive aspect of Mars, slows down the putrefaction so that it is internal and not external, frustrating the anticipated pleasure that is emotionally sought. But it still looks good, so we think there is something wrong with ourselves, rather than the goal or the mental approach to achieve it.
The symbol of all this disturbance, on the Thoth Tarot Card-5 of Cups-Disappointment-is the lotus blooms being dried out by a hot wind, over a dead sea and the pentagram inverted, showing material trump over spirit. Mars is too hot for this card's natural watery peace and balance. What was thought to bring pleasure, does not, and the self-conscious is disturbed.
Hence, the card represents emotional disappointment caused by a loss of that which is loved (symbolized by the once full cups that are now empty).

Since astrologically this is Mars in Scorpio on the pillar of Severity, the action of the 5 of cups produces an extremely emotional effect. The Water sign Scorpio is totally disconsolate with the fiery nature of Mars causing a deep-inner loss of pleasure. In other words, the placid and blissful nature of pleasure is disturbed by the super abundant energy of Mars, the god of War.

To a Qabalalist, the 5 of cups is the influence of Geburah (Severity) in Briah (Mental/Creative world -the central triangle of the Tree of Life) where severe energy is needed to establish a growth movement that the placid nature of pleasure has interfered with. Life being about force becoming simulated as form, and the fact that if energy-in-motion stays in form to long, it becomes stagnant (stasis), severe measures are often needed to get energy moving again.

- The 5 of Cups card is about loss of love due to expectations and like all Tarot cards, is subjective to the intuition of a open reader. There are some cases where this card can even mean the loss of a loved one through the process of death. But this depends on the surrounding cards supporting this observation.
- This card may say,"sorrow", but it also shows acceptance which begins the process of recovery (the Growing Leaves of the Lotus above the Thoth cups). Hence this may be a card of loss, but it is also about inheritance, patrimony, transmission, but not corresponding to expectations.

The Night Sun Tarot-5 of Cups, depicts the once clear "high expectations" that have become disappointing, as mostly empty cups placed on a high ledge. Slowly leaking, away, the emotions have become stagnant, and are staining the sacred geometry on the wall, causing the soul to reflect on its choices.
The Soul, being the animus (Greek for masculine/ Soul), as the being is haloed by the sacred octagon...a sign of the perfect balance of the mutable feminine and the expressive masculine forces. A balance which Mars in the zodiac sign of Scorpio is not. The darkness of this card depicts the emotion of disappointment and the slowly upward-creeping darkness of depression.

The truth be told, most of our emotional loss is from assumptions and expectations not being met by others. That is why relationships are best enjoyed on a daily basis rather than founded on a future expectation.
As stated: The 5s, are of a conscious energy state of Severity (Geburah). The 5 of an element, such as the 5 of Wands-Fire, or 5 of Cups-Water, are the idea of motion coming to the aid of the material of that element , Spirit being the 5 the element of Motion. The 4s represent perfected stability, which is a state of stasis, and energy in stasis, is the end of motion. Energy not in motion, would be the end of the Moving Universe, i.e. the end of the alive. Thus, the severity of the 5's is needed to "kick start" the engine of Life before it succumbs to the demands of entropy. The upside down pentagram, simply means the elements have conquered the spirit, rather than the other way around.
Again the message, that change is the only constant, rings loudly in the Fives.

Hence, in the statically stabilized emotional comfort system, a storm arises and stresses the system into an unbalance, thus, a new motion is begun. Knowing this, we know the 5's are not "evil" but rather just the opposite. For it would be evil (live spelled backwards) to insist on not moving forward.

For many of us westerners, the Buddhist doctrine of Sorrow implicitly states that inertia and insensitive mental states must characterize peace. Thus the oriental statement "Life is Suffering", is not a negative, but a positive motion towards change that is both empathetic and concerned with individual progress. When we stay inert because we fear hurt, we are losing motion because lack of understanding won't let us move, and to be alive---is to move and/or transform. As a Soul being "Alive", is a gift of animation with the ability to be sensually observant, and thus able to change mental/emotional direction when needed. Every experience, every phenomena is Sacred to Knowledge. Therefore, it can be said that every Phenomenon is a Sacrament. In a Soul's perspective, pleasure and pain are both honored guests, in the Divine Temple of Human Being. Not because we are obsessed with them, but because they are the Hierophants that teach us. Pain teaches us error, and pleasure teaches us accomplishment, each to be enjoyed in the moment, and then changed into a new motion. Be that as it may, a disturbance is disturbing, just as the having Geburah arising out of the Abysmal Womb of Dark energy and caressing our Soul's suffering, is disturbing.

One of the greatest disappointments, in our "new age" of metaphysics, is to seek "enlightenment", and therefore denying we are already the enlightened Soul, a collective of transformation light, who knows that by being able to become intimate with its own emotive energy, it can discern and become a great and powerfully accurate creator; for everything is made of Light! Therefore, the human being, made of a harmony of many vibrations of light, is a blessing to own, operate and emote. Besides, we are not seeking "the light", for we are built of all 4 Worlds of it! Intelligence, is a phenomena of Light ! Just stand up and yell, "I AM The Light"! And get on with your self-simulation!
We are what "The Light" has become after 4 billion years, alive, emotive, sensual, interactive, living individual microwaves of intelligence that are formed into collective Self-Images of the One Great Self by the collective Intelligence of the Divine Creative. From Chaos, we have become "ordered Self Image" who because of "freedom to choose" one's own identity, builds it's own chaos. Hence, being alive is a union of Spirit (Spiral light waves) and Soul (Collective self identities/intelligence) and the harmonics of woven "rainbows" of light that we call emotions . Yet, when what we thought "what would be" created by our mind and energy-in-motion, isn't created according to the simulated geometry, we feel the cold touch of chaos, something many of us wish to avoid, since we call that dark place the Womb of the Abyss, the "underworld" of death. This lack of control over what we thought we could control, causes disappointment and often fear of worth and we feel the fetid breath of death and/or disorder on our backs. Truth be told, death would just let you stay static; However, it is the Great Love of the Severe All Mother, that severely prods one out of their rut so that they can continually exist in this Simulation of Self.
As users/sculptors of fire, we know fire delights in superabundant flow of energy, while water, as does pleasure, delights in its peaceful and stable nature. However, this stability is just a simulation. According to the Simulation Theory of Quantum Physics, all light/energy is a wave (fire), only upon observance can it be formed into particles (Air, Water and Earth). Therefore, as sculptors of form, light into particles, any disturbance to this placidity that we have enforced by "e-motional thought" can only be regarded as misfortune and thus disappointment. It helps to know that all of the manifested universe is but a simulation, and that we can only keep it formed, by changing the simulation for all things proceed from order to disorder. Since "we" are all connected to the Universal Collective Unconscious (the Dark Womb) and give order to the I AM (existence) by becoming Me (will to be), through the process of the Soul's self-observation, we fear disorder. That is why each of us is the implicit expression of the Tarot- Emperor-Intelligence (4 is the number of form)of our own simulation of Self; simulations that are but "moments in time" and/or collectives of particles called "points in time" made out of waves of the One Energy. Therefore, each of us is a Chesed/Architect of our own simulation! However, the Mother of the Light Universe is the Dark Energy of the Abysmal Womb, and by being the process of connection, by being "you", you also give this Intelligence a Sense of Presence... and she likes it! So, as Geburah, she'll be severe if it is necessary to get you "off of your suffering butt" and get you moving!
Being that we are the creators and/or designers of moments, and call them -Life Motions, it only makes good sense to give each moment of a relationship a joyous presence without expecting a goal to be fulfilled. A day in the life, being a day in the love of living, is a gracious movement of Self.
We are Life Simulations, who "make alive"; alive is but a movement of information- moments and the future is always trans-formative. Therefore for a full expression of "being alive"; Love with all your heart/soul ---now! As Intelligent energy-in-motion (serpent forces), we will often find that loving relationships are also moments of movement and that loss is a constant mechanism of change. That being said, this card is not as negative as it sounds for it does promise a return to pleasure in a future moment--5 weeks or 5 months, where love will be expressed freely again. To love being yourself and enjoying moments as expressions of that love, will greatly reduce the influence of severity in your life!
To Reiterate: The Thoth 5 cups are shown forming an inverted pentagram which symbolizes matter's triumph over spirit; crystallization over motion. Not a totally devastating card, but disappointing none the less, as the Spirit points out to us that dependency on words, other persons, places, or events too make us happy, breeds disappointment. "Will to be", i.e., Happiness built us to be Us and we don't need to seek it any more than a fish swimming in the ocean needs to seek water.
When the Five of Cups is thrown during a reading it usually means;
- Disappointment in love, a marriage separation or divorce, unkindness from friends (whether deserved or not is shown by the accompanying cards}.
- Death or end of pleasures.
- Sorrow and loss in those things in which pleasure is expected.
- Sadness, deceit, treachery, ill-will, charity and kindness ill-requited.
- In other words, all kinds of troubles from unexpected and unsuspected sources.
Not a happy card---but cheer up!
- It suggests to you that changes have to be made in choices of self-precepts or of friends and lovers.
- So grieve, then get on with new perspectives as emotions are only fresh and clean when moving forward.
- Never be afraid to apologize if you are in the wrong will help you move forward as well.
- To hold to past expectations, is to putrefy your emotional self, who then is mired in past fantasy which can only be supported by denial.
- You are worth love and kindness and if your relationships are not supportive, support yourself and move on!
- Spirit is action and matter is crystallization, so the idea is to keep expanding your emotional awareness so that you don't solidify into a mire of putrefaction.

Thank you for your interest, comments and supportive donations. May you live long and prosper.