The Witches Tarot- Ace of Pentacles, uses the Traditional Tarot name of Pentacles or Coins instead of the Thoth Tarot-Disks. Here, a large coined Golden Pentacle hovers in the rosy dawn air. Honey suckle flowers underneath the hovering pentacle. Honey suckle is a large and prodigious blooming vine that is aligned to the element of earth and the planet Jupiter. It is a powerful herb used in prosperity and good luck spells and the flowers are symbols of new and sweet opportunities. This is a card that symbolizes, prosperity, growth, fertility, wealth, and stability.

The Ace of Disks, is the seed of the Energy Transformation that we call Earth and Earth is ruled by the Princesses, each in their own section of the Northern quadrant. The knowledge of the new Aeon of Horus, dispels the archaic concept of Earth as an evil, passive, immobile, even dead element. Rather, Earth is a transformation of Intelligent Energy Conscious that many moderns call Gaia who is represented in the tarot as the Queen of Disks.
Now this may all be new to us of the "Divide and conquer" military industrial complex, but as a personality that tours my Soul, I find a Perspective-Personality, of Native American manifestation, who named this Intelligent Force of Earth, Grandmother River. This "primitive" personality, as did the Alchemists, seemed to understand that the “Water and Sun" union, transformed soil into living forms, long before our scientist "discovered" this very concept in the study of Thermo-dynamics.

The Thoth Deck Ace of Disks, is invariably linked to the Princess of Disks and is a styled rendition of a Molecule, (the union of atoms) show in the back ground of the Emerald Green of the Aeon of Isis (Grandmother River). There is the new doctrine of Tetragrammaton where He' --the final earthly component, and the Daughter (Princess), is set upon the Throne of the Mother, to awaken the Eld of the All-Father-Tetragrammaton. In the words of Zoroaster, Tetragrammaton is a “rebounding, whirling forth, crying aloud". Hence, The Name is not a dead symbol, but a whirling Sphere of Divine Action. According to Lady Freda Harris, the artist, this Emerald Green is of the King-Scale color decided upon by the Egyptian Hierophants. However, this green is not the original vegetable green of Isis but that of the “emerald-spring green" of the new Aeon following the resurrection of Osiris as Horus. Nor are the disks considered to be the dead chemistry of coins; rather they are the whirling emblems of Star, Planets, and atoms etc., all of which are whirling spheres.
The center of the Thoth Deck Ace of Disks, is a complicate Hieroglyph representing the "the chosen priest- and apostle of infinite space" and/or the "prince-priest the Beast." (Liber AL. I.15.). In the center of all is yet another form of Tetragrammaton, the Phallus, showing Sol and Luna, with the number 666 inscribed, as to equilibrate the seven-sevens adding to 156 (Babalon-The Scarlett woman.) It behooves us body inheritors to delved deeply into the Phenomena that is the Princess of Disks, so I recommend that you get the Book of Thoth, and scroll to pages 210-212 for further information and references.
This central cypher is enclosed in a Heptagram that is interlaced with Pentagons whose sides are extended forming a wheel of 10 spokes, bounded by a Decagon encompassed in a circular band with the inscribed name of TO META OHPION.
About this whirling Disk are its six wings (6 is the number of the Sun) The Thoth Deck Ace of Disks is the glyph of Earth as understood in the new Aeon of Horus. Sol and Terra are known as living beings, one's constant companions in a Universe of Pure Joy.
As I have stated, the Princess of disks represents the earthly part of Earth. This Princess is strong and beautiful and impregnated with a secret wonder.

To describe the Feminine aspect of the Ace of Disks; She is Crested with the head of a ram (another symbol for Aries, Mars, The Lightning Lord, and/or the male electric force, the Sun) signifying a head full of fertile ideas, She holds a diamond (precious stone of Kether) tipped scepter, into the earth, which symbolizes the birth of the Highest- Purest light in the deepest darkest elements. What the Ace of Disks professes, she makes manifest.
As would a priestess of Freya or Demeter, she stands in a grove of sacred trees, before an altar suggesting a wheat-sheaf, which is the sigil of the Priestess of Demeter. She is pregnant with the secret of the future. ...The bearer of spring; a spring that frees us from the "dark horrors of winters past". The fertile Consciousness of Horus rather than the dead militaristic and slavery- obsessed consciousness of Osiris.

The disk she bears, is a Chinese idiom denoting the twin spiral force of the universe in equilibrium giving birth to the Rose of Isis, the Great Fertile Mother. When the Ace of Disks (Pentacles in other decks) is thrown during a reading, the querent is in a years’ time, experiencing material gain, through labor. Power, wealth etc. The Ace of Disks represent materiality in all senses , grounded, practical and organized. By careful comparison, the student can see how the Princess of a Suit, is Married to the Ace-Seed of an Elemental force.

As mentioned, Kether is symbolized as the Point, The Crown and the Swastika, and if you have been following the blogs, you know the point to imply completeness unto itself, without dimension or external definition. The Point is also attributed to the number 1 which mathematically has the potential for all other numbers and represents the essence of vibration that is the Ace.
The Crown symbolizes the Holy Guiding Spirit to which we may aspire.
The Swastika, is actually a Buddhist symbol for the "First Swirlings" of manifestation and represents the swirling motion around the Point that emphasizes self-contained motion.
To reiterate, the Four Aces are the Root Force of the Alchemical Four elements. The Ace of Disks is the Root Force behind physical manifestation that governs the motion within the movement of Matter.

Therefore, the Ace of Disks, represents the influence of Kether, "The First Swirling" in matter or the World of Assiah, as Qabalists call it. It is a card of materiality, but not necessarily good or evil, nor is it necessarily wealth.
The card is in the Green of Spring, new growth, and the Aeon of Isis, the mother of Form who is normally shown as Emerald green, but in the Ace of Disks the Aeon is shown in spring green after the Resurrection of Osiris as Horus; Horus being the New Aeon.
The Wings represent the Four Archangels whose powers balance each other and create stability through the Four Elements. The six wings also represent the number of the Sun and the implied union of Earth and Sun that creates the living organic organism that is the living earth.

The Greek words for “to the mark the beast" appear in the center of this card. The number 666 also shows in this card, this all shows the Earth to be the world of the Animal, as its highest form. The God-Mind (Hu-Manas) has changed this by expanding the mammalian predator by Genetic Manipulation of “fallen Angels” and the Animal DNA of earth. Thus the human body is a G.M.O, for the purpose of advanced evolutionary work; The Great Work, which is to bring the above and the below into perfect union. Thus the Beast is seen by some as a lowly thing, whereas The Divine Creative has seen the Beast to be worthy of Angelic status. I don't presume to question The One in this, I just exalt in my inheritance. Doing my best to be the "As above, so below".
According to Crowley, who used this card as his personal sigil, the central Hieroglyph is that of "the chosen priest and apostle of infinite space," (The Husband),"The prince-priest the Beast"< [Liber Al. I.15.]. Thus, the Phallus is shown as the central symbol of this card, as that is the symbol of Tetragrammaton ("rebounding, whirling forth, crying aloud,") again showing the Sol (Phallus) Luna (Yoni) union of reflected light. Crowley took this card as his personal Hieroglyph, so deep study is required to understand his deep and subtle meanings implied by this card. Purchasing his books and reading them over and over is this author’s suggestion.
It implies:
- Union between the physical and spiritual aspects of the querent.
- Beginning a new pathway in life that will bring satisfaction.
- A new planting of seeds, for a new home, job, career, or some form of security.
- Materialization of ideas bringing stability to skills that produce results.
- Could also be a time of meditation; an inward pulling of energy.
- Good beginnings for financial wealth, material gain and worldly status.
- The beginning of any new material form
- A most auspicious card showing the bringing together of internal and external talents and resources. Even if ill dignified it shows a sharing of treasure.
- Also the Card of a Shaman, or one who is practiced in the arts of Earth Magick.
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