The Witches Tarot- Nine of Pentacles, depicts a very vivacious garden witch, happily standing under an arbor containing five petaled yellow flowers, with golden pentacles in the center. She is dressed in earthly colors and wears a necklace of nine green tourmaline stones. Nine is the number of the card, and green tourmaline is the complimentary stone of the herbalist and the magic gardener. Above her head, on the Arbor is a Falcon who is her animal companion. The Falcon represents focus, intuition, inspiration and confidence.
- This tarot card represents a person who is elegant ,successful and happiest when surrounded by the beauty of nature.
- It symbolizes a witch who taps into the earth for her powers.
- Sharing the secrets of her magic garden with others.

The Thoth card- 9 of Disks, represents gain on all levels that are physical and that influence the physical; emotional gain, spiritual gain, mental gain and physical gain.
The 9 of Disks suggests hitting the mark. A bull’s eye card, that shows you are financially right on the mark because your heart mind and soul are in union. In other words, you are passionately focused and have enabled gain on all levels of performance.
- Astrologically, this is Venus in Virgo. Venus is beauty, love, and creative power while Virgo represents balance, order and organization. Together, the meaning is your heart and mind are in this passionately and beautifully (beauty is balanced symmetry). The results are gain on all levels. On this card the blue circle symbolizes wisdom linked with our loving nature, (the pink circle), in a creative way (which is the green circle). This card also shows us that by utilizing our dynamic creative male energy (shown as the top coins with the planetary signs of Saturn, Mars, and Jupiter) we shall experience such gain.
- Saturn is the sign of the helmeted warrior who knows what his limits and boundaries are and paying attention to detail;
- The feathered cap symbol of Mars indicates that energy, vitality and assertion are a vital part of gain.
- Jupiter, the King, reminds us that flexibility, being open to opportunity that expands our leadership skills that are also needed to experience gain. But this is only half of gain, to be complete we need the feminine power of Maid, Mother and Crone, which are represented by the lower three coins.
- The Maid is the youthful bare headed feminine figure that is the power of Venus and reminds us that to follow our heart.
- The coin with the Feminine figure that has a Queen's hat (Mother) is Mercury, and reminds us that communication skills and nurturing leadership skills are needed to experience gain.
- The feminine figure with a crescent moon for a hat, is the Crone, reminding us that change and transformation, keep gain constant and that we must be true to ourselves and to be authentic in our actions.

The Moon also symbolizes both the outer world and the inner world showing a balance of inner (heart) and physical action that will help us experience gain. The Thoth Deck Nine of Disks (Pentacles in Golden Dawn and Ryder-Waite decks) is called, Lord of Material Gain, or Gain for short.
The Planet is Venus and Virgo is the sign. Angels of the Decan are: Hazayel and Aldiah. This card is Yesod in Assiah and/or the influence of Yesod in the Material World. Yesod, meaning foundation, in the material world this influence is very favorable for amassing things, but with Venus in Virgo, there is a lack of overt feelings accompanying this great efficiency.
This efficient amassing of material things, is shown by the design complexity of Crowley's 9 of Disks. As he states in his book of Thoth, “The Disks are arranged as an equilateral triangle of three, apex upwards, close together; and surrounded at some distance by a ring, six larger disks in the form of a hexagram. This signifies the multiplication of the original established Word by the mingling of 'good luck and management'." Which says it all for this card.
When the 9 of Disks/Pentacles-Gain, is thrown during a reading it implies:
- Inheritance and/or material gain, sometimes within 9 weeks or 9 months or the querent is experiencing it now for those time periods.
- A certain amount of Integrity, skill and talent has produced material gain and a sense of accomplishment.
- This is a purely material gain card, where talent and skill has come together in either a beginning stage of material gain or a good flowing gain on into wealth.
- That within the next 9 weeks or 9 months there is physical gain shown by organizing things and following your heart.
- You are to be dynamically assertive (electric male force) and magnetically receptive (female force) which is following your heart and what has deep meaning to you.
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